Chapter Eighteen: Broken Pieces, Broken People

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"Alright, dear," I heard a feminine voice speak to me softly as she entered the room. But it was probably the most inopportune time for her to come in.

Because Draco and I had fallen asleep together in the bed. And the woman who walked in was his mother.

"Draco?" She questioned, a bit startled seeing her son so soft with a girl. Draco sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Sorry, mum," He got up from the bed. "She um... didn't want to be alone..."

"No, no," She waved her son off with a knowing smile. "It's very kind of you to be so caring with her. I'm sure this is all very disorienting for her. But I do need to get her dressed in proper attire. You two are attending a meeting tonight before you go back to Hogwarts tomorrow."

Draco nodded and swiftly left the room. Narcissa placed her hand gently on my shoulder.

"Hazel, dear," Her soft voice spoke. "We need to get you dressed."

"What?" I sat up and remembered where I was. And why. And everything that had happened. But what caught me off guard the most was the absence of Draco.

The only source of safety for me since I've arrived.

"Where's Draco?"

"He's left for now. I need to help you dress into more appropriate attire for a meeting."

"Meeting?" I shook my head in disoriented confusion. "What- I don't understand."

"It's alright, dear. You don't have to right away. All of this is so new to you," She frowned. "I hate that you've been roped into this but Draco's told me all about you and your determination to help him. As his mother I want to say thank you. I've never seen this softer side of him that you seem to bring out."

"He's just... close to me I guess... it happened so sudden..." I admitted as she began laying out black feminine clothing options. "He's like a brother. Long lost family member."

"Oh," She nodded. "I must have gotten the wrong impression then."

Did she walk in on us sleeping together?

"I like this," I picked up a short black skirt. I then spotted a black, skin fitting button up and a jacket with it. "I like this outfit. Could I wear this?"

"With these, yes," She handed me a pair of black tights. "And those boots. I do believe you'd look very beautiful in all of this. I'll leave you to get changed. Also, maybe keep your hair down. Pinning it up seems a bit too confident and we don't want him getting the wrong idea."

I understood. I don't want to do anything that would trigger any kind of negative reaction from Voldemort. He scares me enough as it is.

She left me to change in peace and I actually found myself quite liking the ensemble I had put together with Narcissa's help. It missed that bit of jewelry or rings but I don't have those luxuries here.

So I ran a brush through my hair and called it good. I opened the door to my room at the same time Draco left his room. His eyes scanned up and down my body then reconnected with my eyes.

"Potter couldn't keep his hands to himself if he tried," Draco remarked.

"Was that a compliment?" I joked a bit. I swore I saw him almost grin. I'm getting somewhere.

Operation turn Draco Malfoy human.

"Maybe it was," He returned my humor. "I swear if you tell Potter-"

"Don't plan on it. I can't... and won't be able to anyway."

Draco saw my mood drop.

"Hey, how about we... go do something stupid."

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