Chapter Twenty Eight

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     "I'm taking you home now. It's 3am and you look about ready to pass out." The strong roar of Brody's laughter rings in my ears. Well, that and the usual ringing that occurs whenever I drink too much.

I'm not sure how many beers I've consumed, but what I do know is that, once I got over my stubbornness and fear of this place, I spent most of the night dancing with Brody at the corner of the room, ignoring the likes of the whorish women and obnoxious men that filtered in and out of it.

Brody wraps his arm around my shoulder, pushing a door open at the back of the room; a door I had never noticed until now.

"Secret door, huh?" I snigger, my lazy eyes just about allowing me to see the dark of the night in front of me as Brody ushers me outside.

"Sure," Brody laughs, swiping his hand once more through his blonde hair. "Here." He points to the passenger side of his BMW that's parked in an empty car park out back, opening the door before helping me inside.

"I know I've had a few, but surely you did too?" I giggle, pushing my seatbelt into the buckle as Brody enters the driver side.

He starts the engine, the headlights illuminating the otherwise dark area. "I had two," he says "And I sure as hell don't get drunk as easily as you. I only gave you three beers."

"Three?" I'm not sure why I'm surprised though; I've always known I'm a lightweight.

What feels like only moments later, the familiar blue door of mine and Hailey's house fills me with a warmth inside. "Thank you," I say to Brody, who's now nonchalantly redoing his hair in the rear-view mirror.

He looks to me, smiling his friendly smile, which, surprisingly, I've come to love. "Pleasure's all mine," he says. "But let's not make a habit of partying at Jack's Cellar, just come to my place next time?" A laugh falls from his lips, and I join him in laughter as I press my eyes shut at the ridiculousness of this night. "Take care Mia."

"Bye Brody." I exit the car, and throw a wave as he heads into the night.

Finally being home is relieving, and without hesitation I throw my bag to the floor and slip off my heels. I know my efforts tonight we're wasted, but in many ways I'm glad that I saw Brody; at least I know that Grayson is still out there somewhere, and he's still thinking of me. He has to be.

     "Mia, WHAT THE FUCK?"

My heart practically lunges into my throat at the sound of Hailey's loud—albeit drunk—voice boom down the stairway. I had ignored her calls all night, and quite frankly I don't want to begin to read the hundreds of messages she sent me. Though, I've got no excuse to get out of this one.

She reaches my side, wearing still her dress and makeup, and places her hand judgementally on her hip. "Mia, where the fuck were you?!" Even through the dimly lit hallway, her green eyes are brighter than bright.

     "Sorry," I murmur, looking to my shoes that are now scattered on the floor below. "I sort of got sidetracked."

An airy sound falls from her mouth, something between a cough and a gasp. Not that I blame her; what I did tonight was stupid.

     "Sidetracked, huh? I was trying to get hold of you all night! I was worried about you! Where did you go?"

I bite my lip, leaning my fuzzy head against the bannister. "Fine," I sigh. "If you must know, I went to Plasma."

     "Plasma?!" Hailey yells. "Plasma?!"

     "Yes, to look for Grayson," I admit, and I decide to continue with the truth; I may as well let it all out now. "And he wasn't there, so I went to his apartment, and he wasn't there either. So I went to..."

     "You went where Mia?"

     "Jack's Cellar."

I close my eyes. Hailey saw how traumatised I was the last time I came out of that place, and I know right now she'll be stood in front of me with her mouth ajar and her eyes silently scolding me.

Opening my eyes, I can see that I'm right.

"You what?! Jack's Cellar? Why would you step into that place again?!"

Tears prick in the corners of my eyes, though I have no idea why. Maybe it's the fact that Hailey's right, and because I know what I did tonight was stupid. Or maybe it's because after all of my bravery, I still didn't find Grayson. Maybe it's both.

I sigh. "I know it sounds crazy, but I had to try and find him. I had to try and see if he was there."

"And did you?" Hailey asks, though judgementally. "Is that who brought you home?"


"Mia, you need to tell me what's going on, right now! I'm your best friend, and I care for you, but you're not making any sense! And, you reek of beer!"

I take out my phone, scrolling through the endless texts and calls that Hailey sent, until I find my brother's name on the screen in front of me.

"Lucas text me," I say confused, my eyebrows knitting together.

Hailey takes a seat on the step, pushing her hands through her hair, and huffing. "Yeah," she mumbles. "I told him that you went AWOL."

My eyes widen, my mouth gaping at a now quiet Hailey in front of me. "You told Lucas?" I shriek. I look back to my phone, scrolling down and seeing more and more messages from him, as well as ten or so missed calls.

"Well I was worried about you!" Hailey pipes up, standing from the step. "I didn't know where the fuck you were! Lately it's like I don't even know you! You're making stupid decisions and keeping things secret from me! What else did you expect me to do?"

"You didn't need to tell my brother!" I yell, somewhat thankful that the alcohol is still fuelling my confidence. "He's going to be on my case now! Shit!"

"Well maybe if you would just tell me what's going on then I wouldn't need to tell him!"

"Fine!" I say, tossing my phone onto the side cabinet and throwing my hands in front of me. "Fine! You wanna know everything?"


"I've been looking for Grayson, okay?" The truth slips from my tongue too easily, but in some ways, it lifts a weight from my chest. "I know you want me to move on, but I can't, I just can't. I love him and I think he still loves me. I met his friend, Brody, the night I went out with Anderson, and he's the one who gave me a lift home tonight. He was at Jack's Cellar. Grayson wasn't." I watch Hailey as she stiffens up, studying my every word. "And I also met with Chloe, Grayson's sister, last week. She told me that I could be the one to save him from all of this. And I want to. I'm not giving up on him."

Hailey stares to the floor, her eyes moving from one foot to the other as she takes in my admission. "Mia," she sighs. "I get it. I really do." She moves her eyes back to me. "But what you're doing is crazy, and reckless, and downright stupid!"

"It's easy to say coming from anyone who isn't me," I murmur. "But I can't give up on him."

"Mia, he gave up on you a long time ago. You have to let him go."

More tears fall from my eyes, warming my cold cheeks. "He's out there somewhere Hailey," I choke. "I'm determined to find him, so that he can see that we can have a future together. Away from all of this shit."

     "Mia, you can't have a future with Grayson," Hailey spills. "He's wrapped up in too much shit, and he's not looking for you. Let him go Mia, please!"

A long moment passes—too long actually. Silence fills the hallway, drawing the four walls closer to myself and Hailey. It's suffocating, but the truth in Hailey's words is even more suffocating.

"Mia?" Hailey presses her hand to my shoulder whilst I stare to the floorboards under my feet. "Mia, please. Let him go."

I lift my heavy head, my eyes surely bloodshot, and I study Hailey; her sympathetic expression silently comforting me.

"Okay," I whisper, my head slowly nodding. "Okay."

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