Slice 67

28 9 44

If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.
- Ken Robinson

When you're the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.
- Criss Jami

Never allow anyone to define you! Just be you!
- Chrys Phillips

I can see into your heart. You have good intentions. You can't go wrong when you start with good intentions.
- Linda Armstrong

You do not have to feel truer than others in order to be original.
You just need to be different and keep aspiring to be a better you.
- Toba Beta

A winner is not someone who wins. It's someone who tries and isn't afraid to lose.
- Nusrat Sultana

Be careful what you wish for... your wish will visit you tenfold.
- Trevor Alan Foris

Originals cost more than imitations.
- Suzy Kassem

Don't get carried away, become a car on the coaster and let others enjoy the ride.
- Tristyn Lippingwell

Be you and not a copy of another person. I know that some people are alike, but there is always something different , such as our fingerprints. We different and original too.
- Lina

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