Chapter 25: Years without you

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Kai asked Caroline to organize a funeral because he can't do it, he's grieving, it's all too much for him, and he doesn't want to turn it all off, she'd hate him if he did that. Before he handed her Evalynn's body, he took her ring off and replaced his old necklace with two of her rings, the one he gave her to control her magic, and her engagement ring.

During the funeral, Kai puts a small teddy bear in front of her grave, it's the one she bought it for him, she said it reminded her of him, because he's a human teddy bear who needs hugs and cuddles 24/7. He feels his eyes starts watering as those memories flashing inside his head, he suppress his sadness as best as he could. The funeral was simple, it was in the cemetery, everyone lights a candle, and brings something in front of her grave, says their goodbyes, that's all. Caroline did an amazing job since Kai asked her to keep it as low key as possible.

Klaus puts a photo of her when she was a baby with her mom in front of her grave, it looks really old, he must've been kept it in his drawer for a long time, Elijah put a ring in front of her grave, apparently it belonged to her mother, and Kol puts down a necklace that looks very vintage, it's one of her mother's belonging too.

Everyone said their goodbye, but it didn't make the pain go away, not in the slightest bit. After Kai waited for them to leave, he sits down in front of her grave, "hey," Liv stands in front of him, he looks at her, "what?" He looks like he hasn't slept for weeks, "I figured I should tell you what's the conversation was about between her and I the other day," Liv looks at him carefully then continues, "she asked me to take care of you, and make sure you don't do anything stupid."

Kai laughs sarcastically, "ironic, I won't kill you or Jo if that's what you're worrying about," Kai stares at her grave with no emotions in his eyes, "I'm moving back to Portland tomorrow," he said before he disappeared.

Keep living in Mystic Falls is too much for him, it's a small town, no matter where he goes, it keeps reminding him of her. The originals decided to go back to New Orleans too, but they gave Kai their contacts before they left and told him he's more than welcomed to join them if he wants, but he just wanna go back to Portland, stay away from all the supernatural drama for a while at least.

On the other hand, Liv chose to staying in Whitmore, sometimes she will go to the cemetery and just sit by Evalynn's grave stone for hours until it starts getting dark. She tried to move on and make new friends, but no one gets her the way Evalynn did. No one laughs like her, or as goofy and funny as her, Liv remember sometimes Evalynn used to visit her in college, and they would judge people or professors in the hallway then giggling together.

Before Kai left Mystic Falls, Liv tried to bring her back with him before, but none of the ways they tried had worked, even with Bonnie and Jo's help. Every time when they tried it, the flames would just goes out, it felt like she didn't want to come back, she just cut them off forever. Then after a few times, Bonnie eventually stopped and suggested everyone tried to move on, Liv tried to contact her for a few times, but the results were all the same, it's like her soul just vanished.

He thought about flipping the switch for a few times, but he didn't want to become a monster again, what if one day she comes back and then find out how many people he had killed, how many head he had ripped off, he can't shake the look when she saw him tearing that guy's head off when he first became a heretic. He wrote countless letters to her then burned them, hoping she would received them somehow, carrying her rings with him everyday.

After he went back to Portland, he practically lives in the bar, and the time when the bars are closed, he is drinking alcohol at home alone. There were countless girls who threw themselves at him but he never laid eyes on any of them, with all these years had passed, he never dated or hooked up once.

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