•Chapter 61•

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Everything seemed so peaceful after Bellatrix was killed. Everyone helped clean up the smashed windows and crumbled concrete - all while making sure that their friends were all okay.

Needless to say, I got a long lecture from hermione about what had happened, but I do think she was relieved that I had helped end it.

She was weary about excusing all actions that the boys had been doing throughout the year, but I had a few people who could back me up - the one I least expected was draco malfoy, who quickly came to Alex's defense when hermione started verbally attacking him.

Draco had agreed that if they were excused, he would become Alex's legal guardian, which although Alex was suspicious of this action, he was genuinely excited to have a brother again. Neville had made the same deal with hermione - with him being Luke's legal guardian, and the two boys were thrilled about it.

Although the happiness was radiating from everyone, there was one specific ghost who didn't feel the love just yet. Reggie sat alone on the half crumbled bench on the left side of the courtyard. It was clear that while he was happy about his friends new parental figures, he was feeling left out.

I stared at Reggie for a while, thinking of what I could do to help him, but when I finally got the idea, it struck me like a lightning bolt.

"Grandma?" I walk carefully up to her, not entirely sure if she forgave me for everything I did. She immediately turns around and engulfs me in a hug.

"You silly girl, you could've been hurt."

"I know, I'm sorry." I hug her back, still a little startled that she didn't care about what I had done - only about my safety.

"It's alright, dear. As long as you're okay now."

"I am, I promise. I just know someone who isn't exactly doing as well as I would've hoped." I knew saying it straight, would've given her a shock, so I tried leading into it as slowly as I could.

"Who's that dear?" Her face already showed worry.

I turn around and slightly point to Reggie, seeing him sitting with his head in his hands.

"His names Reggie, he was the only one who actually tried protecting me during everything. Unlike Luke and Alex, he has no family to celebrate with, to top it all off he had to kill his mother again."

"Oh dear, we better go see if he's alright." She grabs my hand quickly, and pulls me toward him. We sit down on either side of him, almost trapping him as we do, but he doesn't flinch - which is what would happen, when as we were walking toward him, I was screaming in my head that we were coming over, hoping he would hear me.

"Hi Reg. You doing okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, should be eventually I think."

"Dani, tells me that you have nowhere to go after all of this is over, is that true dear?" Grandma asks.

"Yeah, unfortunately I just stabbed my mom through her chest, so." He tried to play it off as a joke but it did hurt him slightly.

"Well, if you need somewhere to go, the Weasley residents is always open to you, just let me know what you decide, okay dear?"

"Yes ma'am." Reggie gives her a smile, watching as she walks off to find the rest of her family.

"Where did you get that sword anyway?" I ask him. He reaches behind him, and reveals the sword, still somewhat covered in blood.

"It just kinda, appeared to me? I don't know how to explain it honestly." I grab the sword from him, wiping away some of the blood with my shirt.

Godric Gryffindor

"Reggie, this is the sword of gryffindor. How do you have this? You're not even a gryffindor!"

"I don't know."

"You should go tell McGonagall, she would wanna know about it."

He quickly gets up, rushing to find the headmistress. I watch the courtyard, seeing friends talking, and families laughing after what had just happened.

"Pretty cool how everyone rejoices after the second death of Voldemort." Luke says, sitting next to me.

"What else can you do?" He shrugs and follows me in watching the groups of people.

"So..." he hangs onto his words, so I look at him.

"So what?"

"You were willing to give up your crystals for me?"

I instantly scoff at him, almost laughing in his face over what he though I would've done for him.

"Don't get the wrong idea. You manipulated me into betraying not only my family, but the entire wizarding word, just so you could be praised by Voldemort. Don't think for one second that I feel anything but pity for you, Luke. I saved your ass so many times in the last few days, when all you've done I'd ruin my life, and your own, dragging the only two friends that you will ever have, down with you. You're selfish Luke, and I genuinely hope that you become less of a dick now that Neville is your guardian."

I get off the seat, leaving Luke in somewhat of a socked state, but he honestly deserves it. He made everything so hard for everyone, this whole situation could've been avoided if he just would've realised that Neville would've been the father figure he's always wanted, instead of chasing after the most evil wizard.

I needed my head to be cleared of everything I was going through, so I walked along the wooden bridge, just trying to get away from the castle for a while.

While I was walking, I kept my head down, mostly to make sure the bridge wasn't breaking as I walked, I never trusted this bridge.

When I finally look up, I see the all too familiar silhouette of my best friend.


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