Chapter Thirteen

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The ringing in my ears is the only sound I can decipher when the music comes to an end. The once buzzing, roaring room is now disappointingly silent, save for the continuous muffle of laughter and conversation between fellow employees. I squeeze my eyes together as the lights return to brightness, my head spinning at what feels like a hundred miles an hour.

Thankfully Anderson still has his arm around my waist, and I take the opportunity of his support to lean into his shoulder.

Why must I always drink so much? Or maybe I'm just a lightweight? I'm not sure.

"You alright?" Anderson asks, laughing at my rag-doll like composure.

I look up, eyes wide, and swallowing before speaking. "I literally drank the same as you, the same as everyone here!" I slur, my eyes lazily falling shut every few seconds. "Literally everyone!" I continue. "But you're all fine, and look at me! I'm drunk as a fucking skunk. It's not fair."

Anderson laughs again, the vibration carrying through to my body. "Mia, we're all drunk," he coos. "But some people can just handle it better. It was a free bar, so of course you're going to be drunk. It's no bother Mia. If anything it's expected."

I tilt my head, lifting my finger to tap the small, gold hooped earring that hangs from his ear. "How are you so nice?" I say, somewhat dozily. "You're just such a nice person, and hot at the same time." I don't quite realise what I'm saying; my words seem to have taken a mind of their own.

Anderson blushes, flicking his head towards the floor. "Okay, I think it's time for someone to hit the hay," he says, turning me towards the exit.

"Ohh but I want to keep partying!" I groan, gripping my floppy arms around Anderson's neck, so tight that he actually looks in pain for a moment. But I'm too drunk to do anything about it.

"No," Anderson grins, ignoring the tightness of my grip. "I think bed is the right place for you."

"Someone had a bit too much?" A deep voice asks from behind, followed by a roar of laughter. I turn, noticing the blurred faces of Michael and Danny behind us.

"Just a tad," Anderson smirks, pulling my hair from out of my face. "I think it was the shots that did it."

"Yes!" I chime, standing myself up as straight as I can possibly manage. "Yes, it was those fucking shots. They're evil! Pure, goddamn evil!"

Michael and Danny burst into fits of laughter, and I think it's the most casual, laid back and happy that I have ever seen them. Especially Michael.

"You better get yourself to bed Mia," Michael says, straightening his bow tie. "It might take a couple of days for you to nurse the hangover you'll no doubt have tomorrow, and I need you in work on Monday." He winks, though I can barely notice his expression through the distortion of my eyesight. "Goodnight," he says, sauntering past us with Danny in tow.

"Night guys," Danny says, smiling as he leaves the room.

I watch them leave, still clung to Anderson like a child to its mother. "Hey," I whisper against Anderson's ear. "Let's stay here, and dance!"

Anderson shakes his head, beautiful laughter emerging from him. "Right, up we go."

I'm too drunk to notice where I'm going when Anderson leads me through the grand lobby and into a lift, and as he presses a couple of buttons, I fumble about my bag to find my keycard. "Shit," I groan, my hands weakly rummaging through my items.

     "Here, let me," Anderson says, sensing my struggle. Almost immediately he pulls out the keycard, the numbers '306' etched into the card, next to the blue letters of 'Pacific Blue'.

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