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Namjoon woke up and changed into some athletic clothes. Everyone had the day off for training, but as a gang leader, he didn't allow himself to skip. He trained for about an hour or so until it was time for Hoseok to do his morning rounds. It had never been set in stone, but Hoseok was the gang's alarm clock—reasonable timing and likable. 

Namjoon passed him in the hallway. Hoseok leaned against Jungkook's doorway, chatting. He glanced over and saw Namjoon, giving him a bright smile before turning his attention back to his conversation with Jungkook.

He entered his room and took a shower, getting dressed quickly. He didn't like to be late for breakfast. When he came out to the hallway, he saw Hoseok standing at the doorway to Daechul's room, looking stunned.

Hoseok saw Namjoon and started to stutter, "J-Joon...she's gone. Daechul isn't here."

Namjoon's heart skipped a beat as he pushed past Hoseok. His sister's room was a mess. Books lay on the floor, a spilled and crushed teacup, some of the things from her vanity had tipped over and fallen to the floor, and even her bed wasn't made. Her blankets were partly lying on the floor.

"Dae..." the whisper escaped his lips.

He stumbled back out to the hallway where the others were coming out of their rooms. They cautiously and worriedly approached him, wondering what could have upset their leader.

"Hyung, what is it?" asked Jungkook.

"Daechul's gone."


"Are you sure you wanna go through with this? We can think of something else," said Bang Chan.

Daechul nodded, "I'm sure. My father has already caused me so much pain so what's taking some of his money?"

Bang Chan nodded and sighed, looking over at Minho, "Alright, get over here. Hyunjin, help him with her makeup. Han, Felix, can you both tie her to the chair?"

They did as their leader instructed and soon Daechul found herself bound to a chair. Bang Chan stood off to the side and nodded to Minho and Hyunjin. The two males carried a box and opened it to reveal makeup. They both worked on creating bruises and Hyunjin even created a substance that appeared like blood.

"Oh, my eye," Daechul blinked rapidly, feeling an eyelash irritating her eye.

"Sorry, hold on," Minho set down his brush and gingerly held open her eyelid. He spotted the rogue eyelash and blew carefully, doing his best to get it out without actually touching it. Eventually, he was able to free the eyelash and return to his work.

"Does it look convincing?" she asked, not knowing how she looked without a mirror.

"Yes, they did a good job," Felix answered, watching with Han and Bang Chan.

"I'm honestly impressed," the leader agreed.

"Shall we take the picture then?" she suggested.

"I think it's safe to say yes," Minho nodded, putting his brushes back in the box. "I'm actually proud of myself, I should be a makeup artist."

"Ahem," Hyunjin crossed his arms, giving the other boy a questionable look. "And I suppose I did nothing, right?"

"Yes," Minho smirked, taking his box. "I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me."

Bipolar ◑ A BTS Mafia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now