Chapter Seventeen

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When the presence of December sunshine graces the gloomy and cold skies, I take the opportunity to venture into London to start my Christmas shopping. With just under three weeks until Christmas, I know I need to get a move on.

As expected the city is packed; brimming with shoppers who are just as eager to complete their festive shopping. I love London, but navigating through the streets at this time of year seems near damn impossible.

I saunter into a large clothing shop, dodging the crowds and picking out a dark grey t-shirt for Lucas and a blue sweatshirt for my Dad. Unfortunately the income for a student-apprentice is limited, and I sigh as I pay the cashier, simultaneously wishing that I could buy my Dad the world; God only knows he deserves it.

Ticking those two off my list, I head to a nearby beauty store and test out a few perfumes. Hailey loves perfume, and although I can't afford much, I know she'll be more than happy with a new scent to line her skin.

     "This one is sweet yet floral," an assistant says, spraying the new perfume they have on sale onto a sample card. I take it from her, holding it to my nose and smiling as I take in the gorgeous scent.

     "That's...really nice," I say, watching as the assistant places the cap back on top of the pink coloured glass bottle. "You know what, I'll take it!"

The assistant smiles, grabbing a box from the shelf and walking me over towards the counter. I smile to myself; I've never been able to find gifts so quickly, then again, London has so much to offer; as opposed to the five or six shops back in my hometown.

     "Thank you so much," I say, taking the bag from the woman and sauntering back out into the cold yet bright streets of central London.

Usually I would only buy gifts for my Dad, Hailey and Lucas, but I sigh when I tell myself that I should get Anderson a little something—he's been there for me recently, more so than I've deserved.

But what do I get the man who is more bothered about others than he is for himself? I don't know loads about him really; I don't know what interests him—other than computers—and I don't know what hobbies he has either. Hell, I don't even know what his favourite kind of food is.
I shake my head; this is going to be harder than I thought.

Meandering in and out of shops, browsing through endless amounts of clothes, aftershaves and chocolates, I eventually decide to give up, taking a seat on a bench near the river. I've always hated Christmas shopping; even more so when I haven't the faintest idea of what to get.

I take a moment to catch my breath as I sit; to recuperate from the exhaustion of Christmas shopping in this city. I watch the endless cycle of shoppers that line the streets; bright colours of coats and shoes flying past me in what feels like a blur, everyone on their own specific mission.

But I smile, and I feel my heart fill with content as I take in the festive, snowflake-shaped lights that line the walls of the high rise shops and buildings and the words 'Merry Christmas' sparkling across the skyline, mounted from one side of the street to the other. London really is beautiful, even more so at this time of year.

Breaking me of my thoughts, my eyes are drawn to a small market-stall at the edge of the street, selling a wide variety of homemade and personalised gifts, green and white lights flashing around the edge of the wooden structure.

Instinctively, my feet carry me from the bench towards the stall, and I smile as I view the several unique gifts on sale in front of me.

     "You looking for a special gift?" An older man says from behind the desk, white hair hugging both his head and lips and a large pair of glasses resting on his nose.

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