Chapter 30: Our tale goes on

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*Six years later...*

"Wake up Kai!" Evalynn shook Kai's body, "come on wake up! It's her first day at school today!" Evalynn kicks him off the bed, "ouch, that hurts!" Kai gets up while rubbing his forehead, "go clean up yourself, I will go wake her up," Evalynn gives him a kiss on his forehead then starts walking towards Diana's bedroom.

Hope moved out a year ago since she is old enough to stay in the boarding house now, to her, Diana is like her little sister, they lived together for five years, Diana has a very close relationship with the original family too, she always hang out with Klaus and Kol whenever she is in New Orleans, they treat her the same way the treats Hope too, with love and respect, even she is almost six years younger than Hope.

Lizzie hangs out with them a lot too, they are like a mini trio of Bonnie, Elena and Caroline, only difference is they are much much younger than them when they met. Liv is the protective aunt as you can probably guess, Jo is the calmer one, the one with more sense, the one who wouldn't swear to kill the person who picks up a fight with Hope, Lizzie and Diana in school. Liv is happily dating Tyler, only Kai couldn't figure out why she is dating a dog, sometimes he would even make some inappropriate jokes at family dinner.

"Tyler, do you want some dog food? Oh wait sorry my bad, we already ate, but maybe a squeaky bone?" Evalynn slapped Kai's arm but she let out a small snort by accident, Tyler looks beyond irritated, "dad, why did you call Tyler a dog?" Diana suddenly asked, Liv sent Kai a death glare before he could say anything, Evalynn sighed then turned to her daughter. "Your dad was being rude, Tyler can turn into a wolf whenever it's full moon, they are called werewolves," Diana knows pretty much all about supernatural beings now, it's hard to keep it from her when she is surrounded by them, plus she is a siphon too, but sometimes her eyes change color like the way her mom does.

"Wow it's so cool! Can you show me?" Diana asked, "no no no, Lockwolf you stay way from my daughter." Kai suddenly sit up, then Liv groaned, "real mature", she commented, "Diana, it's dangerous, wolves bite, right?" Liv looks at Diana who is pouting right now, "but how about I show you something even cooler?" She said as she grabbed a candle from the table, "phesmatos incendia," then the candle light up, "wow, can I try?"

Diana looked at her parents, "ok, but promise me you won't do it without telling me or your dad first in the future," Evalynn bent down and cupped her cheek, "ok mom I promise," she giggles. "Come on, princess, put you hand on my wrist," Kai stretched out his wrist for her to siphon from, she put her hand on his wrist as he said then a few second later a red orange glow appeared on his wrist, Kai hissed a little but he managed to stay still.

Liv and Jo are all quiet after seeing this for the first time, Jo remembered while Kai was growing up, their dad didn't even let him touch anyone, occasionally Jo would let him siphon from her, but Joshua forbidden it too after finding it out, because he didn't want Kai to learn magic or have any access to it so he wouldn't be strong. Suddenly Jo felt her nose is getting sore and her vision was getting blurry.

Kai took Diana in his arms and walked towards the couch, he let Diana sit on his lap then he put the candle he was holding on the table in front of them, "clear your mind sweetheart, and say 'phesmatos incendia' while focusing on the candle," Kai said patiently, Diana nodded then did what he said, the next second the candle was light up. "Wow you did it baby!" Kai grinned like a child and kissed her on her forehead, Diana turned around and hugged him happily, "thank you dad," she smiled.

Evalynn joined their hug, the rest of them all looked shocked, "wow, my little witch was amazing," Evalynn stroked Diana's hair gently, "thank you mom," Diana lifted her head up from Kai's shoulder, "you should go thank your aunt Liv too, she showed you the spell in the first place remember?" She looked at her daughter, Diana nodded then quickly ran to Liv and threw herself at her, Liv caught her and brought her to her arms, "my talented little witch!" Liv spun her around, "careful sis," Kai looked at them with concern in his eyes.

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