Chapter Seventy Two

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I watch—with what I'm sure must be the most expressionless face I could possibly show—the repair man mount a new flatscreen TV onto the wall of my apartment before he proceeds to connect the remotes.

     "Thanks," I mutter, handing him a hefty tip in cash before he leaves for his next job. "Bye."

The door clicks shut and I slump onto the sofa whilst I take in my newly immaculately cleaned apartment.

Everything glistens. Everything shines and everything looks like it's never been touched before.

It's like Mia has never been here before.

But of course she has. Because behind the fresh licks of paint, the professionally hoovered floors, the carefully polished surfaces and the graciously gleamed tiles, she's everywhere.

She's implanted in this apartment just as much as she is in me. And I can never escape it. I can't escape her as much as I want to.

No. As much as I need to.

I swipe my phone from the side and dial Mia's number without so much of a hint of hesitation because the pain inside of me is too strong to not fight for the girl. I know we have it bad; I know our relationship is doomed, but I fucking love the girl with everything I have and I need to let her know that. If I can just let her know, then I know I've done everything I can from my side.

I slouch back into the sofa as every cell within me vibrates with anxiety. I know I shouldn't be calling. I know we both knew it was done, but, truthfully, I can't help myself right now.

But when the line beeps indicating an unavailable number, my heart practically lodges in my throat.

     "No fucking way," I groan, my eyes popping from their sockets. "No. Fucking. Way."

I stare aimlessly at the phone screen held in my hand in front of me, because I know it.

She's blocked me.

Cut me out of her life for good.

I shake my head profusely, tossing the phone hard onto the floor below and cupping my lips with my other hand.

How could she do this? How could she erase me from her life as quick as she has? Am I that easy to forget?

Or is that why she's done it? Because she can't forget me?

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