Chapter Six: The Cursed Necklace

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So, if I was suspicious before of Harry's odd behavior, I'm a lot more suspicious now. Because Hermione and I snatched Harry's potions book and the previous owner of it was the 'Half-Blood Prince'? Hermione said she'd look into it, but Harry seemed very defensive when we tried to investigate.

We didn't have much time to think about it anyway. We're on our way to Hogsmeade.

I can't contain my happiness. I really can't. I've already teased Hermione and Ron saying this would be a great double date if only they'd be honest about their feelings for each other.

Yeah. It was quiet for a while. But Harry and I couldn't stop laughing.

Once we got off of the train. I immediately linked my arm into Harry's and intertwined our gloved hands together. It's freezing and there's snow on the ground, it's cold, but I used the excuse of it being cold so I could get closer to him.

He didn't mind anyway.

We entered the Three Broomsticks and Harry took my coat for me, then pulled my chair out for me. Much like a proper gentleman. Which I complimented him on and he blushed. I love it when I make him blush. He gets all flustered and doesn't know what to say for a while.

We all sat down at a table in front of the fireplace and ordered our butterbeers. Hermione ordered ginger in hers. I sat across from Harry so I was able to see when his eyes focused rather hard on something a ways behind me.


"Hm? Oh," He shook his head a little. "Sorry. Distracted."

"You have been, lately."

"Oh, bloody hell," Ron groaned. "Slick git."

Harry and I both turned to where Hermione and Harry were looking. And the relief I felt when I saw Ginny sitting with Dean Thomas at a table was immense.

Thank. God.

"It's alright, they're only holding hands," Hermione stated. Then the two of them kissed and we all turned back around. "And snogging."

"I'd like to leave," Ron said as the waitress brought us our drinks.

"What?" Hermione scoffed. "You can't be serious."

"That happens to be my sister," Ron argued.

"So," Hermione fired back. "If she looked over here and saw you snogging me would you expect her to just get up and leave?"

Sorry Ron. She's got a point. Harry snickered a little bit, so did I, but I nudged him under the table with my foot so he'd stop laughing. Harry looked up and suddenly waved at someone behind me. Then he stood up when Slughorn approached to shake his hand.

"Harry, my boy!" Slughorn beamed.

"Hello, sir! Wonderful to see you!"

"And you!"

"So, what brings you here?" Harry asked our professor.

"Oh, the Three Broomsticks and I go way back. Father than I care to admit. I can remember when it was one broomstick!"

I scooted my chair back when Slughorn spilled his drink on our table. Hermione was hit with the splash just a bit.

"Oh, hands on deck, Granger!" Slughorn said, then turned back to Harry. "Listen, my boy. In the old days, I used to-" Slughorn's words slurred together but I understood the last few. "Supper parties. I'd select a student or two. Would you be game?"

Harry's eyes widened and he glanced down at me. I just shrugged and nodded, so he looked back up at Slughorn. "I'd consider it an honor, sir."

"Ah," Slughorn smiled and glanced down at me. "You would be welcome too, Longbottom."

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