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"Daechul-ah...don't cry," a voice awoke her from her thoughts. She looked up startled to see the voice belonged to Jimin. They were still standing there and now even Taehyung was awake, staring up at her.

She touched her cheeks to feel that she was indeed crying, she hadn't even realized. Quickly wiping away the tears and staring at the floor, she didn't meet anyone's eyes. She felt vulnerable now and she hated it.

"Dae?" Namjoon calmly called her name.

Sniffling, her voice wavered, "I miss Mom."

She stood, head hung low, starting to leave the room because all she wanted at that moment was to be alone. Her brother placed a hand on her shoulder, patting it before letting her go.

When she reached her room, she went to her bathroom. She stripped off her dress and filled the bathtub with hot water. She wanted the water to be so hot that it felt like her skin was burning, not wanting to be reminded of how she was shivering that night.

She slid her body under the water until her head was all that was left out. Hugging herself, tears ran down her cheeks for the second time that morning. She stayed in the tub and cried until her throat felt raw.

Daechul laid on her bedroom floor feeling exhausted. After she had gotten out of the bathtub, she had changed into some clothes and found herself on the floor for another "dying" session. She had made her room dark and let some sad music play quietly on the record player.

Her bedroom door slowly opened as Jimin peeked his head inside. He gave her a sad smile and made his way over to her. Sitting down next to her, he put her head in his lap and brushed her hair away from her face.

His touch made a small chill go down her spine—in a good way. His touch felt nice and soothing as he kept caressing her hair. They sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company. She was glad he had come, she appreciated his presence.

"Thank you, Jimin," she whispered.

"I just want to be there for you, and I always will," he replied, "I care about you, Daechul-ah."

"I know you do," she murmured, stroking his free hand.

"But you care about Taehyung and Yoongi, I can't tell which one you care about more." Jimin patted her head, "Although I want you for myself...I just want you to know that I want you to be happy in the end. If it's not with me I will be sad...but if you're happy then that's all I need."

Daechul smiled softly, "Thank you. That means a lot to me, I hope you know that. I'm just stuck in some sort of love maze and I don't know what to do."

Leaning down and kissing her forehead. They sat there in silence for a few minutes until Jimin scooted toward the bed to lean against it and Daechul scooted over with him so she could continue to rest with her head in his lap.

His words, touch, and presence were all so comforting to her beyond explanation. They stayed there and ended up talking for a little over an hour, speaking about random things mostly. Jimin felt pleased with himself whenever he could make her laugh.

Eventually, he had to leave to work on some tasks that Namjoon had given him and she followed him downstairs before parting ways. She hadn't eaten anything yet that day so she was starving. She rummaged through the fridge, poking her head out from the fridge to see Jin.

"Hungry?" he asked, grinning. Nodding, she hoped maybe he would make something for her. "I'll make some waffles since they make you happy," he said.

Daechul smiled widely, "Thanks, Jin. You're the best."

"Who's the best?" interrupted Yoongi, entering the kitchen. He looked over at Jin, looking him up and down, "What'd he do to become the best?"

Smirking, she rolled her eyes, "He's making me waffles. That makes him automatically at the top of the list, being the best."

Jin chuckled as he mixed the ingredients for waffles together. Yoongi just scowled and looked away.

"I could make waffles," he muttered. Daechul laughed, slinging an arm around him.

"Jealous much, Kitten?" she teased.

He tried to shake her off but she reached up and ruffled his hair. This time he didn't try and stop her, he just chuckled to himself.

"Enjoy it all you want, I'm dyeing it to a different color soon," he said.

She looked up at him with wide eyes, "You are? What color?"

"Silver," he answered.

"That'd look cool," she said, peering over to see Jin's progress with the waffles.

He smirked, "Oh, so I'm not cool already?"

Looking back over at Yoongi, she replied, "No, you are...just you'll look even cooler."

She watched as he gave her a genuine smile, feeling fuzzy inside. Jin sat a plate of waffles on the table for her, grinning.

"Alright, stuff your face with that so I don't have to put up with your flirting," he gave her a wink and walked off, probably to go find Hoseok for training.

They both sat down together, Yoongi watching as she ate. She poured syrup over them and then shoved a piece into her mouth, practically inhaling her food. He observed her with an amused face. When she set her fork down momentarily to take a sip of her drink, he stole her fork and took a bite of her waffles.

"Hey! You thief!" she accused, snatching her fork back from him and laughing.


"Have you noticed that Daechul's been acting differently lately?" Hoseok asked one day.

Jungkook nodded, "She's not as scary as she used to be."

"I think maybe it was just coming back to the house that really triggered the behavior," stated Namjoon.

"Why do you say that?" asked Hoseok.

Namjoon sighed, thinking back, "I found her at my mother's body in the middle of the road late one night...it was a mess. She was a mess, emotionally and physically. Her clothes were soaked with a mix of her and my mother's blood. I don't know how long she was even there. She suffered from trauma and shock after the murder. I took her home straight away and got her all cleaned and bandaged up."

"I immediately sent her into hiding...and I don't think she had time to properly process the situation and sort out the emotions she was feeling. My father didn't even come to the funeral we had for my mother and I think she hated him for it. I think coming back here triggered some feelings that she hadn't quite expressed yet. And...I think she still secretly feels like that helpless fifteen year old girl who watched her mother die before her eyes."

"Oh..." Jungkook said, looking off somewhere.

"She witnessed the whole thing?" asked Jimin in shock.

Namjoon nodded, "It was the first day of summer break and they spent the day together. She watched the whole thing. She was there. She's never told me the details though. I guess it was too much for her. It probably would have been for me too."

The boys all sat together, talking about Daehcul that night as she slept up in her room. Little did they know that in just a few hours she'd be 'kidnapped'.


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