Chapter 22: Ex lover reunion

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"James Schaeffer, it has to be him," Stefan says as he paces around in the house, they went back to the Salvatore house as soon as Kai told everyone Evalynn was missing. "Isn't he dead for a long time?" Kai asks Stefan, "yes but the police never found his body, no one did," Stefan said, Damon threw his empty glass onto the wall, "if it really was him, then she is in trouble," Kai starts to panic after hearing Damon's words, "my locator spell didn't work, that bastard must've cloaked her," Kai said then he suddenly turns to Bonnie, "is there a spell that allow me to see through her eyes?" Bonnie narrow her eyes looking at Kai, "I think I can help," Liv suddenly spoke. "Who is this James guy?" Elena asks everyone.

Evalynn woke up to a painful headache, "James," she says under her breath, "what do you want," she tried to move but her arms are chained, she looks at the chains then realized she can't move her fingers and these are magic proof, not the normal types of witch's magic proof, these are specially made for witches like her... The young, tall, blonde male grins, "you finally woke up, I miss you, I mean I haven't seen you for what, 5 years? After you killed me," he bent down to her level, looking at her with fake sympathy in his eyes.

"That was an accident, you knew it, and you've been abusing me for years may I add," she rolled her eyes then felt a sharp pain on her cheek, "and you're still you, haven't changed at all, still an abusive, irredeemable piece of trash like you always have been." She spits out all the blood in her mouth, he suddenly grabs her jaws and forcing her to look at him.

She stares into his blue eyes, "I could've killed you, you don't really think that you're indestructible right? If I were you, I'd watch my mouth baby," James release his grip and stands back up, "what do you want?" She clenches her jaws, James turns his back on her, she tries to look at what's he doing but she can't really move, "you and I will have a little chat once you wake up again, only if you can wake up princess." Then he injected her with a vial of blood and snapped her neck. He grins as he sees her body fell on the floor again.

"It's not working," Bonnie said after trying the spell for a few times, "there must be something wrong with the spell Liv," Kai turns to Liv and is visibly trying to suppress his anger right now, "or he has a witch by his side, blocked all of the spells," Liv said, "no way, there must be something we can do to get her back." Kai tries to think positively, "and we need to hurry up a bit," Damon said, then Kai pinned him on the wall behind him, "you think I don't wanna get her back? He blocked all the spells we can use, and no one knows where they are right now, so if you have something in mind please share with us, or else keep you mouth shut." Kai snaps at him, Stefan drags him off of his brother, "calm down alright? This is not helping, we need to know what does he want with her." Stefan pats Kai's shoulders as he speaks, "the vampire blood is missing." Elena rushes back to them from the basement.

"What the hell," she groans after she wakes up, she sit up on the floor and rest her back against the wall, "hello again Eva," James smiles at her evilly. "I thought only siphons can be heretics, but guess I'm wrong," then he suddenly shoves an open blood bag into her mouth forcing her to drink half of it.

James let her go as he sees her finishes the transition, Evalynn starts groaning in pain as her fangs grow out, her fangs are different than the normal fangs, hers are longer, "what did you do to me?" She spits, "I've upgraded you, if you put it that way, you see, you betrayal really hurts me sweet cheeks, I died with vampire blood in my system, then Klaus found me and he was obsessed with creating hybrids back then, so I volunteered and ta da." He sits on the floor staring at her.

"That was 4 years ago," she mumbles, "yes, for the past 4 years, I've been watching you, my people has been watching you, I have to say I always thought blonde boys are your type, since that guy came, what's his name again, Kyle?" "Kai," she rolls her eyes, "so am I a heretic now?" She asks him.

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