Chapter 10: Hey Parker

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Times goes by, she has been "sleeping" like this for the past two weeks, everyday he would sit or lie next to her and telling her everything happened on that day, like how he was ignoring Damon's call, or Jo had her baby girl last night, she has the same blue grey eyes as the rest of the Parker family, or how much he misses her, her voice, her gaze, her everything...

One of the things he told her was his plan to become a heretic which Jo and Liv agreed surprisingly, only if she wakes up, because there will be no point to have the eternity if she isn't there with him.

Sometimes when he ran out of things to say he would just sit there watching her, yea Kai Parker stopped talking, shocker, he would just watch her sleeping peacefully. By the days goes by, she is starting to lose weight, even though there's fluid helping her body getting its basic nutritions, but it's not enough, her fingers got thiner and ring is fitting loosely now, he has to use magic again to change the size, her clothes are starting to become oversized slowly, each day he gets more and more worried, what if one day she wants to wakeup but her body can't function anymore.

Liv and Jo dropped off a few times, he asked Jo is there any way to fix her, but unfortunately the magic doesn't work on her, she must've done something to prevent this before she decided to kill herself, Jo is doing everything she can to help Evalynn medically, changing the types of fluids, injecting shots into her body, but it will only slowing the process, sooner or later, her body will stop functioning if she keeps staying like this.

Her wounds are already healed, he would clean her every morning and night, and he would buy white roses which is her favorite flower and put them on her nightstand.

Today is the same as any other day, he came back from grocery shopping, he put everything in the fridge and poured himself a glass of orange juice, after drinking it he walked to her bedroom, he sits on the chair next to her bed, "I really wish you would talk to me, or yell at me, even hit me, does it sound freaky?" He said while gazing at her, "I don't know if you can hear me or not, and I know you might not remember this after you wake up, but please, I love you, whatever it is we can deal with it together, I love you the way you are, there's no one who can love me the way you did, I miss you Eva, and if you're planning on waking up, please do it anytime soon, I don't know how long your body can last, we will get you better, I promise, but baby you gotta wake up first, I want to give you the world, you make everything better. I don't know how you did it, but you just did, you did it so well, please, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, only you." He starts sobbing uncontrollably.

More and more tears start dropping onto his lap, he looks up and saw her finger just moved, "Eva? Can you hear me?!" Kai stands up from the chair and towering over her trying to catch her heartbeat, her finger moved again as her eyelids starts opening slowly, "oh god, you are back," he yelled with excitement in his voice, his voice starts to sound shaky for some reason, his eyes turned glossy again, but this time it's happy tears.

"Hey Parker," she whispered with all the strength she has in her body, she looks at him and noticed that he aged, 'how long have I been out', she wondered, the Kai standing in front of her right now looks so much different than the Kai she remembered, he has beard now, and his hair is longer, she still recognizes his cologne, her favorite scent, and he looks a little bit more muscular for some reason, but it couldn't cover up the tiredness in his eyes.

She gave him a small smile, he is feeling too much emotions at the same time, "I'm gonna call Jo," he said while reaching for his phone with both of his hands shaking, "she woke up!" He said, then Evalynn heard a familiar female voice from the other side of the line, a few seconds later he hung up, he turned back to her, "hey how do you feel?" He asks her.

Even though she wants to tell him she feels good, but she can't, she feels horrible, worse than before, she can't even feel her legs, because she was in a coma for so long she doesn't even know how to walk anymore, her body is weak, she feels like she is between the other side and the actual world, her eyesight are blurry, her throat hurts like hell, but she doesn't want to worry him anymore, so she nodded her head, "sorry," that's all she can say.

"Please don't be, I'm just really happy that you're back, wait, did you hear what I said before you woke up?" He wipes his tears away and narrows his eyes looking at her along with a smirk on his face, she laughs under her breath and nodded, "and yes I would love too," she said, then he starts jumping around, "god, I really wanted to hug you right now, and I'm too happy, can I throw myself on the wall?" He doesn't sound like he's joking, "knock yourself out," she smiled, then he really jumped onto the wall, and screaming running around the house.

