Chapter 27

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Michael looked around. When he entered the doctor's office and open the door behind him, he got yelled at.
"You, child! That area is strictly prohibited... Oh, never mind. The basement R&D Room is no longer home to any secrets. You may come and go as you wish, but try not to disturb Makan inside."
Michael rolled with his eyes. 'Too bad for you, I have to.'
Behind the door was a giant generator, as well as a construction elevator. Taking that elevator, he arrived at the R&D Room.
Makan was standing next to something that had to be components of the Robo Kyogre.
"Hmm... So this is the Robo Kyogre that Kaminko had under development." He spoke to himself. "He called it useless scrap and demanded I haul it away. But you, know, this is quite a well-engineered machine."
"Whoa! You've given me quite the start! Oh, it's you, lad. What's up today?"
Michael started explaining what had been happening in Phenac City.

"Hm... Cipher is back, then. I thought they'd folded five years ago, but they've returned. So, you want me to modify your scooter for desert-crossing performance?"
"Yes, please."
"Well, you certainly are bold for even considering to face Cipher alone. Hm... Fine, Let's do it. I'll modify your scooter. Good deeds shouldn't wait. I'll arrange to haul this Robo Kyogre back to my shop right away. I'll see you there."


- Gateon Port, Parts Shop -

"Whew." Makan wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. "What a job that was. I'm finally done! I've converted it into a hover-type scooter, so it will be perfect for the desert! Go on, try it out right away!"
Perr came to the front door. "Yo, your scooter's here now."
"Thank you, Makan, Perr."
Michael walked to the door and looked at his scooter. "Whoa! It looks cool! Thanks again!"
He stepped onto it, started its engine and drove off in the direction of the northern desert. "Woohoo!"


- Northern Desert -

'Okay, here is where I had to turn around last time. ...I think. Let's see how much farther this goes.'


"Whoa! What's that?!"

Michael neared some enormous objects. When he was right next to the first part and read the letters on its back side, he couldn't believe his eyes.
"This... This is the S.S. Libra?! The missing transport ship?! What happened-"
He remembered the conversation between Naps and Lovrina he had overheard a while ago.
"So this is where it landed. It's broken, quite a lot, but..."
Michael walked along the ship's starboard until he came across a gap. He peeked inside. 'No-one to be seen in this part of the ship.'
He carefully entered, keeping his guard up.
His P⭐DA rang, making him jump up high. After bringing his breathing down, he opened his mailbox.
Justy: "Michael, thanks for being patient. The Pre Gym is finally set to reopen after the Cipher takeover bid. We are all looking forward to the opportunity of battling you."

Michael tried to climb up to get to the stairs. He struggled to do so. "Stupid... height..."
He looked around, looking for something to use to help him up. He found a crate with a Poké-food etiquette on it. 'This should do.' He moved it to the right spot and climbed on top of it, getting to the stairs.
The next floor was easier to traverse, making it no problem to reach the ship's deck.

???: "Tch! After all I do to get here, we let one get away on us! Isn't that right, Snidle?"
"Oh, yes, indeed! Such a lost opportunity, for it was obviously rare! If only it had been caught!" He replied. "Why, if you caught it, Gorigan, your collection would have been enhanced by 0.7%! Such a disappointing loss!"
The third man looked down and away. "It took off because you made so much noise, Gorigan, sir." He mumbled.
"I heard that! You're pinning the blame on me?! That's blatant insubordination! I'm in a  foul mood today. Not plain foul, foul foul! Today, of all days..."
Snidle let himself distract by his thoughts, unconsciously looking around until he saw a teen, Michael, standing at the top of the stairs. "Oh! Gorigan, sir, an intruder!"
"Uurrgggggh! That fool Snattle had to screw up! Someone let this outsider get in here?! Our recovery plan's done, but we can't let you through. Not after you've seen us here!" He turned his head away from Michael and in Snidle's direction. "Hey!"
"Yes, sir."
"Teach this little boy a thing or two about pain."
"Aye, aye, sir! You just leave everything to me! You can be assured the job will be done while you return to the Lair."
"See to it!" Gorigan grunted and marched away, his movements having something similar to that of a gorilla.
When Gorigan was out of sight, Snidle started speaking. "Well, now, you heard the man. I must get back to the Lair, too. You know what to do."
"Wait a second! That's not what you said!" The other one retorted.
"Allow me to explain. We have a crucial job to do at the Lair. We need to make Shadow Pokémon from those that were on this ship. You do agree this is indeed important, don't you?"
"If you were to do the job, you would take 38% more effort than I. In that case, Gorigan's mood would worsen by 72%. You do agree that is indeed most inefficient, don't you?"
"As a result, if you were to take this boy on in my place, we would be ahead 63% in terms of overall efficiency. You do understand, don't you? It's only for efficiency's sake. I'll be going now."
Snidle ran past Michael, following Gorigan to their Lair.
"...Why do I always get he feeling that I've been had? Oh, well. If I don't beat you here, I wouldn't be fulfilling my duties. Don't hold a grudge for this! Huntail, Cacnea, go!"
"Okay? Spheal, Houndoom, I choose you! Use Ember on Cacnea!" (It fainted)
"Teddiursa, your turn. Huntail, Rock Tomb."
"Spheal, uss Ice Beam on Teddiursa."
"Wha-? You froze it?"
"Yep. Houndoom, use Faint Attack on Huntail. Spheal, you use Body Slam on it."
"Huntail, take down that Houndoom!"
"Houndoom, come back. Jolteon, go for it, use Thundershock!"
"Argh. Huntail, c'mhere. Koffing!"
"Spheal, Ice Beam on Teddiursa. Jolteon, Bite attack!"
"Sludge attack!"
"Spheal, Water Pulse! Jolteon, finish it with a Quick Attack!"
"What? I lost? I can't go back to the Lair like this!"
"Ahwell. Bye now."

Someone in workers clothing opened the doors from the ship's inner room and took a few steps in Michael's direction.
Michael prepared himself for another battle.
"I watched you battling those downright-bizarre people. You're kind of tough, aren't you?"
"People say so. What about you? Who are you?"
"Huh? Me? I just happened to stumble across this ship, so I made it my home. You know, there's plenty of food and all. I have to admit certain things bugged me, but nothing's perfect in life!"
Michael relaxed a little, lowering his guard.
"I've got to admit I'm glad that weird bunch is gone. I owe you thanks for that at least. You must be tired after that battle, right? You can rest up at My place. It's in the wheelhouse."
Michael nodded and followed him inside.

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