Chapter Forty Six

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I get through my lectures with positivity running through my veins

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I get through my lectures with positivity running through my veins.

Lucas has gone home. Grayson and I are on great terms and Hailey wants to patch any areas of tension up. As well as that, I feel Anderson and I are finally in a good place.

Anderson. I need to book us a table at the Sky Restaurant soon; I hope he doesn't think I've forgotten about his incredible gift.

With a smile, I head towards Smith's. I'm an hour-or-so early but I don't see the point in going home just to go out again.

With quick strides, I pace inside the restaurant and I decide to take a seat at the bar until our table is ready.

     "Can I get you a drink ma'am?" A waitress asks.

With a smile I say, "I'll take a lemonade please."

She nods her head. "Sure."

When Hailey arrives, we take a seat at a small booth. Hailey orders a martini and I sip on my lemonade. When we decide on our food, we exchange smiles and ready ourselves for the admissions of truth we're about to share.

Hailey reaches her hand to mine, her grin warm and supportive. "Mia," she sighs. "I'm sorry for everything that happened with me and Lucas. Thinking about it, we have no right to tell you who you should and shouldn't be seeing."

Okay, I wasn't expecting her to come out with that. Not so soon, anyway.

I give her a side smile. "Thank you Hailey." I take a sip of my lemonade. "Whilst we're on that point, I need to be honest with you."

Her eyes fall slightly. "Sure Mia. Tell me anything."

With a breath, I say, "Grayson and I are back together." I swallow a few times, looking to the table. "I know what Lucas said, but I choose to ignore it. Neither he nor my dad can tell me what to do. I love Grayson and that's that."

Hailey nods. Judging by her half-smile I can tell that she knows I'm right deep down. Grayson may not be the most perfect person—doing what he does and all—but he's the perfect boyfriend, and that's what matters to me.

Biting her lip, Hailey says, "I know Mia. Anyone with a brain can tell just how much you love each other. I just don't know how to go about it with Lucas."

I sigh, my shoulders shrugging. "I'll tell him. You don't have to get in the middle of this."

     "And what about your dad?"

     "Well..." My voice trails off, and I take another sip of my drink. "He'll either have to deal with it, or not deal with it. They can't make me move. They can't pull me from my apprenticeship."

Hailey's lip twists. "I just hope they see it that way too. Well, if I'm hoping for stuff, I'm hoping Grayson can get out of all this shit and live a normal life with you."

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