Chapter Forty Five

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     "Grayson, what the hell are you doing?" I ask through gritted teeth

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     "Grayson, what the hell are you doing?" I ask through gritted teeth.

Grayson is laughing, clambering onto the slanted roof that sits just below my bedroom window. When he turns to me, his dark, gorgeous eyes are plastered with amusement, his smile bending so far his cheeks could rip. "Come on darlin', you didn't exactly bring a key, did you?" He sends a wink my way.

I search my pockets, then remember that I was too busy focusing on getting out the window to even think about bringing anything with me. "Shit," I whine.

Grayson arms reach down to me, and I can't help but eye Hailey's bedroom window with worry. What if they wake up? Lucas is going to go ape shit.

    "Come on baby!" Grayson's tongue darts to his lip. "Grab my hands."

I shake my head, stifling my smile. On my neck, my hairs stand on edge. In my hand, Mr. Teddy hangs with confusion.

Yeah. Mr. Teddy. I named him.

     "Fine!" I whisper. "But catch Mr. Teddy first!"

Grayson's lip pouts, mocking me. Then he laughs again. When I toss the teddy up to him, he in turn tosses it through my still open window.

     "Your turn," he whispers, reaching down to me again. "Come on my beautiful."

I roll my eyes, lifting my hands up to him. "Anyone would think you've had a drink or ten."

With a quick, strong heave, I find myself on the low roof. My arms fly around Grayson's neck and they don't let go, not even when he leads me to the window and guides me through.

    "Not bad for someone who's had ten drinks, eh?" Grayson teases when I stand safely in my bedroom.

I stick out my tongue, then flop onto the bed and giggle. Tonight has been perfect—more perfect than I could have ever imagined. Grayson makes everything perfect, actually. It's all about Grayson and I want to keep him with me forever.

     "Stop messing," I pout. "And close the window it's freezing in here."

With a laugh, Grayson closes the window. He lies next to me and then pulls my small body onto his.
He's below me and my eyes stare straight into the dark of his.

It's intoxicating. I can feel his heat and I can almost taste him. I want to taste him.

After a beat, I say, "Thank you for tonight. You made it perfect." I run my hand along his stubble.

Grayson's finger tucks my hair behind my ear, and then he licks his lips. Through the silence, I can hear his heartbeat. I can hear the connection between the two of us—the connection that nobody or nothing else can break.

      "You're worth it Mia," Grayson says, his words husky. "I told you that I'd never give up on you. I told you that I'd fight and I'm going to continue to fight every day after this too."

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