•Chapter 50•

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Madam pomfrey had let me go, a few minutes after Regulus left, and from the time I was released, to the time that dinner had started, I spent in the library, figuring out what my next move would be.

I had realized that coming here with Alex had been more then a mistake, I have probably messed up so much in the timeline, that I don't know what to expect when I get home.

Part of me wants to stay here - it just seems like a simpler time, and I actually do really like the guys (except for Peter) so I think I could definitely get used to being here.

It was a hard decision to make, I spent nearly an hour trying to convince myself that I couldn't actually kill James, it would completely destroy my family, and even if they hated me, I couldn't do that to them.

I ended up writing 3 letters - one to the marauders, one to lily, and one to regulus. I know it is stupid, but I figure that, if I go back to my present, it's going to be messed up anyway, so even if giving them their letter will mess things up even more, I can live with knowing that I tried to make peoples lives better.

I took my time writing the letters, it felt almost impossible to try and figure out what to say to everyone, they were my family after all. I was the one person who actually knew their fates, I was the one who could change it, but how do I tell them about it, without freaking them all out.

I tried at least.

Regulus was the easiest to write, I didn't know much about him, dad only told me that he had died - trying to destroy one of Voldemort's horcruxes. I know that he died when he had just left Hogwarts, and I knew that he was a good guy, even if he technically was on the side of the death eaters.

The marauders letter, was a little harder to write, obviously I wanted to tell them all about their fates, not only the bad parts, but also the good. It was hard to explain how one of them would betray all the others - without attacking Peter directly, but I did slip in some hidden clues - I can only assume that Remus will be the one to crack it. I had also written each of the guys, separately - mostly because I don't think they want everyone knowing their secrets of what was to come.

Lily was the last letter I wrote. She was the hardest to write to. I didn't really know what to say to her, but I tried to stick to positive things - excitement for the future (hinting at her death, but not deliberately coming out and saying it.) I mentioned my dad - and told her that she and James are destined to be together. I just hope that what I've written is enough to explain to them all - my reasons for leaving so quickly.

This is just something that I need to do now, so I won't have enough time to talk myself out of it.

When I had finished all the letters, I made my way to the owl tower, just to prepare them for the drop off. When I got up there's quickly attached the letters to James' owl, before I noticed a very familiar person - the same blond hair that had been controlling me for the last few months, standing near the railing of the tower. Walking up to him - at a slower pace, I watch Alex as he stands against the railing of the tower, looking out across the lake.

"Thanks to you, our mission is a failure." His voice sounded broken, almost as if his non existent life was relying on this failed attempt.

"This shouldn't have happened. I don't know why I agreed to come back with you, but I know now that it was a mistake."

"You came with us, because we made you. You were so doped up on Amortentia potion that you wouldn't be able to tell your left from your right, most days."

So I was drugged, great. I knew in my heart that I would never willingly agree to come back, in order to save Voldemort. Nobody in their right mind would ever want that.

"Good to know that I was just a pawn in your plans."

"I am sorry that it had to be that way. I never thought it would've ended like that."

But it still did. I think that Alex did know that Luke would've killed Julie, how could he not know, and it wasn't like Luke would do something like that, if he didn't have a plan behind it.

"I have one question, all I ask is that you tell the truth." My eyes fill with tears as I think over the possibility of what I was about to ask. Alex turns to me, and looks me straight in my eye. "Was killing Julie apart of some plan to get me on your side."

He sighs, and turns around again, looking into the open world.

"You see that world out there, it's something I can never truly experience. That is, until I get my body back. Reggie and I were promised to get our lives back, if we helped Luke come up with a way to get his plan to work. We obviously both agreed, because, well, who wouldn't. We were promised a second chance. We all sat down for four years, coming up with a stupid plan to get this to work, and we came up with a good one. The only problem was that we didn't have a material to get us where we needed to be."

He turns to me again, this time I see the single tear drop down his cheek.

"Luke planted something, something that would let your uncle help us with this plan. It was a brilliant plan, only problem is, they don't work."

How would my uncle be involved, and which uncle is he talking about?

"What are you even talking about."

"Your uncle George was the one piece in our puzzle, that we needed, but could never get. He had the experience and the mind to make what we needed, a reality. We planted a few fake plans in his office, measle mousse, cramping candy, and he looked through them, not really interested in any of them, until he came across a rather odd idea - of his late twin brother, or so he thought. Desire crystals, the only substance in the world, that can replicate any and all objects, people and animals. Only problem is that they don't work."

He throws something at me, which I thankfully catch - the desire crystals that I had been searching for? He turns around again as I watch as his wand slips out from under his sleeve, and falls into his hand. He seems to be breathing heavily, building up enough confidence for the next part of his plan.

"And now that I know how utterly useless you are, I only see you as a liability, and that," He turns around to face me, "is something I don't need. Avada Kedavra!" He shouts while pointing his wand at me.

I know that I should've jumped away from his curse, but what did I have going for me? My whole family hates me, and I can't even be useful enough, to help the enemy.

Just as I feel the curse getting closer to me, I feel an arm wrap around my waist. And push me toward the stairs.

Without any realization of what's happening, I feel the person reach into my shirt and pull out the object I took from aunt hermione's bag - the time turner.

In what feels like a flash, the world around us speeds past, in this time, I look back and see Reggie - looking disappointed and fearful. I choose to not speak to him, as I can only imagine how tense things will be after what happened in the courtyard.

Suddenly, the world comes to a halt. The sky is a dark blue, with a few clouds covering the bright moon. Reggie untangles the necklace off of his neck and walks back onto the tower - toward the railing, before he sits down and lets out a deep sigh. I wrap the crystals around my neck, checking they're not damaged in the process.

I walk toward him, joining him on the floor. I look toward him, seeing that his eyes are still closed, so I grab his hand and shut my eyes too.

"Thank you." I say in a hushed whisper. He doesn't reply, but I know he heard me.

We both sit there for a while, eventually falling asleep to the deep and long howl, that was so unfamiliar, yet comforting.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now