Chapter Fifteen: Brilliant Minds

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"So... Malfoy's not a heartless snake like his father?" George was the first to speak after I vented the entire situation with Draco to him and his brother.

"Exactly," My fingers massaged my temples as I felt another headache begin to seize my brain. "I don't want to hide things from Harry. I really don't. But I know the second I try to convince him that Malfoy isn't the enemy, he's going to think I'm siding with him."

"Well, in his defense, you are," Fred started, I shot him a bit of a scowl, in reaction to which he raised a hand. "But! I see where you're stuck. And Hazel, it's the same reason why I've been so drawn to you since we met. Your heart is way too big for your own good. You love Harry but see his enemy hurting and you want to help him. But then again he's Harry's enemy. And in order to have things work out you need Harry to not hate Draco so we can get all of this to go smoothly."

I smiled at my best friend. "Freddie, I love your brain. You just put an hour's worth of my rambling into a two second paragraph."

"Eh, I consider translating your mind a gift," He shrugged, nudging me in a teasing way.

"So, what's the plan?" George asked curiously. "What has your amazing brain thought of so far?"

"Nothing. At all. I'm a blank page," I groaned. "I feel so stuck. I don't know what to do. Which is why I'd hoped your brilliant minds could help me out."

"Well. just bring it up to him tonight before bed. Use Harry's constantly working brain to your advantage. He overthinks things, yes?" Fred asked, both George and I agreed and I had a guess of where he was going with this.

"Bring it up to him and let him think about it. It's risky," I bit my lip. "But it's something. I'm just scared he'll overthink all of the wrong factors and he'll come to his stubborn, opposing opinion and I won't be able to sway him."

"The Hazelnut's not wrong, Freddie," George sighed. "It's in character for Harry to overthink all the negatives."

"It's all the boy ever focuses on," Fred agreed.

"I don't know. All I can think of is just laying it all out for him," I suggested. "I mean, I was able to get Hermione on my side, as well as you two, just by explaining the story. But then again, Draco told me specifically and rather firmly not to tell Harry anything."

"First off, we're on your side no matter what," Fred confirmed. "But think about it this way. If we get Harry in on this, he could be a powerful asset. Yes, his brain seems to be hardwired into focusing on all of the negatives in situations. It's rather realistic."

"Like a man without hope," George chimed in.

"Anyway," I snickered at George.

"But regardless of the fact that he's always thinking about the negatives, he's smart. For the most part. And if we have someone realistic on this team, who thinks about all of the things that could happen. Paired with you," Fred poked my cheek. "Miss ray of hope and sunshine, you two could get Malfoy out of this."

"From then on?" I asked. "What happens after that? That's if this is successful. We don't even have a plan for that either. Would it even work? I mean, this is Death Eater stuff, Fred. this is bigger than all of us combined."

"Now you're overthinking," Fred laughed softly. "Take it bit by bit. Tonight, talk to Harry. Lay it all out for him. Make it all as plain as day but add in your charm to the good parts of this. Guaranteed it'll work or he'll at least begin to consider your proposals. We've gotta take advantage of his complete and undying attraction to you to our advantage here. He cares about you- he'll care about what you have a passion for."

"Okay," I sighed and nodded. "Step by step. Okay."

"Glad we popped by to visit?" George smirked.

"Always," I leaned against him, then we all stood up. "Now, Freddie, I remember you saying you were the 'god of chess'. I wanna see it for myself. Fancy a game?"

"If we can get your man and Ron off of it," Fred joked. "Then yes, I'd love to completely destroy you at a game of chess. Just don't feel too bad about yourself when you lose."

"I'll say the same for you when I beat you," I walked into the house before them with a little bit of a strut.

"Oh, getting brave now are we?" Fred chuckled. "Love, you can't beat me at my own game."

"Sure I could," I saw Harry and Ron sitting on the couch. "I've been practicing."

"Have you?" He sat on the chair across from me at the chess table. "Well, let's see, then!"

Suddenly the fireplace roared to life and Arthur and Molly Weasley stepped out of it. Each of them carrying multiple bags in each arm.

"Oh, good! We're all here now!" Molly beamed. "Girls! I need your help cooking dinner tonight! We're having guests!"

Fred and I met eyes and I frowned. Fred waved me off with a smile.

"We'll reschedule your demise," He teased. "For now, I'll continue my winning streak against George. Go help mum."

"Guests?" Hermione asked when I joined her, Ginny, and Molly in the kitchen. "Who is it, might I ask?"

"Remus and Nymphadora," Molly answered. "Remus has asked to speak with Arthur and Harry."

"About?" Ginny pried nosily. "Something serious?"

"Now, Ginny, the Order will have their discussion," Molly minded her daughter. "Us women will be tending to dinner and setting the table."

There was an unmistakable crack of someone apparating into the living room. Molly gasped and smiled brightly, quickly trotting off into the living room to greet our company. I myself felt a tinge of excitement seeing my old professor and now good friend Remus Lupin.

"Well, Longbottom!" Remus smiled when he saw me. I was quite shocked to see him so excited to see me, but I accepted it gratefully. It's odd how much of a fatherly vibe I get off of him. Maybe because I didn't necessarily grow up with a father figure. "I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see you."

"I could say the same about you," I hugged him when he motioned me into his arms. I felt my heart soften at the feeling of his embrace. It was warm and safe and I didn't ever want to leave it. Reluctantly, I pulled away and hugged Tonks. A woman I had only met once.

We haven't ever really, properly spoken. She's closer with Ginny and Hermione. But something seems different about her this time around. She seemed to look down at me with a caring eye and welcomed me into her arms gladly.

"Now, where might your boyfriend be?" Tonks asked. "We've come to speak with him and Arthur."

"I believe they're in the basement," I told her. "I can go get them?"

"No, I'm sure the basement is best for our conversations," Tonks glanced up at Remus for his approval, which was abundant. "We'll be back up to visit once we've gotten everything off of our chests."

"Okay," I watched as they left to join Harry and Arthur downstairs. Hermione came up behind me.

"That was... odd."

"Thank god I'm not the only one who thought so," I scoffed. "I'm not sure how I feel about their... sudden kindness to me..."

"Well, if anything, appreciate it," She told me. "I'm sure the truth behind their behavior will be revealed eventually. Come on. Molly's about to start on the pies."

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