Chapter 39

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Michael huffed a few times and then walked down the slope to his left. Everywhere he looked were paths which were cut off by a stream of magma, preventing him from continuing.
'There has to be something...' He looked up to where he came from. A big, white block was resting there.
Michael walked back up the slope, leaned against that block and started pushing it until it tilted and fell down onto the magma stream.
After a while, the part which didn't get fed with magma anymore cooled down and dried up to create a walkable path.
'So that's how I'll advance.'
He did the same with three other, similar looking blocks.

"That was the last one.."
Michael traveled back to the floor's starting point, making an overview in his head of how the area now looked.
'I see. That was the last one. Now I can continue through there.'

One of Cipher's members had noticed the noises someone - Michael - was making and had come to investigate.
"Hm. You're hanging tough in this magma-hot heat! I thought I was going to melt waiting!"
"Huh? Oh.. ugh."
"Houndoom, Ninetales, stop that intruder!
"Why battle in a place with these temperatures?... Breloom, Sealeo, I choose you. Use Mach Punch on Houndoom."
"Ninetales, use Sunny Day! Houndoom, follow with flamethrower!"
"Oh, wow. This one has a strategy. Breloom, come back. Crobat, your turn. Sealeo, use Rain Dance."
The sun made place for clouds and rain.
"Ahh, coolness!" Michael enjoyed the cold rain drops landing on him. "Crobat, attack his Houndoom. Sealeo, use Water Pulse on Ninetales!"
"Houndoom, return. Vileplume, go! Ninetales, Sunny Day!"
"Oh, come on! Crobat, Wing Attack!"
"Ninetales, Flamethrower! Vileplume, Giga Drain!"
"Sealeo, use Rain Dance!"
"You little..."
"Crobat, take his Vileplume down. Sealeo, Water Pulse again!"
"Vileplume, return. Shadow Magmar, go!"
Ninetales hit itself in its confusion.
"Crobat, take his Ninetales down this time. Hah, no more Sunny Days for you."
"Go, Pinsir. Magmar, use Shadow Rush."
"Sealeo use Body Slam! ...Hm?" The Aura Reader responded. "Pinsir is also a Shadow Pokémon? Crobat, confuse his Pinsir!"
"Magmar, Shadow Rave!"
"Sealeo, come back! I choose you, Jolteon!"
Pinsir hurt itself in his confusion.
"Use Thunder Wave and Bite on his Magmar."
"Shadow Rush! Pinsir, stop hitting yourself!"
The rain started to clear up.
"Aww... Anyways, Crobat, Bite Magmar. Jolteon, use Thunder Wave on Pinsir."
"Magmar, Shadow Rush. Pinsir, use Shadow Break!"
"Oh, no, not that same strong attack as Lovrina's Pokémon used. Brace yourselves!"
Crobat had to be switched out for Houndoom after it fainted.
Magmar got caught in the next turn.
"Jolteon, use Quick Attack!"
Pinsir couldn't move due to its paralization.
"Use Odor Sleuth and Quick Attack!"
"Thought not. Shadow Break!"
"Houndoom, no! Return. Lairon, go!"
Because he was down to his last two Pokémon, Michael didn't want to risk too much. Therefore, he converted a Net Ball to catch Shadow Pinsir.
The Cipher member screamed something which wasn't understandable and scurried away.
The passageway in front of him was now cleared from Cipher peons.

On the other side, people had constructed different pilars to keep the ceiling from collapsing. PPipes of different sizes were installed between and through the walls; carefully arranged so they wouldn't be hit by the magma waterfall.
The heat coming from the magma-fall was quite intense. As Michael followed the path, he found another passageway behind the magma-fall.
The farther he got, the more the heat started disappear.
'This is more pleasant. I think.' Michael thought when he looked around as he was walking, trying to ignore the eerie energy the dim lights gave off.
At the end of the hallway, a female Cipher peon was guarding the doors to an elevator.
"Let me pass, miss." Michael tried to sound confident.
"Hm? You look cute, but you're also brave and bold to come to a place like this."
"Is that a compliment?"
She giggled. "It would be a shame to beat someone like you, but this is a good chance to score some points with Master Greevil!" Shortly after finishing her sentence, she sent out her Pokémon. Michael didn't have a choice but do so as well.
This place was too narrow to really battle, which meant it became somewhat dangerous. Michael had to look out to not get hit by any Pokémon or their moves.
A 6 vs. 5. match. No Shadow Pokémon to be caught. To sum it up: a quick victory was to be achieved.


The elevator brought him in upward direction, back to a magma-rich area.
'Huff. It was good for as long as it lasted.'
His P⭐DA rang. Eagun:
"Dear Michael. I hope you are well. I wrote a haiku poem!
'If Team Snagem goons,
Cause trouble in the desert,
Go and sandbag'em!'"
"Lol. I guess I don't have to worry about him anymore."
Putting his P⭐DA away and looking around the place, he could conclude there was a good amount of trainers, each being on their post.
To make sure they wouldn't cause any problems, Michael decided to battle them all.


'Would the coast be clear?' Michael looked around again. 'I suppose so.'
It became darker and harder to see anything. That's why he went searching for a sheltered spot to take a break and get some rest before continuing.
'How deep will this place go?' He thought before closing his eyes.

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