Josh : Are you ready for next week ?

Jamie : Honestly no i don't 

It's true i'm already depressed with just the tough's about next week if you don't know already next week is gonna be the finals we are gonna write testes and have zero time to sleep or even to be with my boyfriend yep me and Noel are together for now almost 2 month and it's so amazing so far .

Josh : Well if i could i would go back home and never come back and forget about finals 4ever

Jamie : I know me too 

Josh : So are yo pregnant yet ?

Jamie : Josh shut up you idiot 

I punched him in his arm and i knew that he felt it because some hurt could be seen on his face.

Josh : I was just asking god did that hurt 

He said while groaning and stroking his arm and all i did was chuckle then Andrew sat down .

Jamie : Andrew i haven't seen you in a while 

Andrew : Well i haven't seen you either 

Jamie : Well i was around 

Andrew : Yeah always attracted to Noel's mouth 

He and Josh laughed while i glared at them both .

Jamie : That was mean but it's the truth but still 

Andrew : So who is looking forwards Monday and the other days next week ?

Josh : Not me and nor Jamie 

Jamie : Yeah i would love to just disappear so i don't have to do finals next week 

Andrew : I'm with you guys 

Noel : Hey baby

And he kissed me on my lips before seating down next to me . 

Jamie : Hey 

Noel : What are you all talking about ?

Andrew : Finals 

Noel groaned and nodded .

Noel : I know and i also know that i won't see you in my free time just when we are having class but there won't be any talking either because we have to write for our dear future 

Josh : Well i never really though about that part 

Jamie : The future part ?

Josh : Yeah that one 

Noel : I have to go because i have practice but i come to your later 

Jamie : Yeah okay 

Then Noel kissed me for the last time before walking away towards the football field .

Jamie : And what about you don't you have practice ?

Josh : Nope thank god i can have some days off before the big game 

Andrew : How is your knee doing ?

Josh : Well i can play football but i still have to rest it so coach told me that this week and next one is practice free for me so i can hang with Jamie all i want 

Jamie : Yeah happy me 

Josh playfully glared but still smiled .

Josh : I know that you love me 

Andrew : Oh yeah did you and Noel already said that word to each other ?

Jamie : Yes we did when we both where having you know ...

Josh : Sex 

Jamie : Josh don't say that 

I whined and pouted at the same time and they just laughed then i stud up .

Noel : Where are you going ?

Jamie : To see my Boyfriend and Brother play 

Then i walked towards the filed while Josh and Andrew where walking behind me trying to catch up i sat at the bench and my brother noticed me first he waved at me and i did the same then Noel looked at my way and his smile grew and i gave him a smile too then they both turned back and i just watched them and talked with the two boys on each side of me without actually looking at them .

( 3 hours later )

The practice ended two hours ago and we all went out to eat Jordan , Andrew , Josh , Noel and Me . We went to the little restaurant that doesn't look like one it it's being used as a dinner place on the campus and which is also great in this place that they are open 24/7 so we can even come here on midnight just to eat or grab a drink which was pretty cool .

Jordan : Well i have to go back and shower so see you guys tomorrow 

Then he kissed my forehead and walked out leaving me and Noel alone with Josh and Andrew .

Noel : I need to shower too babe can we go to yours ?

Jamie : Yeah of course see you two tomorrow 

I gave them both a hug then me and Noel walked out holding hands even tho he was sweaty and stinky i didn't care because he was my boy and nothing would ever stop me from touching him until he is mine . We got back to my dorm and Noel went straigh to the shower after asking me if i could grab him some of his clothes and bring it to the bathroom and i said yes so i grabbed him so Calvin Klein boxers and a gray sweatpants with a white shirt and  went in the bathroom .

Jamie : Here are  your clothes i place them on the washer 

Noel : Okay thanks 

Then i walked out closing the door after me and i changed too .

Then i walked out closing the door after me and i changed too

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( without the cup and the bag )

Then i made us some burritos and put two burritos on each plate i was about to go and ask him when is he finished when he walked out looking all sexy .

Jamie : I made some burritos 

Noel : Thanks babe they look great 

Then we ate while he told me about his day and i told him about mine then we both walked in my bedroom after washing the plates because i never leave my plate's unwashed behind to somebody else .

Noel : So today is Thursday so that means 3 days left until next week 

Jamie : Uhhh don't remind me because i don't wanna thing about it 

I groaned and laid next to him as he played with my hoodie and he started to pull it off so my bra was showing and i knew why he reminded me of next week so i pulled him down and we made out and it lead to you know what and we did it a couple of times until we both where really tired so we just laid there under the covers and in each others arms .

Noel : Come on babe let's sleep 

Then he kissed my nose and forehead before closing his eyes and so did i .

My Twin Brother's  Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now