Monday yep it's that time again folks after that long and relaxing two weeks we have to come back from those days and study again and this time even more harder why you may ask well because it's almost finals and we don't want you to get held back now don't we so go and make yourself ready for school and have a nice day and now to the weather it's gonna be cold but the sun will still be out even tho it won't really change the clod weather but tomorrow it gonna be a lot warmer even tho it's January and we know that it isn't really famous for warm weather we still could wish for it right okay anyways now let's get to the .... 

I pushed down on my alarm after i heard the weather . I opened my curtains and looked outside to see the football team already on the field training i didn't had my first three classes so i only had lunch and two art then i was finished with that and i had to do the other three classes online which kind of sucked but whatever i can do it if not i call Noel up because of Math and just ask James with history yeah i know i have that too but don't know why . I looked at the clock and it said 9:30 am which meant lunch is starting in 30 minutes so i quickly got ready and i was out the door after 10 minutes which was a record for me i locked the door and walked over to the elevator and got in then it slowly moved down and the doors opened and i walked out greeting the front desk woman .

 I looked at the clock and it said 9:30 am which meant lunch is starting in 30 minutes so i quickly got ready and i was out the door after 10 minutes which was a record for me i locked the door and walked over to the elevator and got in then it sl...

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I walked over the hole campus like no shit to get my lunch i was the first one sitting down at our table and it was kinda fun having some alone time before the big ass football players arrive and there they where pushing people out they way just t...

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I walked over the hole campus like no shit to get my lunch i was the first one sitting down at our table and it was kinda fun having some alone time before the big ass football players arrive and there they where pushing people out they way just to get food more faster and they made their way over to where i was sitting each one of them said hi to me when they sat down and so did the cheerleaders when they sat in their laps and then Noel , Jordan and Tyler arrived but the most wired thing happened when Tyler sit down the cheerleader who always sits on his lap was pushed away as she was about to sit on his lap and she looked around if somebody saw it and when her eyes found mine i gave her a small smile which she returned .

Jordan : So how was your sleep ?

Jamie : It was really great 

Jordan : Well i would have also sleep until 10 am but i had to wake up at 7 you know you are the only one who always gets lucky

I chuckled while i took a bite out from my food and in that 20 minutes me and Jordan talked until the bell ran .

Jamie : Well i have to go by buddy 

Jordan : Bye J

Jamie : Bye everybody  

Everybody : Bye J 

I chuckled to myself as i walked in i walked to my art class and sat down and remembered that Noel and Tyler both have this class and there they where walking in like Kings .

Noel : Why didn't you wait for us ?

Jamie : I don't wait for losers 

Noel gasped while Tyler laughed and i smirked .

Noel : Anyways how was your two weeks break ?

Jamie : It's was fun but too much high heels for me 

Tyler : But she was looking hot 

I glared at Tyler while Noel looked confused and Tyler only just smirked when she sat down in his seat .

Jamie : Tyler you can't say that to you friends 

Tyler : Oh yeah sorry 

Noel : Wait a minute so you and Tyler are friends now 

Jamie : Yeah kind of anyways how was your Christmas at your Grandmas ?

Noel : It was great but i missed that delicious pudding pie that Chef is always bake's for Christmas and how is Ty and Jade ?

Jamie : Well Ty is great and Jade is silly as always 

Noel : I miss them so much i was kind of sad actually not seeing my room either 

Tyler : I was so glad when i saw my bed and it felt so good to sleep in too 

Jamie : Same here 

Noel : Way to make me feel even more homesick 

We laughed and the teacher came in and told us that we can draw whatever we want again but this time it will be graded so we draw for two hours until our drawings where finished and we walked out from the class .

Jamie : Well i got to go but see you two tomorrow and Noel watch you phone because maybe i will need you 

Noel : Okay i will take it everywhere so when princes is calling me i can run and make her wish come true 

Jamie and Tyler : Stop being Cheesy dude 

Noel chuckled and i walked away towards my dorm but before that i quickly garbed some coffee on my way back home. As i walked in my room i felt really hungry so i searched for Chef's task for us and i cooked some Chicken enchiladas and ate it while i was doing my work on my Mac Book then i faced times Noel and he told me to take a picture so i did and he told me how to solve it easy and then i was done with everything and also with my food . I walked back in my room and took a nap but that nap lasted until next day morning . 

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