Chapter 12: Transition

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Today is the day Kai will become a heretic, because Joshua is in the magic time out, so the rules don't really apply to him, which means he will still be alive in the prison world, however Kai and Evalynn has plans for him later on.

Kai puts on a black shirt and his grey jeans after finish eating breakfast with Evalynn, he checked on his phone, "Jo and Liv will be here in 5," he looks up and smiling at her, "you sure you don't want me to go with you? You can put a cloaking spell on me," she wraps her hands around his neck pulling him to her level, he tapped her nose gently, "don't worry, we will be safe, I don't wanna risk you being locked up again, I will be back in the afternoon." She buried her face in his chest, surrounded by her favorite scent.

A few minutes later, Jo and Liv rang the doorbell, she went to open the door for them, "hey Eve!" Liv said with excitement, she knows it was Liv before saw her face, no one calls her Eve except Liv, then she felt a huge bear hug from Liv, "congratulations, I would love to have another sister!" Liv laughed, Jo slapped Liv's arm lightly, "be careful, she is still recovering," Jo groans, she would absolutely hate it if Liv accidentally break Evalynn, "I'm not even hugging her that hard, relax sis," Liv rolled her eyes, "doesn't look like it from where I stand," Jo scoffs.

Kai pulled Evalynn away from Liv, "I would love my fiancé to stay in one piece thank you," Kai rolled his eyes, then Liv starts mocking him, "you wanna be chased around with a baseball bat again?" He narrows his eyes looking at Liv, sending her warning glares, "can't you behave?" Evalynn poked his shoulder, then Kai turned around and looking at her with a put on his face, "yes ma'am," then he gives her a smirk as he sees the smile on her face.

Jo texted Damon telling him they will be there in a bit, Elena will be there too, just in case Damon won't co operate, "promise me you guys will be safe? All of you," she looks at them, "don't worry, we will be safe," Liv reassured her, "yes we will, get some rest while we're gone alright?" Jo took her hand in hers, "like I said before, I will be back and keep annoying you in a few hours," Kai chuckles, "alright," Evalynn laughed under her breath then planted a kiss on his cheek before he left with them.

Kai drove them to the Salvatore house, on the way over there they kept asking him about the wedding, which Kai and Evalynn has not talk about yet, but he's sure that she is gonna love a summer wedding. After Kai parked the car, Jo knocked on their door, a few seconds later the eldest Salvatore opened the door for them, Damon groaned immediately when he saw Kai.

"You owe me one, little weasel," Damon said while pouring himself a glass of bourbon, "alright Daniel," Kai scoffed, then Damon threw him a vile of his vampire blood, he caught it quickly in the air, "snap my neck after I drink it?" Kai raised his brows at Damon, "happy too, actually I'd love to torture you in the cell, or stab you to death, like make it a really painful death like I did to uncle Lockwolf," Damon smirks, then Elena wooshed herself in front of Damon, "what did we say?" Elena looks at her boyfriend with an annoyed look, "fine, I will behave." Damon groaned even more, "oof this just keeps getting better and better, now I'm listening," Kai looks at Damon and Elena with an amused look.

"Just take the damn blood," Liv said, "thank you Liv," Elena spoke again as she turns to Kai, "I will give them my blood afterwards," Elena added, then Kai nodded before shoving Damon's blood in his throat, and the next second Damon snapped his neck, his body fell on the floor in front of Liv, "sleep well," Liv kicked Kai's leg.

Not too long afterwards, Liv and Jo starts to choke, they fell on the floor too, Elena was about to bite her wrist, "no, you have to wait till we are dead, or else it won't work," Jo said while choking on her own blood, Elena nodded then Damon and her helped both of them getting on the couch, "careful, don't get any blood on my couch, I'd hate if it stains my baby couch," Damon said with sarcasm filled in his voice, then Elena shot him a warning glare again, "oh-kay," Damon puts his hands in the middle of the air, then suddenly the doorbell starts ringing, "must be Bonnie and Lizzie," Elena said, "what?? What is Lizzie doing here?" Damon asked while going to get the door.

