Chapter 18

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Here's the new chapter I hope you all enjoy reading.


"Wow you're her I can't believe this now it make sense you being angry at me for no reason yesterday as we were cleaning the class... Now let's see who is the mean one here" She said as she looked at the picture of me when I was in middle school with a smirk.

The next day

"Whoops" she said as she poured her drink into me as I was walking. I looked at her pissed.

No wonder. Its her the girl I hate. I should of known she accidentally did it see the sarcastic voice.

Just ignore her and walked away.

"So Ye I didn't see you there as you looked different not as ugly as before" She smirked at me.

"What did you say?" I was surprised.

"I said you are pretty now not as before" she sarcastically said.

"Wait" I said as I was puzzled by the statement.

"Yes you're that So Ye from middle school well well well look at you... You really change a lot" he replied.

"Wait how you know"

"This" As she show a picture When I was in middle school.

"How did you get it?" I yelled at her as I tried to get it back.

"None of your business" she said.

"But you haven't change same old mean girl that everyone hates" I said as I was eyeing and smirk at her.

"Yeah what if I am so what" she said with an angrer on her voice.

"But you have" She said with a smirk.

"Is that supposed to be an insult well that won't work on me anymore" I respond back.

"Really how about this" She pour more water on to me and all my hair all the way to my toes soaking wet.

Now I am really mad. But deep down I just keep calm and let it be. I looked at her. Her devilishly smile of hers as she was going to do it again but was stopped or block by someone.

"Well that was refreshing" He said sarcasticly as he grabbed her arm aggressively.

"Why are you here?" She said.

"Why can't I be here and stopping you from doing this to her"

"Umm sorry Suho"

The way she said that makes me gross out.

"Are you okay So Ye here a towel do you have spare clothes?" he said as he was worried about me.

"I think I have some let me check"

"Why are you two ignoring me?" The devil herself said.

"Umm we not we just don't want to talk to you so just leave and Miyoung please leave her alone and I already tell you so many times I don't like you even  back then in midlle school" he replied to her and she was so pissed and walked away.

I heard their conversation. I just stay quiet. So he doesn't like her but why he did that to me bully me back then. I am so confused.

I walked away to go to the washroom to change my clothes.

"I'll wait outside" He said as he was standing at the hallway next to the girl wachroom.

Is he waiting for me.

"Are you OK?" Suho said with a hint of  worryness in his voice as I was walking out of the girls washroom.

Wait, he worried about me. I scanned his unquestionable expression.

I just looked at him. He looked at  me as I already change to my sports clothes and he sat beside me on the nearest bench in front of the school rooftop.

Why do you care about me but all I do is hating on you? Why you confused me Kim Junmyeon.

"Aren't you feeling cold?" he asked me and than I nodded from his question.

He grabbed his jacket and wrapped around my shoulder "There all warm and cosy" he smiled.

I just stared at him while he is looking at the beautiful blue sky. I could feel my heart is beating fast just from his touched. His warm touch. I felt I was safe in his hands. He seem a bit different not that same person I met but calm person who is taking care of me right now.

Questions then came in my head, why do you still want to be near me when I  ask him to leave me in short hate him ?

Wait he smile at me. But I love his smile. It is nice to looked at.

"U-umm Suho thank you" I flashed a small smile at him.

"No problem... " he exclaimed.

"This is a first you not saying those lines like leave me alone or just leave today" he said.

"I feel not to say it today  let's chat or get to know each other....if you don't want it's fine " I said nonchalantly.

"What you want to know about me" he replied but he came towards me and  sit next to me.

I can't sense what he was thinking right now. He has this sadness and unquestionable expression that I am not quite comprehend.

"Well where to start So Ye answer me truthfully do you really hate me if so please tell me" He grabbed on my  hands and force me to looked at him again.

I just keep quiet and I don't know what to say to that. Suddenly the bell rang. Oh thank god.

"Well look at the time we need to go and eat  its lunchtime Suho and thanks again bye for now " I said and rush out of the rooftop and leaving him speechless.


What do you guys think about Suho and Miyoung conversation is there more to the story wait and see I guess 😉 vote and comment it means a lot.

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