Chapter 26: Hell Bell

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Four years later...

Evalynn found herself in Mystic Falls with people walking, car driving by near her, "what the," she couldn't believe that she is back, 'Kai!' That's the first thing she thought. She went to Liv's house, thank god everyone is on holiday now, that means Liv is in Mystic Falls. She knocked on her door after walking for 10 minutes.

"Holy," Liv held her breath in after seeing who is standing in front of her right now, "hey, I'm back I guess," Evalynn said awkwardly, she was pulled into a hug by Liv, "how did you? You've been dead for 4 years, we've tried everything, but none of them worked." Liv starts to sound all over the place, "because I was in hell, the devil had my soul and then the Scooby gang rang the giant bell, so I was here," she pats Liv's back as she speaks.

"What?? Wait, does Kai knows you're here?" Liv pulls back and looks at her, "that's a part of why am I here, do you know where he is?" Evalynn stares at Liv, "yea, I will teleport you, he is in Portland, long story, I will let him explain to you later, now come on." Liv gestured her to come inside, "wow four years, how are you?" Evalynn asks her as she calms down a little, so is Liv. "Peachy I guess, I really missed you sis, no one is as fun as you, Eve." Liv jokes around as she goes into the living room with Evalynn following her.

They stand next to the round table, "give me your hands." Liv said stretching out both of her hands, Evalynn puts her hands in hers then Liv starts chanting, "alright, talk to you later." Liv grins as she finishes chanting, a white light appeared and then Evalynn is gone.

She was sent to a hallway, in front of her in a door, it should be Kai's apartment. She knocked on the door lightly as it's pretty late now, Kai opened the door and froze on his spot as he sees Evalynn is right in front of him, alive and breathing.

"Are you gonna invite me in or what? It's late, Parker," she smiles, "come in," Kai opened his mouth. She walks into his apartment and he closed the door, "ow, you're hurting me Kai." She hisses in pain as he pins her against the wall, "how do I know is it really you or it's just the sirens?" Kai hasn't talked to Damon for almost a month, so of course he wouldn't know Cade killed the sirens, "what sirens? Are you talking about those cannibal woman from the folklore? Let me go you fucking piece of—" Then she felt being spin around and his lips smashed on hers.

A moments later Kai pulled away, "it's really you," he said as his fingers touches her cheek softly. Then he suddenly turns around looking all grumpy like he remembers something unpleasant, "are you ok?" Evalynn asks him. He turns around and causing Evalynn bumping to his chest, "no I'm not, you think you can just make everything go away after what you did 4 years ago? I tried to contact you, so many times, you could at least give me something, I don't know, a noise? Flickering the candle flame, how could you do this to me hmm? How could you just decide to kill yourself and die in my arms, then leave me with no contact at all for 4 years, I've tried everything, every god damn thing!" Kai spilled it all out, all the things that he kept to himself for 4 years.

Now she's the one who's froze on the spot, "I'm sorry Kai, I tried but Cade had my soul, I was in your dreams once, and Liv's, but then he found out and tortured me even more for it, I'm really sorry babe. I've already known how everything is gonna turn out before I let you siphon me, no matter what you do I'd ended up the same way, I knew you'd blamed yourself, the time you let go of my arm was too late, you've already siphoned every bit of magic out of me, so I did the only thing I could do, I didn't kill myself because I wanted to leave you Kai, I did it because I didn't want you to live in the guilt that knowing you killed me Kai, I'd rather you blaming me or hate me than letting you blame yourself for my death Kai!"

Evalynn starts sobbing, "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid," Kai hugs her and cries in the crotch of her neck, she buries her head in his chest, taking in her favorite scent again, a scent that she could never got tired of. "So what are you now?" He whispers still not breaking the hug, "a witch, like I was before, I guess after you came back from dead everything is back to zero." She whispers back and felt something moving, he's probably grinning right now.

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