Thank god the moment Damon opened the door Liv and Jo both stopped breathing, Elena quickly bit her wrist and shove her blood down their throats before Lizzie saw her, not that she's afraid that Lizzie would know what they are doing, she doesn't even know how to walk yet, but still she doesn't want the picture of her mom and aunt was suffering to be ironed in her little head. "What is Lizzie doing here?" Damon asked Bonnie, she shrugs her shoulders, "Ric is teaching and I got bored so I took her here."

"Hey Bon Bon," Kai said which Bonnie ignored, he sat up from the floor, a second later his siblings woke up too, Damon quickly tossed him a blood bag, "O positive, my new favorite," Damon said, "I see that we are drinking buddies now," Kai smirks, "don't make me rip your heart out," Damon threatened him, Kai took the blood bag and starts drinking from it. Jo took Lizzie from Bonnie, "thank you so much Bonnie," Jo gave her a smile, "anytime, she's beautiful," Bonnie chuckles while looking at Lizzie yawing in Jo's arm. "Oh hey, can't wait till the day that uncle Kai can teach you magic," Kai said after drinking his blood bag, he stood up and holding Lizzie's tiny hand, then they see a orange red ish glow in her hand, "did she just —" Jo said, "yea I think so, if i siphoned from her I'm sure she would be crying now, remember the time when Liv was 1 and I siphoned from her, she cried like a baby, wait she was a baby technically—" "You siphoned from me when I was one?!" Liv cute him off, "yea duh, it's in the past," Kai scoffed, "so Lizzie is a siphoner too." Bonnie said, "yep more Gemini freaks," Damon spoke again, "Damon, kitchen, now!" Elena dragged him to the kitchen.

He turns around and looks at Damon before he could dissapear, "how's your little witch searching been going? Found her yet?" Kai asked him, sometimes it's better if you know where your enemy's at, this case, frenemy. Damon looks confused for a while then realized who he was asking about, Evalynn Padovano, "no clue, it's like she vanished, but as long as she doesn't cause any trouble, she's good I guess, but be careful, sometimes she tends to slide into her dark side," Damon finished his bourbon, "ok got it," Kai nodded, "and thanks for today," he said before walking away with Jo and Liv, and his niece of course.

As soon as they are far from the Salvatore house, Liv spoke, "why did you ask him that, you know the answer already?" Kai looks at her, "I don't want him or Steven to have any clue where she is, even the smallest ones," then he saw Liv nodded, "okay here you go," he stopped the car and dropped them off.

He ignored all the speed limits and traffic lights on the way back home, "hey baby I'm back!" He kicked the door open, "so dramatic," she chuckles and pulled him in for a hug, "how do you feel?" She said, he tightened his grip, "amazing, Liv and Jo is also safe by the way, I just saw Lizzie and she was so small," Kai laughed, "and we should probably talk about our wedding, all the drama is finally over, besides my dad of course," he keeps rambling, all the emotions are heightened, so now he's even more anxious, worrying than before, then she pulls him in to kiss him, "hmm I like that," Kai said.

"We will deal with your dad and pay him a visit later, but first wedding, June wedding?" She smirks, his hands sneak around her waist, "sure, anything you like Evie poo," he smiles, "promise me you won't call me that on our wedding," she chuckles, "no can do, and Damon said as long as you don't cause any trouble, he's good with you, do you think we should go visit him?" He looks at her, something flashed in her eyes but disappeared quickly before he could tell what it is, "sure," she nodded and give him a smile.

She sits on the couch cuddling with him, "how is your blood lust?" She turns around and snatched the TV remote from his hand, "hey!" He protested but failed, "it's all under control," he said then pulling her closer to him, he can hear her heart beat and the sound of blood pumping through her vein, his vampirism showed before he realized, her finger tips tracing the purple veins under his eyes, she is staring at his fangs, "all under control huh? But you do look even hotter with it." She leaned closer and planted a soft kiss on his veins, "you're not scared of me?" She runs her finger through his hair and chuckles at his stupid question, "I will never be scared of you sweetheart, you aren't the villain in my story, you never were." Then she felt his lips smashing against hers.

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