It's New Years eve today is December 31st and i was still in bed taking a nap after i just woke up i don't know why but i always do this just of course when i have time and nothing else to do or go to . Mom came in my room 5 minutes ago and woke me up but i'm still laying here not making any effort to move but then my door opened and Jordan walked in .

Jordan : Good Morning twin 

Jamie : Good morning bro what can i do for you today ?

Jordan laid next to me under the cover and i faced him .

Jordan : I wanna talk to you about you and Tyler 

And my good mood was gone and he knew that .

Jamie : What is there to talk about ?

Jordan : He still loves you Jamie 

Jamie : But he cheated 

I pointed it out and leaned against my headboard and Jordan also sat up and we looked forwards but he was still talking .

Jordan : I know J and i already punched him for it but he is my best friend and you are my sister and i don't like seeing any of you hurt  

Jamie : I understand that Jordan but still i can't just forgive him it wasn't even the first time that he hurt me 

Jordan : I know Junior year  in High School 

And i just nodded and him still looking forwards . We stayed quiet until he spoke again .

Jordan : I know that it isn't really easy to forgive him but please try because he really misses you J and if you didn't noticed he was looking at you the hole night on that gala that his parents held he couldn't take his eyes off of you 

I chuckled and nodded .

Jamie : I know i felt his eyes the hole time 

Jordan also chuckled and kissed my forehead and stud up .

Jordan : Just think about it because today is new year which means forgiveness 

Jamie : I think about it twin bro 

Jordan grinned at me then walked out leaving the door open and i sat there for a couple of minutes until a maid came in my room with my breakfast and she placed it on my night stand.

Jamie : Thank you 

Maid : You welcome 

Then she walked out and i began to eat my breakfast and i just finished it when a different maid came in this time and took my plate i thanked her then stud up and went for a shower because i didn't do that yesterday night then after i showered i put some clothes on and leaved my face natural i only put on some face cream and that was it .

Then she walked out and i began to eat my breakfast and i just finished it when a different maid came in this time and took my plate i thanked her then stud up and went for a shower because i didn't do that yesterday night then after i showered i ...

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