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Daechul was lying in bed. It was just a little past midnight and she couldn't fall asleep. She felt like she was being watched but hoped that it was just the paranoia she had developed after years of hiding.

Sitting up in bed, she saw slight movement from outside her window. A rush of adrenaline started to course through her veins as she slowly reached for her phone and the stiletto knife hidden in her nightstand. She pulled up her brother's contact and got ready to call as she heard faint sounds come from the kitchen.

She gripped the knife, creeping behind the door. There it was--faint footsteps making their way down the hall to her bedroom. She tapped the call button and waited for him to answer.


"Yeah, hey brother, nice to hear from you too after such a long while," she whispered sarcastically. There was a sigh...

"Are you in trouble?" he asked.

"Nah," she shook her head even though he couldn't see her, "Just wanted to let you know that I have an uninvited guest wandering the halls this late at night."

"On my way," he said quickly, "Don't hang up until I get there."

"Alright, I'm putting you on speaker so shut up."

She set her phone down and waited for her guest to arrive. The footsteps paused and then continued until she saw a shadow appear in the doorway.

"I know you're in here. There's no use in hiding anymore," a male's voice. spoke up

She stepped out where he could see her, "Hyunjin, love, you already miss me?"

He shrugged, slowly pulling out a knife of his own. The moonlight glinting off of its smooth, metal surface. "Too bad you're all alone," he stated, with a mock sad expression.

"Oh, I don't mind," She said sweetly, faking a smile, "Besides, you're always here to give me company."

"Daechul, stop flirting with him, you idiot!" Namjoon screamed from the phone, causing Hyunjin to flinch in surprise.

"I'm not, so shut up," she called back.

Hyunjin sighed annoyed, lunging at her. She sidestepped, causing him to almost stumble. Grabbing him by the back of his shirt, she yanked him to the floor. She pinned his wrists to the floor, sitting on him.

He let out a grunt in pain. "Why do they always send me..." he muttered.

Daechul grinned, "Just wait until my brother catches you."

His eyes grew wide, "Not Namjoon!"

He pushed her off him with all of his force, sending her flying into the wall. She groaned as she sat up, glancing over at him. She blinked, trying to get rid of her dotted vision.

The door to her apartment burst open and heavy footsteps approached her bedroom. Both of their heads turned to the hall.

"Crap..." Hyunjin stood, swiftly going to the window, "See ya next time, darling."

She let out a frustrated groan, "You've gotta be kidding me!"

Namjoon entered with two men behind him, sweeping the room with their guns. He looked at her confused, "I thought you said someone was here? Why are you on the floor?"

Sighing, she rolled her eyes and stood up, "Because he jumped out of the window once he heard you coming. And I almost had him this time too!"

She went over and put the stiletto knife back in the nightstand, grabbing her phone. Looking over at the other two men, she jumped on her bed, propping her head up with her arms.

Bipolar ◑ A BTS Mafia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now