•Chapter 57•

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I woke up a few hours later, to check if Reggie was okay, so I reached my hand out, and slowly felt around our makeshift bed, not wanting to wake him.

When I couldn't feel him, I started moving around more vigorously. Eventually I grabbed my wand, to help me see in a dark room.

"Lumos." I looked around, and Reggie was nowhere to be seen. I quickly got up, and raced to my dorm - to get dressed so I could find out where Reggie went. While making my way upstairs, I noticed that it must've been about 4-5am as it was still dark, but there was a lighter sense to it. I also noticed how cold it was, which was strange, as the castle was usually quite warm this time of year.

After putting on some decent clothes, I made my way back downstairs, to search for Reggie.

I must've spent twenty minutes looking for him, when I almost gave up, but I heard - what seemed to be - a large crowd of people, making their way toward the castle. Their footsteps were heard from inside the castle, which must've meant that there were more then a few people there.

As I was about to peak around the corner to see what was happening, a warm hand touches my shoulder, making me scream loudly.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine." Nick says as he laughs at me.

"You idiot, you're going to scare me half to death, one day."

He continues laughing at me, and I take the time to peak around the corner, to which I see the entrance to hogwarts, the all to familiar iron gates that lock us into the castle every night.

"What are you looking at?" Nick sticks his head out around the corner too, trying to figure out what I was so interested in.

"I think something is going on outside."

"Only one way to find out." Nick confidently struts toward the iron gates. "Alohomora" I run toward him, to catch up.

Slowly, the many locks that are on the door, begin to open, with loud clicks and bangs, the doors finally are unlocked, leaving Nick and I to push them both open, revealing the start of the horror show that Hogwarts was about to go through.

There in front of us, stood Voldemort, surrounded by hundreds of death eaters, and among them, were the three boys who seemed to welcome trouble with open arms.

Reggies face showed pure regret, Alex was almost unreadable, and Luke had his signature cocky smirk on his face.

"Nick," I tried to stay calm, but it was hard to do when you're two against about a thousand. "Go get McGonagall."

As I finish, I watch from the corner of my eye, as Nick rushes off, to get help, leaving me to deal with the threat head on.

"Danielle Potter, I've heard so much about you." Voldemort says directly toward me. Although everyone used to say that his voice was excruciating to listen to, I never believed them up until this moment.

"I've heard about you too." My voice came out more confident then I had anticipated, which was a really relieving feeling.  

"I'm sure you have, with that father of yours, I'm sure you never hear the end of how he was the chosen one." He was trying to get on my good side? He couldn't possibly be trying to get me to be on his side.

"I've heard my fair share of stories."

"And I'm sure none of them involved anything good about me?" He tries to smile, but it just turns into the most rancid thing I've ever seen.

"Why would it, you were the one who lead a rebellion so vicious, that anyone who followed you was bound to die, or end up in Azkaban for the rest of their lives."

"Watch your mouth girl." Bellatrix steps forward and glares are me. I turn toward Reggie, to see his reactions, but he instantly turns away, not wanting me to see his emotions.

"Calm yourself Bellatrix, she is not the enemy, if anything, she is our savior." The thought of trying to help the death eaters made me feel sick, and yet a few weeks ago, I would've given up anything to do just that. But that was because I was doped up on potions, or was it?

I heard the clicking of heels running toward me from behind, yet I didn't have to actually see who it was, to know that it was McGonagall.

I stared at Voldemort, as McGonagall gasped at the sight.

"Voldemort." She says under her breath.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall. Long time no see." Voldemort chuckles at her reaction toward him.

"Danielle get inside on the count of three." Che whispers to me, I stare at her, waiting for her signal. "One. Two. Three!"

I turn on my heel and dart inside, McGonagall close behind me.

"Colloportus!" Professor Longbottom shouts at the iron gates, making them slam shut and lock themselves. "How is he back, we defeated him."

You can easily see that the mere sight of Voldemort brought back painful and traumatic memories for Neville, which is understandable.

"I have no idea, but we have to inform the ministry immediately. The castle is on lockdown, nobody enters or leaves. All staff is to meet in the great hall, as well as every student."

McGonagall walks away with a jolt in her step, leaving nick, Neville and I to our own devices.

"I can't die! My dad needs me!" Nick instantly starts freaking out, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

"There's no point in being dramatic, the only way we're going to win, is if we face them head on, regardless of our fears. We need to wake everyone up, let them know what's happening."

For the next 30+ minutes, nick and I run up and down the castle, preparing every student for the shock that would hit momentarily.

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