My alarm rang and it woke me up but did i open my eyes nope i didn't . I'm still tired from last week all that fucking final exams and the teachers giving us the talk about this will depend on my future what i know but still they told us that each day of that week and now here we are the hole weekend we didn't ate much because we where all sleeping and i didn't talked to Noel nor Josh or Jordan because i was sleeping then now it's Monday again and we have to go back and learn something new we have two weeks until school finishes and this year will be over then we are gonna be seniors on this campus and then after next year we are off to College . Noel is leaving this year which makes me sad but we have to have a long distance relationship for one year which sound really long i know i don't know how that boy will put up with one year and no sex but i'm sure we will have to make some up before he goes and comes .

James : Jamie come on get up 

Jamie : Nope i ain't gonna go today i'm sick i will just text Jordan 

Then i picked my phone up to text him but i could even turned it on before it was pulled out from my hands by James and i frown .

Jamie : Why did you do that give it back 

James : No if i have to go you will too now get dressed and come on 

I slowly got out and walked to the bathroom where i did my business and brushed my teeth then got dressed and Jordan gave me a burrito for breakfast .

I slowly got out and walked to the bathroom where i did my business and brushed my teeth then got dressed and Jordan gave me a burrito for breakfast

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Then i grabbed my burrito and my bag and keys then we both walked out

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Then i grabbed my burrito and my bag and keys then we both walked out . James locked the doors and we walked to my first class and after making sure that i won't go back to our dorm he left for his class and i sat in my History class seat i didn't had anybody here so i just leaned back and looked all grumpy until it was over after 1 hour then i went to my cooking class which i have with Tyler and i sat in my seat next to him .

Tyler : Hey wow look really tired J

Jamie : Well i am and i wanted to stay home and sleep more but James dragged me out and took my phone away but he gave it to me before pushing me into my History class room 

Tyler : Well you know James if he can't do that you can't either 

Then Chef walked in and began teaching and after two hours i was done with that too so i had lunch now so me and Tyler walked to our usually table where we where the first ones at i ate my food while Tyler was talking to the guys who just arrived then i saw Jordan and Noel and they both looked like me they gave me a weak smile and i didn't even tried because i knew it won't come out like a smile so i just nodded then they both sat at each side of me and we stayed quiet because honestly i didn't had the energy to talk at all . All i wanted to do was sleep but i couldn't do that so i was seating there looking grumpy and when i saw James i gave him a deadly glare and he looked away from me quick before starting to eat his food .

Noel : How can you guys talk don't you all are tired ?

Tyler : Nope i don't need that much of a sleep like you three do 

Aaron : Yeah i slept my Saturday thru like i didn't even woke up okay maybe i did but just to pee 

Noel nodded his head and the four guys went back to talking while the rest of us stayed quiet .

Jordan : Why didn't you play sick today ?

Jamie : I tired but that one over there didn't let me and he stole my phone and gave it back to me when he made sure that i'm in my history class 

James : You can't skip J that's ain't gonna help you with understanding things 

Jamie : Oh shut up asshole 

James : I love you too 

Everybody looked at Noel and he just shrugged .

Noel : What they are just friends and i trust her with my life 

Then he gave me a lazy kiss before putting his head on my shoulder but the bell rang and we all groaned then we slowly stud up and walked back inside me and Noel heading towards Astronomy and we where watching a movie today but the teacher said that we can sleep this  2 hours thru and cover for us thank god she is the best me and Noel leaned on each other and we both fell asleep quickly .

( 2 hours later )

Astronomy ended and i felt a little more alive then i did before we all thanked her before walking out and me and Noel walked to my dorm and ate before we changed in our pajamas at 5 pm and went back to sleep not caring that it's 5 pm .

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