•Chapter 4•

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We got back to our dorms, after the feast, and Julie and I started to unpack our things.

"Have you heard anything about the new guys?" I ask her, while I put some of my favourite sweets from George in my bedside table.

"Not really. People are saying how they're probably all evil, because of their families and stuff, but I just don't see it. They all seem pretty sweet to me."

"Me too, I'll have to ask James about them, he might know something about it." I say as I retrieve some of my clothes from my trunk to pack away.

"I'm pretty sure I saw him in the common room with his friends when we got here. Why are you so interested in those boys anyway?" She jumps on my bed, as I glare at her with a less than impressed expression.

"I don't know, something about them just seems a bit off, maybe it's just me. It just feels like I have a need to find out more about them." I watch as Julie gets up to grab one of the chocolate frogs that her dad had packed for her.

"You already sound obsessed." Julie says as she flops down on her ownbed.

"I'm not obsessed, I'm merely interested in these mysterious guys who just suddenly showed up at our school? Besides I saw how professor Longbottom and Scorpius looked at those guys - the Malfoy are a pureblood family, there's no way that they could've lost track of a part of their family, especially after the war, while the Longbottom's are known for being scarce, if there were any more relatives, professor Longbottom would know them, which he didn't. Anyway I'll see you later. Im going to ask James about them." I walk out the room and make my way to the common room.

As soon as I enter, I see James - Bertie boys beans scattered around the table that he and his friends are gathered around - with two of the beans up his nose as his friends laugh at him.

"James. Up." I point out the entrance to the common room, and James gets up with a sigh and follows me - beans still very clearly in his nose. We walk in silence toward our known meeting point - the rickety bridge that acts as an entrance to hogwarts. It had been rebuilt after Seamus Finnegan had blown it up during the battle of hogwarts, mostly as a reminder of how being destructive can help in a war, at least that's what I got from it. We mostly made this spot ours, because I know james is an easy but to crack when he's tired, and even with all the quidditch, the walk from the Gryffindor tower to here will tire anyone out.

"What do you know about thosenew guys." I say as we reach the middle of the bridge.

"Already got a crush? I mean I can see you and that Longbottom guy being a thing but I didn't know he would have your heart so quickly." He says, clearly out of breath as he leans on his knees to try catch his breath, as I stare at him with little amusement.

"I'm serious, something about them is giving me weird vibes, I just want to find out what they're all about. If I do, then my need to know will go away, so please tell me what you know and I will be over with this curiosity in a jiffy." I cross my arms and stare at him.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't know anything, I'm not in their year, nor am I in their houses, so I don't know anything. You should probably ask Albus, he looked at that Longbottom guy with such disgust, he probably knows something." He explains as he leans slightly against the side of the bridge.

"Hey! what are you two doing out here!" A voice shouts at us from the distance.

"Of course." James says with a groan, knowing he was going to be forced to walk back soon.

Albus approaches use other his wand lighting up as bright as I've ever seen it.

"You can lower your wand Albus, we aren't a threat." I say to him as he approaches. He puts his wand away and leans agains the rail next to James and I.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now