Chapter 21

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???: "...Boy? Hey, Boy!"
"Isn't it time for you to wake up?"
Michael opened his sleepy eyes and yawned. "...What time is it?"
The lady showed him her watch. "It's somewhat past noon."
"Noon? ...Huh? Wait..." Realisation struck him. "I've been here for over a day?! I need to go! Bye, now!" He quickly stood up and started running.

'Michael, you nitwit!' He thought to himself. 'How could you spend so many hours at that place? Let alone falling asleep! I mean, games like that are fun, but there are important things right now!'
He ate his lunch as he was driving back to Phenac, hoping he wouldn't get here too late.


- Phenac City -

He quickly parked his scooter just out of town and ran into the city.
"Hm? Oh, you're back already? You should have gone off to play at the Realgam Tower forever..." The woman from before mumbled as she saw Michael running past her.

Remembering what Bitt had said, he went straight to the Pre Gym to meet up with Justy for help.
"Hm? You're an unfamiliar face. Are you a traveling trainer? The name's Justy. I'm the leader of the Pre Gym. Things are too hectic, so all battles here are canceled. Can I help you with anything?"
"Yeah! Hah... hah..." Michael tried to catch his breath. "Cipher's going to attack Phenac... I came to warn the Mayor. Could you help me?"
"Huh? Cipher is going to attack the town? And you're here to warn the Mayor?" Justy started laughing. "Are you sure you didn't dream all of this?"
"Dream all of this? What? No!"
"Then, maybe 'til next time."
'Huh? What's his problem? Urgh, forget it.' Michael turned around and searched for the mayor's house while he started running again.

"Mayor!? ...Mayor?"
"The Mayor has gone out. Who knows when he'll decide to come back. Oh... House-sitting is so deadly dull. Oh, it's so boring, boring!"
'If the people here always show this kind of behaviour, this will be my last visit ever...'

Michael visited the villagers' homes, but most of them were empty. Only one of the houses had its owner there.
"Oh? A young traveler, are you?" The man questioned.
"Yeah, something like that."
"It's good of you to visit. I wish I could be more hospitable, but my wife's gone out and hasn't come back yet. If you're just looking for a little rest, feel free to take a snooze in the bed in the back. If you're bored, you can listen to some tunes. I think there's something there."
"Thank you, sir." Michael responded. 'At least one normal, kind human being in this place.'
Michael sat down on a chair and thought about what to do next.

A music disc was laying on the table; it caught his eye. '...Music?' He took a hold of the disc and examined its sticker. It appeared to contain a song by some pop idol.
"Oh, that." The man spoke when he noticed Michael holding one of his music discs. "It's popular among girls, but it's not what a mine like me needs or wants. It seems a waste to just throw it out, so you can have it if you want."
Something clicked in his head. "Thank you, sir. I'm heading out for a bit. Thanks for your hospitality. Maybe 'til later!"
"Okay, young lad. Take care."

He made his way back to the Mayor's house. He didn't understand this feeling, but he had to try it.
"Hello, miss, it's me again. I've got you something. You might like it."
"Oh? Something nice? Let me see!"
Michael handed over the pop music disc.
"Oh, wow, score! It's Rumba of Love! Maybe this will make things less boring!" The lady said excitingly and walked over to the CD-player.
She pressed play and the music started playing.
'Not my taste...' Michael thought after hearing the first part.
He made sure that that lady was completely focused on the music. When that was the case, he snuck up the stairs to the Mayor's bedroom.

'No-one here...'
Still, there was a feeling he had to be here. "Sorry, Mayor." He mumbled to himself and started looking for anything helpful in the room.

There was a piece of paper on the ground, partly hidden beneath the bed. Michael picked it up. 'A letter from the Mayor to Justy...'
He started reading.
"Justy, there is bad trouble brewing! Of all places, our beloved Phenac is now target of Cipher! Already, Cipher's members are secretly taking the places of prominent members of our community! If something's not done, the city will be taken over by Cipher without anyone noticing what has happened. Justy, I must turn to you for help. We need your abilities to overcome the crisis facing our city. You, as the leader of the Prestige Precept Center, should be able to do something. I may be too late, however. Already, I feel threatened by..."
Michael frowned and turned the paper around twice. The letter ended abruptly mid sentence.
"Oh, hi, guy. What might you be reading?"
Michael got startled, jumping a little and turned around. The lady from downstairs was now standing in front of him.
"You're not getting the silly idea of delivering that letter to Pre Gym's Justy?"
"And what if I am?"
"Oh, you naughty boy! You need to be taught a lesson for snooping!" She said and removed her, apparently, disguise to reveal her Cipher suit. Next, she sent out her Snorunt and Seviper.
"Battling in here?! Agh, Aron, Zubat, go!"
"Seviper, Lick! Snorunt, Shadow Wave!" She said before the aura reader had even responded.
"Use Bite and Mud Slap!"
"Shadow Wave! Bite!"
"Zubat, come back. Jolteon, your turn!" (Aron couldn't move)
"Use Lick!"
"Thunder Wave on Snorunt so it can't attack!"
"Bite the Aron!"
"Attack the Seviper!"
"Shadow Wave!"
"No! Aron, return. Shroomish! Headbut the Snorunt and Thundershock the Seviper!"
"Golbat, go!"
"Thundershock and Headbut again!"
"Astonish! Shadow Wave!"
"Thundershock! False Swipe!"
"Grr! Mightyena! Snorunt, Shadow Wave!"
Jolteon was able to evade the attack, giving it enough time to immediately attack the Mightyena as Michael did an attempt to catch the Snorunt; success.
The peon screamed out of frustration. "Mightyena, Tackle attack!"
"Finish it off!"
As Shroomish was running for a Headbut, it started lighting up and changing forms. It landed its attack after having evolved into a Breloom.

Before the Cipher peon ran out of the house, she warned him. "...You weren't supposed to find that. But you know what? I think you'll be wasting your time delivering that to Justy."

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