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963 36 14

Oh and I overdose
Boy, I want off of this roller coaster
You take me high just to bring me down
Oh, and you bring me down, down
I'm trying not to take too much
I'm in over my head
Over love, boy I over trust
Give me the chance to pick up the pieces you left me in, why did I let you in?
Overzealous, I'm over this, oh I'm over us
Over and over, I let you under my skin and it's over
I promise never again you'd come over
Something takes over me, I can't control this hallucinogen
Alesia Cara ~ Overdose



Their families were also invited, wanting to pay their respects to Emiko Kirishima as she had done a lot for them.

Bakugo even showed up to be there for his Kirishima. Bakugo barely knew him before his mom died but he wanted to be there nonetheless. He went to find Kirishima and once he found him, he reached his arms out to him. Feeling the sudden urge that the red head desperately needed comfort.

Kirishima froze, not knowing what to do until he hesitantly sunk into the loud blonde's embrace, a couple of whimpering cries escaped along the way which only caused Bakugo to tighten his grip. His heart broke into thousands of pieces just hearing him cry.

"I am always here if you need me. You've known that since we talked in the swings." Bakugo gently whispered in Kirishima's ear to further calm his nerves.

During this time Mina, Kamanari, and Sero made their way over to the boys as they were pulling apart, watching as Bakugo carefully wiped the free falling tears on Kirishima's face.

    Kirishima faced Mina and almost immediately rushes into her arms, clearly in need of some comfort from his best friend.

    Once Kirishima was done, they pulled away and then he clung onto Sero as he reciprocated and wrapped his arms tightly around him, rubbing his back in circular motions to comfort his non-biological brother.

    As a couple of minutes went on after Kirishima hugged Kamanari, the five of them decided that they would join together to form a group hug while their families watched from afar, admiring the people their children had become (and yes Bakugo's parents to...).

    "You'll get through this Kirishima. I know you will because we will be right here by your side." Kamanari muttered with a croaky voice as he tried to so hard to keep his wall up which was very slowly coming down.


    The five pulled away to be greeted by Kirishima's father and his bestfriend's families.

    "It's time..."

    He nodded meekly but little did his know that all four people had noticed his bandaged hand but decided against asking about it, not wanting to discomfort Kirishima even more.

Recap Over


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