The doorbell rang, "it must be Jo", he said and trying to catch his breath, he ran to get the door, the second he saw Jo he starts hugging her, Kai is hugging her so tight she thinks he might broke her ribs, "I'm engaged yay, sis, I'm engaged!" Kai said and releasing Jo from his deadly hugging session, "ok calm down little girl," Jo made fun of her brother, never in a million year she would imagined Kai, the former sociopath who killed his siblings and stabbed her in her spleen would be laughing, running around, and screaming that he's engaged like a little child, she laughed, "congratulations, now where is my sister in law?" She asked then Kai dragged her to Evalynn's bedroom and kept rambling on the way.

For a moment, Jo felt like the old Kai is back, the Kai who would comforts her when she kept failing at one spell, the Kai who would beat up the guy who dumped her and broke her heart, the Kai who she would use her allowance to buy him birthday gift for, the Kai who she would hang out with everyday, she felt like maybe this Kai never actually left him for good, it was always inside there somewhere, deep in his heart, under all the cracks, he is still there, the giant teddy bear, who craved for cuddling, hugging and physical interactions that he never got in his life before. Jo still remembered when their dad was yelling at her when they were young, Kai would always stood up for her, even though every time he would got locked up and beaten up by him afterwards, and she would sneak him dinner, snacks every night. She remembers once Kai heard her sobbing in her room when he went to the kitchen at night, and she told him her boyfriend back then cheated on her with her best friend, the next day Kai broke that guy's arm, and Joshua locked Kai in the basement for a whole week after he almost beat him to death.

Jo walked to the bedroom and saw Evalynn is lying on the bed, "hi, I'm so glad that you're back, congratulations by the way, and how are you feeling, any headaches? Joint pain?" Jo asked her then hold Evalynn's hand in hers, "thanks, just feeling a bit weak, and I heard that you had your baby, how is she?" Evalynn gave Jo a smile, "I will do some check ups on you, she is so precious, you have to see her sometimes, I'm sure she will love you," Jo grins, "of course I can't wait to see her, and thank you for everything, truly."

After Jo finished doing what she's doing with all the checking up, she turned to Kai, "her body if fine, she will get better soon, I suggest that don't leave her alone for now, since her body is still recovering, and she might feel dizzy and fainting all of the sudden, so just keep an eye on her 24/7, also, the urge to puke after eating is normal too because she hasn't ate for almost a month, I think the best thing is soup for now, and adding actual food slowly, she will still need to take the fluid for a while, but don't worry, we are getting there," Jo explained everything to him and trusting he's able to take care of her just like he did for the past few weeks.

Kai nodded, "if you need anything just call me, I will do another check up on her a week later," Jo added, "hey, how's Liv?" Evalynn suddenly asks Jo, Jo turned around, "she misses you, actually she as just asking me about you this morning, do you need me to do anything?" Jo looks at her, "I miss her too, actually there is, can you please tell me that we should hang out again after I'm, you know?" She laughed under her breath, "sure, will do, now rest, feel better alright? And no more bad decisions," Jo chuckle as she tucks Evalynn back in bed again.

"Call me if you need anything," Jo told them again before she left, Kai walked her out. The weather is pretty good today, "can we go out please, just for a small walk?" She looks at Kai after he got back, "you barely can talk Evie poo, we can discuss it once you have the strength to walk alright?" He looks at her softly rubbing her hair, "fine," she said in a grumpy tone, "don't give me that pout, fine I will take you out tomorrow, only if you sit on a wheelchair," he gave up instantly, who can say no to her, with those puppy eyes, and that pout, got him every single time.

She giggles on her bed, "I won't leave you again, I promise," she said in a more serious tone, "I know, and if you do, I would die with you," he holds her hand in his, she cleared her throat, "when I was out, it was dark in there, I couldn't see anything or hear anything, and it made me realized how good being alive was, I should've never done that," her hands start shaking a little, he caresses her cheek gently, "I'm sorry baby, but I promise we will get you better and make some awesome memories." Kai's voice sooth her, she nodded and a small smile appeared on her face as he lies next to her and pulling her into his arms carefully.

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