Old Friends

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Hannah's POV

I walk up to the front desk of the storage facility with Spencer. "I'm here to get into a storage locker" I say looking the woman in the eye "Name on the locker?" she asks "Michelle Evans" I say, her eyes fly up to meet mine. "Hannah?" she asks and I nod "Yeah can I get into my grandmother's locker please?" I ask "Yeah I will bring you!" she says and I smile at her "You probably don't remember me, I was in school the year under you. You look great. How have you been? Who is this?" she asks looking at Spencer "I've been fine, I do remember you. Diamond? Right? This is my husband, Spencer. How have you been?" I ask and she nods "Great. Are you in town for the reunion? This is it. Here's the key." she says "Bye Diamond" I say placing the key in the lock. I breath out and open the locker.

We draw our guns and head in to the dim locker. "Tiffany, if you can hear me make a noise. It's Hannah." I say and I hear medal bang together like in a cage. I sharply turn to my right and see a cage, the body inside of it shaking. I run over and drop to my knees. "Hey. Hey. Listen to me Tiffany, we are going to get you out of here. Okay do you hear me?" I pick up my phone and call the station "This is SSA Hannah Reid. I need backup and medical assistance to the Smith Family Storage Facility." I say hanging up the phone. I look around and see the padlock on the cage door. "Call Morgan and tell him to bring in the bolt cutters that are in the trunk." I say looking at Spencer "Since when do we have bolt cutters in the trunk?" he asks and I look at him "Got it. Calling." he says walking past me.

"Hannah. It's good to see you." she says slightly looking at me "You too Tiffany. Here I will sit here with you until backup gets here." I say sitting and leaning against the side of the cage taking her hand in my own. "I met Cassandra. She's beautiful. She has your eyes." I say and she giggles a little bit "How is your kid?" she asks "It's been almost 10 years since the last time we spoke. I actually had another kid. A little boy, his name is Jason. He's 9 now about to be 10. Him and Grace are so close, and so smart I guess they take that from their dad" I say giggling a tear falling down my cheek. "I never apologized. I should've come forward and put your parents away for a long sentence and maybe Hillary wouldn't have had a break like she did." she says "No. You were a kid, I don't blame you. My parents got what they deserved. You wanted to move on like it never happened and I get that." I say and she sits up slightly "I should've convinced my parents to take you in, so you weren't in that horrible system. You didn't deserve anything that happened to you in your past." she says squeezing my hand. I turn and make eye contact with her "I've moved on from all that trauma. I am a wife, a mother, I have a family who loves me more than life itself. A family who I know would never hurt me. I have a husband who is also my bestfriend that has stuck by me through more dark days than I care to admit. I am a better, stronger person now because of my past but I don't let it affect the present because then they win. I don't want that. I don't want you sitting here feeling bad about my past thinking you could've saved me. I saved me. and now I am saving you." I say laughing as Morgan runs in with the bolt cutters and I hear the sirens of back up coming up. Morgan picks her up out of the cage and runs her outside. I stay seated against the cage and drop my head.

I walk out as the bright sun beams through my eyes. I look over to the ambulance and then walk over to Emily. "Do you mind if I go with her? She's scared and alone. Plus if the Berkendown siblings show up she wouldn't be able to protect herself." I say "Go. Morgan and Reid will follow you guys." and I nod jumping in the ambulance. "Where is Cassandra?" she asks me "She is at the station with the rest of my team. She will meet you at the hospital, all you need to worry about right now is getting better, Tiffany. Okay?" I say and she nods. "How bad is it?" I say looking up at the medic "She has a few stab wounds, but other than that she is severley malnourished and dehydrated. She will be okay once we get her to the hospital." he says and I nod at him.

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