Chapter 23

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Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and for voting. Hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one will be from Reed. :)


I glanced out the window as the plane slowly rolled to a stop. Cassie was standing by an old beat up truck, a cowboy hat shielding part of her face. The sight of my sister brought a lump to my throat. Oh, how I had missed her.

Once the plane was no longer moving I unfastened my seat belt, grabbed my purse, and went up front to the cockpit. The pilots' were conversing in low voices. They turned their heads as I appeared in the doorway.

"Did you enjoy the flight, Ms. Monroe?" the co-pilot asked.

"I did," I said. "Thank you for asking. Did Mr. Drummond inform you that I'll be here for a week?"

"Yes, ma'am," the pilot answered. "Enjoy your visit."

I thanked him, said goodbye, and hurried off the plane. Cassie was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. We threw our arms around each other and held on tight.

"I missed you," she said.

"I missed you too." We pulled apart and looked one another over. Her shoulder length hair was a lighter shade of brown than mine. We had the same steel gray eyes, a trait we inherited from our dad. She was taller and more shapely. "You look beautiful."

"Me?" Cassie smiled. "You, little sister, are gorgeous."

I snorted. "You were always full of it."

She laughed. "Grab your bag and let's get out of here."

I removed my suit case from the plane. "Why didn't you bring the monsters with you?"

"The boys are helping Pete feed the cattle," Cassie explained. "You'll see them later." She gestured at the plane. "Nice ride."

"It beats flying commercial." Realizing I still needed to call Reed and let him know I made it safely, I took my phone out of my purse and pressed number one on my speed dial.

"Hello, sweetheart," Reed said, coming on the line after the third ring.

"Hello, handsome," I replied. "I'm here. You can stop worrying now."

"Say hi to your family and get back on the plane," he told me.

"Miss me already, do you?" I said, smirking.

"I missed you the minute you left," Reed said in a husky voice.

"You're so sweet," I muttered. "I'd kiss you if I could."

"Don't torture me," he groaned.

"I'm sorry, honey." I cleared my throat. "Call me tonight."

"Nine o'clock like we agreed," Reed said.

"Nine o'clock sharp and not a minute late," I told him. "I'll talk to you then."

"Until later, sweetheart."

I ended the call and slipped my phone back in my purse. "I'm anxious to see the ranch so let's get-" I arched an eyebrow at her expression. "Mind telling me what you find so amusing?"

"You." Cassie snatched my suit case out of my hand and looped her arm through mine. "I've never heard you talk like that. He must be pretty special."

"He is, sis."

"I googled him," she confessed as we walked to the truck. "One word, hot stuff."

"That's two words," I said, grinning. "He is good looking, but there is so much more to him. He's sweet, funny, generous, and I could keep going, but I won't."

"Too bad he couldn't come with you." Cassie put my suit case in the bed of the truck. "I would've liked to have met him."

"I wish he could've come with me too, but his schedule is full next week." I opened the passenger side door and climbed inside. "He's a very busy man."

"I figured as much from our conversations on the phone." She inserted the key in the ignition, started the truck, and put it in drive. As we drove away I took one last look at the plane.

A lump formed in my throat as I watched my three nephews get out of the truck. A year had gone by since I last saw them. In that year they had gotten bigger. Jack, who was the oldest at eleven, had Cassie's gray eyes and his dad's black hair. Todd, the middle child and nine years old, had his dad's black hair and brown eyes. Tyler, who was seven, had Cassie's eye and hair color.

"Ah, there's my little monsters," Cassie said, joining me on the porch. "Speaking of little monsters, have you and Reed discussed having children some day?"

An image of little blond and blue eyed children running around popped into my head. A warm feeling spread through me and I smiled at the image. "We both want children, but-"

"Aunt Win," Jack yelled, spotting me on the porch.

 He came running toward me, followed by his brothers. I left the porch, meeting them halfway. They jumped on me, sending me crashing to the ground. The air was knocked out of my lungs.

"Boys," Cassie cried. "You can't do that to her. She's not one of your friends. Get off her."

The air returned to my lungs and I half gasped-half laughed. I wrapped my arms as far around them as I could. "I missed you too," I told them dryly.

"Did you bring us anything?" Tyler wanted to know.

"You have enough stuff, son." Pete offered me his hands. I took them and he hauled me to my feet. He embraced me, kissing my cheek. "It's good to see you, Win."

"Good to see you too, Pete." He released me and I stepped back to take a better look at him. "You need a hair cut," I remarked, glancing at the hair curling over his collar.

"Did your sister put you up to saying that?" he said. "She's been after me to get it cut."

I winked at him. "I'll never tell."

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," Cassie said. "Why don't you all go wash up?"

"Yes, dear." Pete ushered the boys into the house, leaving me with Cassie.

"Do I detect a hint of wistfulness in your eyes, sister dear?" she asked, leaving the porch and meeting me in the yard.

A yearning grew deep inside of me and expanded until it engulfed me. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You have a beautiful family, sis," I croaked.

"I know I do." Cassie wrapped her arm around my shoulders and squeezed. "Every day I wake up feeling blessed. Then I hear Pete snoring and the feeling goes away."

I shook with laughter. "Come on, let's go eat." We headed up the steps and into the house.

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