Breaking point

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You're fat.
You're ugly.
You're a cheater.
You're nothing to Joe, he's only with you out of pity, you don't deserve him.

As Dianne scrolled through the array of nasty messages littering her dms and mentions, she felt her heart sink, and a feeling of sickness rise up from her stomach. Dianne abruptly slammed the phone down beside her, having seen enough. She wiped the few stray tears, which had escaped from her eyes. Usually things like this were easy to brush off and taken no notice of by Dianne, but today after being chased by a group of paps home, thirsty of a new story to write about her, and celebrity dance partner James, she had been pushed to breaking point.

Now home alone, sitting in the comforting love seat overlooking the busy night life of the city below, and with joe out working on a project, she reflected on the truth of the comments, struggling not to overthink.

Surely joe did love her?

He always was telling her how special and amazing she was, and how she had turned his life upside down.

Did he think she was a cheat?

Dianne had made it clear from the start that, she was 100 percent committed to joe, and he knew from first had experience how much dedication and time was put into her job. As these thoughts swirled through her head, she spotted a notification pop up on her phone which had been abandoned on the floor, she reached down and picked it up taking in the news headline in the notification box.

Strictly's Dianne Buswell spotted getting up close to celebrity dance partner James Layton. Could this be the end of her and social media star boyfriend Joe Suggs relationship?

Seeing the headline tipped Dianne over the edge, she flung her phone across the room in pure frustration landing with a thud across the room. And at that very moment, the latch turned and the door swung open revealing Joe.

Dianne quickly whipped her head around, trying to hide her tear stained face from joe, not wanting him to see her in such a fragile state.

"Hiya dot how are ya?"
Joe called, out distracted with un doing his shoelaces.
"I'm good how was your day?"
Dianne replied, disguising the emotions of her out burst minutes before with a fake cheerful voice.
"It was good and productive, but quite a boring day full of meetings, how's the dance go-"
Joe paused mid sentence, as he turned around taking in Dianne's red eyed shaken appearance.
"Dotty what's wrong?"
He cautiously questioned, taking a step towards her, knowing now was not the right time to be smothering her in affection.
"Eh n- nothing I said I'm fine, what do you want for dinner? Are you hungry? Have you eaten? I'll make some dinner now".
Dianne stuttered, snapping into action. Quickly making her away towards the kitchen, opening the fridge with a shakey hand trying to distract herself, with planning what to make for dinner, with her mind going at a hundred miles a hour.

Joe still stood in the middle of the lounge, dazed and wondering what had got into her.
"Dot, please slow down for a second what's happened?"
He asked again, making his way over to the breakfast bar, still trying to keep his distance to prevent overwhelming her.
"I'm fine Joseph, I'm fine can you just tell me what you want for dinner so I can get on with it I'm tired"
Dianne replied, back turned with a clear wobble in her voice, alarming Joe. He made his way around the kitchen island towards his girlfriend, who was frantically grabbing items of food out of the fridge. He gently grabbed her hands and turned her towards him.
"Please let me in, I want to help you, something clearly has upset you"
Joe softly whispered to Dianne, who had her head bowed looking at the floor un able to look up at him, knowing she would break down. Joe reached down and lifted her chin up, taking in her appearance of blood shot eyes and damp burning cheeks.
"Oh dot"
he sighed, bringing Dianne into a hug wrapping his arms around her short torso. Comforting her, wanting to take away the pain of whatever she was feeling. He then felt Dianne's body start to shake, and Joe felt a patch of dampness start to form on his crisp white business shirt.
"I'm sorry"
"For what"
Joe questioned, in confusion tightening his grip around Dianne.
"For being a fat ugly horrible girlfriend, who does nothing but bring negative comments and speculation to your life. If you want to go, just go I wouldn't blame you, I don't get why anyone would want to be with someone like me anyway"
Dianne spat, through tears.
And with that Joe put both his hands on Dianne's slight shoulder blades, pealing her off of him and looking her dead in the eyes.
"Dianne Buswell look at me, I do not ever want to hear you say those things about yourself ever again. You are not ugly, in fact you are the prettiest women I know, we all know I'm punching being with you because of how drop dead gorgeous you are. Secondly since when did what some random persons views of our relationship matter, I don't give a shit of what they think, cause guess what, I'm so happy, and you know why I'm so happy?"
Dianne sniffed.
"It's because I'm with you Dot, when you came into my life you turned it upside down, you showed me what true happiness felt like, and what it feels to love someone with all your heart. You asked why I would want to be with someone like you? I'll tell you why, because you Dianne Buswell are my world, and I love you no one else"
With that declaration, joe planted a kiss on the tip of Dianne's nose leaving a watery smile on her face.
"Thank you"
She replied, wiping the tears with the tip of her sleeve which were un controllably running down her face. Still confused with what had caused his girlfriends emotional out burst, joe was on the fence in asking her more, knowing she seemed fragile and he didn't want to tip her more over the edge.
"It was the articles and dms"
Dianne declared out of the blue, almost like she was reading Joe's mind.

Pulling away she wondered over to her phone which, was laying in the corner, discarded from her previous burst of anger. Picking it up she brought it over to the sofa.Taking the hint to follow her, joe made his away over, sitting next to her waiting expectedly for what she had to say next.

Dianne silently handed him the phone, which revealed hundreds of negative dms and articles. As joe read through them, his heart broke for Dianne. Of course in the past they had both experienced their fair share of trolling, and negative press but nothing on this level.
"It wasn't just that stuff, today when coming home from the studio, there was a crowd of paps outside, seems no big deal I'm used to that by now right, but it wasn't when they all came right up close, sticking their big lenses of their cameras in my face, asking and calling me all sorts of horrible things. I was so scared joe"
Joe reached out, and grabbed her hand encouraging her to keep talking, knowing opening up about it would be the only way he could help her.
Once I thought I had escaped all of that, and made it up here, where I could feel safe, I opened my phone to see all of that, I felt so trapped and started to overthink what they were saying was true. Even though I know what they say is rubbish, it just got to me"
Dianne shuddered, after repeating the account of her horrible day.

Joe sat there in shock, silently seething at the fact some low life's had made his girlfriend so distressed.
"What we're going to do is block all those trolls, of course that will never solve the issue. Let's be real there's thousands of nasty people out there in the world, who certainly aren't going away anytime soon. But the one thing you have to remember is whatever they say, I still love you and I'm still here for you, that thing is for certain, ok?"
Dianne nodded, feeling a sense of security from her boyfriends wise words.
"And as for the paps"
Joe continued...
"I will contact strictly and alert them to the current security issues, because mine and their priority is to keep you safe, and away from any danger like that."

They both sat their in silence, taking everything in what had been said. Dianne looked up at joe and smiled, this time a proper smile, dimple and all. Joe felt himself let out a breathe of relief, which he didn't even realise he was holding in.

"You always know how to make things better"
Dianne said snuggling into joe.
"I would be a shit boyfriend if I didn't"
Joe dryly laughed, wrapping his arms around her .
"I love you "
"I love you more"
"If that's true, I do fancy a home made dinner with your special source"
Dianne winked at joe with a cheeky grin on her face, smiling at the thought of how one special guy could completely flip her mood, and make her feel so much happier after the events of the day.
"I'll see what I can come up with"
Joe replied, rolling his eyes at how much his girl had him wrapped round her finger, but also knowing he wouldn't want it any other way.

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