Chapter Seventy Seven

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     "Ten grand," mumbles the twat with the scabbed up nose. "It's all here."

I yank the duffel bag from Phil's hand, unzipping it hastily and checking the money's all there. I flick my hands through the bound notes and, when I'm satisfied that the dick isn't lying to me, I turn and make my exit.

Throwing one last look as I make to the door, I say, "Hope that clears up for you soon," dipping my eyes in the direction of Phil's nose. Then I look to Ryan, who's hunched in the corner, giving him a rough look to mark my power before getting the hell out of the shit hole.

They don't know that I'll never see them again, but I don't want them to know. They're scumbags and they deserve to fear me even if I'm never going to return to them. They can give their money to someone else. Anyone else. I don't really give a fuck.

Jack's Cellar is heaving tonight. I barge my way through the back exit and wait anxiously on one of the torn sofa's, purposely ignoring Brody, who I spot in the corner with another girl.

Does he ever give up?

I roll my eyes but tuck a tightly closed duffel bag under my legs until Joel arrives.

I text him earlier in the day, telling him that I have the rest of his money and to meet me at Jack's Cellar tonight. Surprisingly he agreed, and I didn't need to force him into the arrangement.

     "Cooper!" Someone shouts. I turn, and sigh internally at the sight of Jordan hurdling towards me. "What's up bro?"

     "Not your bro," I grunt. "Just waiting for Joel."

The fear of God enters Jordan's eyes. "Joel's coming?"

I nod. "Yeah. Asked him to." I kick the duffel bag slightly from under my feet, catching Jordan's attention. "His final payment and I'm off."

Jordan quirks an eyebrow. "You're off?"

I nod again. "Yup. I done with all this shit. I'm done with you all too."

     "Fuck man what did I do?"

I twist my body. "You and Brody always fucking feel the need to dish out Molly at parties. If it wasn't for you both then Mia wouldn't have gone back to Brody's that night. Maybe we'd still be together. Who the fuck knows."

Jordan looks to Brody—who's spotted me but wisely keeps his distance—then back to me with a sliver of regret behind his brown eyes. "I didn't know he'd do it to Mia. Besides, he didn't know she'd react like that. It's not my fault he took her back to his."

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