Chapter Forty Seven

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With my hair tied into a neat ponytail, a silk blue dress hugging my curved, slim figure, I make my way to the Sky Restaurant with a rush of anxiety pounding from inside of me

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With my hair tied into a neat ponytail, a silk blue dress hugging my curved, slim figure, I make my way to the Sky Restaurant with a rush of anxiety pounding from inside of me.

Grayson and I haven't spoken since out altercation yesterday. He tried to call me twice but I ignored him, and now I can't help but wonder when we'll next speak.

He was wrong to act out like that though. He should know that now we're together again I'd never do anything to compromise that. What we have is too strong; too pure. We both know how much we need each other and he's crazy to think that I'd destroy that.

Maybe he just needs time to get over his thoughts. He needs time to settle the anger and craziness and then we'll be okay. Besides, his parents want us to go away with them next weekend, and I don't want his bossiness to ruin what should be a good time with his family.

At the huge, sleek, glass restaurant, I suck in a breath and wait in the lobby. Just a minute later, Anderson walks in, freshly dressed in a black shirt and black jeans, his silk curls styled with wax.

     "Hey Mia." His arms curl around my shoulders, a smile pushed warmly on his lips. He smells different; strong aftershave lining his neck and men's body wash emitting from the fabric of his shirt.

For a brief second, I have to remind myself we're in the middle of a huge lobby.

     "Hey Anderson. You look great!" I drag my eyes down his outfit, then back up to meet the grey of his eyes. "And thanks for coming with me."

With his hand on my shoulder, he says, "You look amazing too Mia. That colour really suits you."

I feel myself blushing, but I shake it off when a maitre d' approaches us, ushers us into a glass lift and hits the top button. "Welcome to the Sky Restaurant," he says, his gelled hair slicked to the side. "We hope you'll enjoy dining with us tonight."

Anderson and I smile, unable to stop looking out to the city that grows smaller below us. When the doors slide open again, I gasp at the huge space that overlooks the city from the sky.

     "This is amazing," I mumble, unable to break the smile from my face. I turn to Anderson, "Have you been here before?"

He shrugs. "A couple of times. I thought you would like it."

I giggle. "Wow. It's incredible."

We're seated by the right window. Below us, cars look tiny. The River Thames curves beautifully amongst the architecture and the view of the London skyline knocks the breath straight out of my lungs, the clouds almost parallel to us.

     "I'm not sure how I'm gonna eat with this view next to us," I say, my mouth ajar.

Opposite me, Anderson let's out a laugh. "It's really something huh?"

I nod, then, out of nowhere, I'm reminded of my first date with Grayson, and how he showed me the view of London from his dad's hotel. It was a pretty astonishing view. It made me feel all sorts of emotions and the recollection of it makes me feel them all over again.

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