Preference #32: Sides does Reader's Makeup

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Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you like it! I enjoyed writing this one, however it took my literally forever and I'm super sorry, anyway, I'm actually super happy with how it turned out! as always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!

this was requested by @AmandaBerkman so Thank you so much and sorry it's late!

I cannot think of any warnings, but please let me know if you see any and I'll add them!


"what do you mean their more expensive!" You friend yelled into the phone as they paced, the stress evident on their face as they listened to the person on the other side of the conversation, their face glaring as the sighed angrily hanging up, both you and Logan looking towards your friend.

"the makeup just tripled the price... how am I gonna do this." they mumbled, trying to calm down as tiny tears welled in their eyes, you quickly rubbing their back. 

"it's okay, we'll figure something out, this will be still be the best wedding ever!" you said, smiling, as you gently rubbed your friend shoulder, your brain spinning with idea's, different possibilities that were all stopped when Logan spoke

"I... wouldn't mind doing make up for y/n at least, I could potentially do it for others as well? I may not be particularly skilled, however, I have been improving my hand eye coordination and calligraphy skills, as long as I have a reference to go off of... I wouldn't mind." Logan spoke, looking at you softly, as your friend started beaming, smashing your face into Logan's cheek.

"a kiss from me, thank you so much!!!" they said, the sadness and stress seeming to melt as Logan smiled softly, pecking your nose. as you both moved on with the planning, normally Roman and Logan would plan these things, but... Roman was... busy.

anyway, the date soon arrived, you in formal clothing, smiling softly, as Logan smiled a bit at you, opening the make up palette and began. with one of his fingers he carefully lifted your chin, staring on different methods, but all super gently, constantly making sure you were alright, and making very precise movements.

it was 35 minutes later when Logan set down the brush, and smiled at you, grabbing his mirror, and handing it to you, as you looked at yourself. the make up exactly where it needed to be, sharp, clean, professional. 

"do I look hotter now?" you jokes a little, placing a hand under your chin a little, as Logan laughed, leaning in.

"I find you attractive with and without make up, you are undeniably, incredibly attractive." Logan muttered as a small blush rose on your face, causing Logan to laugh before you both stood up to get ready. the wedding was beautiful, and you and Logan enjoyed a slow dance at the end.


you sighed as Patton got out the pastels, smiling at you with a huge grin as Roman tied the blindfold on, however Patton was already blind without his glasses, so it didn't do much. as Roman and the others just giggled.

"this feels like powder." Patton said,  but instead of setting powder, he found the green eye shadow, you just cringing  slightly as Patton brushed it all over your face, smiling softly, and explaining how lovely you much look. as Roman was silently crying from crying to hold in his laughter

"lets see, what is this?" Patton said, holding up an open liquid eyeliner pen before shaking it, spraying your face a bit, as Patton realized he shouldn't have done that, with a small laugh, he put the cap back on, trying to do your make up, but only messing up.

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