Chapter 27: Hogwarts in Mystic Falls

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They've been hell bent on killing Cade, Kai has been working with the Scooby gang while enjoying his time with Evalynn, soon Damon and Stefan found a way to kill Cade, using a special dagger. Bonnie almost died again during the process, but she managed to kill Cade for good in the end, Mystic Falls is back at peace now, which is rare.

"Does that mean we can go back now?" Evalynn asks Kai with excitement in her voice, "as much as I like Portland, but I really miss my friends, and Liv, I can't wait for —" "Ok, we will go back tomorrow sweetheart, only if you promise you won't ditch me the second you see my sister," he smirks, " fine fine I promise you," she said but she didn't even listen to what he said, she went to hug him and he threw her over his shoulder unexpectedly. "Put me down Parker!" She said as he carries her to the bedroom.

He chuckles lightly, "ok, what did I say earlier about going back to Mystic Falls," he asks her knowing exactly she won't be able to answer, "you said we are going back tomorrow," she bites the inside of her cheek, "after that," he rolled his eyes. She is not answering, "haha," he faked a laughter, "I would've listened if I knew you'd asked," she 'explained', he drops her on their bed and tower over her.

"That won't be necessary sweetheart," before she could realized what he meant, she felt his lips smashed against hers, his hands found their way under her shirt, she wrapped her legs around his waist and deepen their kiss. Suddenly her phone starts ringing, he picked it up before she could, "Liv, of course, I swear I need to kill her as soon as I get back," he sighed, she slaps his chest playfully and snatched her phone out of his hands.

"Hey Liv," Evalynn said while catching her breath, "hey, are you ok?" Liv asks with concerns, "yea yea, I'm going back tomorrow, you wanna go get dinner together?" She can feel Kai's giving her what-did-I-say-earlier look. "Sure, I will ask Jo see if she can bring Lizzie, I'm sure they've missed you, and you should see Lizzie, she is so cute," Liv continues to ramble, Evalynn is too focused on the phone so she ignored Kai and pushed him away when he tried to kiss her. Kai sighed and snatched the phone from Evalynn's hand, "sorry sis, gotta cut this phone call short, we are in the middle of something, bye bye." He hung up the phone, "hey, that was rude." Evalynn protests under him, "so was you pushing me away kitten." Then he connected his lips with hers again.

Their kiss got more and more passionate and demanding again, suddenly a red magic orbs comes out out no where and break the vase in their bedroom, "sorry that was me," Evalynn said nervously, "don't worry, but I thought this ring helped you control your magic," Kai said. "It's been kinda weird and out of control ever since I got back, before I could always control it, but now it's getting harder and harder, even with this ring on." She didn't really understand why her magic is getting out of hand either.

"It's like, I feel like my magic is oozing out of me you know," she looks at him, he nodded knowing what exactly she feels like, "well this happened to me before, I absorbed a giant spell, then I had to practice on Elena, but I would let you practice on me if you want," a smirk appeared on his face, she feels the thousands butterflies in her stomach then she drags him down and gives him a long meaningful kiss, "I don't wanna break you, teddy bear." She teased him, "not if I break you first, I will guide you through, I'm a good teacher Miss Eva," he kisses her again.

His lips leaving soft wet kisses on her neck, collarbone and her chest, "would it be cheating if I'm making out with my teacher?" She said during her small moans, "didn't know you were into role play," he whispered next to her ear melting her even more, "but I'm into whatever you're into," he rips her clothes off her body.

She wakes up finding Kai is not with her, "Kai?" She said out loud after remembering what happened before they took a nap, "in the living room, packing!" Kai's voice came from not far away, she puts on one of his t shirt and went to find him in the living room, Evalynn sees him already packed most of the things, "do you need any help?" She leans against the door frame looking at him, "nope, there is some pancakes in the fridge, I made them while you were taking your little nap," he lifts his head up and gives her a small smile before putting things in the box again.

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