{Chapter 3}

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Ok no biggie.

I just have to cook lunch for eight more people and that's it, nothing to worry about, right?
Let's just leave aside the fact that they are guys and probably have a huge appetite. But, now that I think of it, they're idols and they for sure have a diet to follow, right? So, what do they eat?

Ramen? Nah uh, it doesn't sound like a healthy food and plus, we don't have such thing here. Not to mention Korean food overall. What other option do I have then?

"Yeah sure, don't sweat about it. But what do you guys prefer to eat?", I asked, responding to Jisung's previous request.

"Anything but eggplants.", Hyunjin, who was once looking at his phone, turned his face to me with a serious, but yet, disgusted face.

Yeah, I know this much Hyunjin. I know already that you don't like eggplants. Every Stay should be aware of this.

"Oh oh! Something meaty.", Jeongin said, while raising his hand with a cheeky smile.

Sweet baby Jesus, he's too cute. I can't. Protect this child at all costs.

I heard Chan letting out a dissapointed sigh. "Guys that's not very polite of you. We can't just order her to cook whatever we want. What if she doesn't want to?", Chan scolded the two boys like a father.

Ah, such a great leader.

"But she asked us first, so it's not rude.", Seungmin stated as a matter of factly
He has a point though, because I was the one asking them for cooking ideas.

I nodded my head at Seungmin's statement and proceeded to talk. "Nah it's fine, really. Besides, it wouldn't be cool if I made something that you guys don't eat. I'm the host and so, I'm in charge of cooking.", I reassured Chan with a smile and he smiled back with that dashing smile of his.

Someone, anyone, please help me. I don't think that I'll be able to survive from this paradise. Like, does he have to smile at me like that?! Look at his forking dimples!

After some time of thinking, I came with the thought of what I should cook. "Do you guys like lasagna?", I asked unsure of my suggestion. But the reply was quicker than I thought, "YES!" all of them said at once.

Okay, wow that was unexpected.

"Okay! Lasagna it is then.", I said with a smile, while clapping my hands, satisfied with their answear.

As I turned my heels to head to the kitchen, Chan grabbed me from my shoulder, stopping me on my tracks. "No wait! We should help you out with the cooking. It's the least we can do."

Aww such a gentleman.

'Chan's kitchen', I thought for a moment and I slightly giggled.

"No need for that, I can manage.", I told him, but to my surprise, he insisted on helping me and he wouldn't take a 'no' for an answer. How could I refuse this prince charming of a man, anyways?
I mean he's super hot to be honest, but he's cute as well.

Damn the duality.

I'm fangirling too much, aren't I?

So with that, I guided him to my kitchen along with Minho, Felix and Hyunjin.
Seungmin and Changbin had to stay to the living room to babysit Jeongin and Jisung, because Chan said that they are too clamsy when it comes to cooking. I already knew that, but I just agreed with him and said nothing. Plus, someone had to stay back and try communicate with the JYP entertainment.

With that being said, I started getting the ingredients out the fridge. All the while, the boys were looking at me, like a puppy would look at its owner, as they were waiting for me to order them to help me out with the cooking.

My heart would skip a beat from the over-doze of cuteness they were giving out.

At first, the atmosphere was a little bit tensed and awkward, since we barely knew each other. We didn't know how to start a normal conversation with each other.


They barely knew me.
Because I know mostly everything about them as a Stay.

But surprisingly enough, Felix was the first one to break the ice, by asking me what I do for a living.
Soon enough, we got more comfortable with each other and I started asking them questions instead. Although, I knew bettee than to ask them anything personal, too afraid of making them uncomfortable or suspicious. So, we just talked more about my life. Even though, Minho and Hyunjin were mostly listening to me, Chan and Felix talking, as they were a bit shy to speak in English. But they did reply here and there, when they knew what to say.

To be honest, it got very comfortable talking to them at some point, when they warmed up to me. And it wasn't too long after. All of them were so sweet and eager to help me with the cooking as well.

"So, you work at a local coffee shop? Didn't you have other plans for your future?", Minho asked curiously, but Chan nudged him with his elbow, indicating that he shouldn't have asked something this personal.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I did have plans for my future. If I had the chance, I would love to study fine Arts, but not everyone gets what he wants. I just happened to be unlucky that's all. My grandma couldn't afford to sent me to a college.", I gave them a smile, trying not to make my current state of living more sad than it already is. As a reply, they just gave me a slight smile, but it almost looked like they pitied me.

Well, no need for that, I'm fine with my situation, really. I can accept and adjust to things easily.

"So, you like to draw then? What do you mostly like to draw?", Felix broke the silence a moment later.


Oh dear, what do I tell him now?
That I'm a kpop fan and as a kpop fan, I draw kpop idols? And more specifically, that I love sketching all of the StrayKids members? And I'm an obsessed fan of theirs and my sketchbooks are full of sketches with mostly them?

Yeah, probably not.

I have to think of something really quick. "W-well, I like sketching figures and making portraits. N-nothing special.", I tried to make it sound plain, hoping that they would drop this topic. But to my displease, they just looked at me with wide eyes and made a 'wow' sound.

Oh God.

"Jinja? I mean for real? Wow, that sounds nice. I would love to see your sketchbooks some time.", he replied.

"Yeah s-sure. I can show it to you sometime". I awkwarly focused my gaze at the boiling pot.

Thanks, but no thanks.

That's ain't happening freckled Lix. Not now, not ever. I'll find an excuse later for that.

"Anyways! How did you guys thought of coming here?", I tried to change the subject, while seasoning the minced meet.

"Oh well, we just wanted a break from our routine and we thought that this place is nice, so yeah. But turns out that we have to bother you instead." , Chan replied, an apologetic smile formed on his lips.

"Aww come on, no need to be sorry. I've told you already!", I turned to look at him, giving him a reassuring look.

"Oh, by the way...could one of you pass me the salt? It's on the top self." I said, while pointing at the wooden self beside me.
They just looked at me and then towards my finger. Simultaneously, all together walked quickly towards the self. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen today.

Turns out that Hyunjin was the one giving me the salt, because he could reach it easier as he's the tallest of them all. I just giggled a bit at their actions and thanked Hyunjin. He smiled back with a blush forming on his cheeks and staining them in light pink.


Did he just blush at me?

For real?!

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