•Chapter 21•

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Luckily - dinner seemed to be ready, quite quickly, so that saved me the awkwardness of sitting in silence with everyone staring at me.

We all sat around the table and started dishing up. Luckily dad and uncle George started a loud conversation about Weasley's wizard wheezes, and how well business is going. This conversation ended up encouraging everyone else to start chatting, I wasn't one of those people. I just simply ate, and sat in my chair for the rest of dinner - thinking about Julie and the three boys.

Once everyone was done eating, they all seemed to go off in groups, to do their own thing.

"Ready to go?" Uncle George sits down next to me.

"Go where?" I furrow my eyebrows, which makes him chuckle.

"Your mum said you could come and stay at the burrow if you want, lucky for you, I convinced the wife, to let me stay as well. We can go on an adventure?" He sings to me. I smile at him and nod my head quickly.

He holds out his arm for me and helps me outside where he gives me Roxanne's broom, while he takes his own.

"Roxy will just have to share her broom with her mom." He laughs evilly, which causes me to laugh along with him.

We ride all the way to the burrow, and surely enough, all my luggage is already in mums old room - which was on the first floor. I decide to unpack everything before grandma and grandpa get back. I spent a few minutes, after I finished packing, looking out the window and admiring the setting sun glisten on the orchid.

When I finally heard them come in, I made my way to the kitchen - where everyone was gathered. I saw that uncle Ron had also come with grandma and grandpa, which was probably because he had to talk to uncle George.

"Hello dear! Would you like some tea?" Grandma held out a cup for me.

"No thank you, I'm still full from dinner, if I have anything else I might explode." I smile and sit down at the table next to grandpa.

"Hey mum, would you mind if Ron and I had a look in Fred's old stuff, I remember we had a book full of possible products, but I can't find it, so I think it might be with Fred's stuff." George explains.

"All of Fred's things should be in your dads garage, just try not to make it more messy then it already is." She takes a sip of her tea as uncle George kisses her cheek before walking out of its uncle Ron. I feel grandma put her hand on my shoulder. "Go with them, I know you want to."

I look up at her and smile, before getting up and running after them. By the time I reach them, they're already inside the garage.

"How are we supposed to find this? You don't even remember what it looks like." Uncle Ron says while nearly triping on something that was laying on the floor.

"I'm sure that you'll know once you see it. It's not like Fred and I wrote thousands of books, it was only this one."

I decide that I would help look around for the book, to distract myself from reality for a little while. It still hasn't fully hit me, that what happened, actually did happen.

I see a red notebook laying on the floor - under a mailbox that was painted yellow with blue words reading "Longbottom" on it.

I pick it up and flick through the pages, unfortunately they're all blank, but I give it to uncle George anyway.

"You're a genius!" He shouts as I hand him the book, uncle Ron turns to look at us, and eventually makes his way over to his brother. Uncle George sits on a round table in the middle of the garage and opens the notebook.

"There's nothing in it, I already checked." I mutter, squeaking one of the rubber ducks that are hanging lowly, attached to the ceiling.

"That's because Fred and I were smarter then you think."

"Doubt that." Uncle Ron mutters. Uncle George rolls his eyes, but pats the table next to him, for me to sit down. I hop on the table and look at the book in his hands.

"Take out your wand." He orders.

I quickly pull my wand out my back pocket, and hold it up for him to see.

"Now say what's on the cover." He turns the book over so that I can read the text on front, it seems like it wasn't there before, if my memory is correct.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good?" I say as more of a question, and suddenly the pages seem to bleed into itself, revealing a whole lot of writing.

"Woah." I mutter.

"Don't be so amazed Dani, they didn't even come up with that." Uncle Ron glares at uncle George.

"I never said we did, when we were younger, we stole a map from our schools caretaker, it could only be seen if you used that same saying, that's how Fred and I charmed this book, didn't want mum to go poking around our things."

"And in our third year, they decided to give it to your father. Luckily he's kept it away from anyone. Can we just discuss this stuff at the shop tomorrow? It's getting late and I'm not sure that hermione would like me to be even later then I am."

"Go on, we'll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight Ronny." Uncle George teases.

"Bye George, goodnight Dani."

"Night uncle Ron." He waves at us, as he walks out.

"Uncle George? Can I ask you something." I turn to look at him while cross-crossing my legs on the table. He gets up and stands in front of me.


"How did you deal with Fred dying?"

I can instantly feel the scenery change in the air. Everything just got quite uncomfortable, which is rare for our family. He takes a deep breath before he opens his mouth to speak.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now