•Chapter 29•

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"Danielle, wouldn't you like to say hello to our guest?" Dad asks me. I look toward him with a worried look.

"Merry Christmas, mr Malfoy." He nods at me but doesn't reply.

"Merry Christmas to you too. I'm so glad that we get to be here with you today." Scorpius seems to appear from thin air.

"I can't say that I'm not surprised, I didn't even know that you were invited to this." I explain.

"Albus told me how much scorpius wanted to meet all of your cousins, so I invited the malfoy family over." Dad quickly saves.

"Oh, well I'm just here to fetch all the cousins, we're playing quidditch, and Teddy suggested that we play a regular quidditch game. That means we'll need all the cousins, and scorpius." I look toward scorpius, and he looks shocked at my words, maybe he isn't used to people including him.

"I would love to!" Scorpius exclaims and runs out the door. I look toward all my other cousins (Dominique, Louis, Victorie, Lucy, Molly II, Hugo, and Rose). They all quickly get up and walk out the door, Dominique pulling me outside by the arm.

"I'm just as surprised as you are, if I had known that they were coming, I wouldn't have shown up." Dominique giggles, which I join her in.

"Right, so while my lovely sister was taking her sweet time in calling you all, I came up with the team lists." James said loudly so everyone could hear.

"Do we even have enough brooms?" I ask him.

"Mum brought a whole lot from home, said we could use them as long as we don't break them. Perks of having a professional quidditch player as a mum."

"Right, everyone look at your position, and join your team next to the captains, aka James and myself. May the best team win." Teddy was already ready, as he had his helmet on, and a broom in hand.

"Wait!" Everyone turned to face our youngest cousin, Lucy. "Don't we need team names?"

"She's right James, and we need some kind of colors to divide the teams." Albus muttered.

"Fine, give me a minute, while you guys sort the teams out, I'll make a plan."

James runs off, leaving us all to get into teams by ourselves.

Team 1
• Teddy

• Hugo
• Domonique
• Roxanne

• Fred
• Molly

• Dani

Team 2
• James

• Louis
• Lucy
• Rose

• Albus
• Victorie

• Scorpius

Well this should be an interesting game.

A few minutes after the teams were selected, James came running back, with simple grey and pink shirts in hand. He dropped the pink shirts near Teddy and walked to his team with the grey.

I picked up a shirt and held it up, it was massive.

"James? I do believe that nobody in this family could possibly fit in this? Poor Lucy will get swallowed whole by it." I say to James.

"Just put them on, they'll shrink to the right size when you put it on." I realized he had charmed them, so I quickly put the shirt on, and took off my jumper. The shirt quickly shrank onto my skin, making it a good uniform for quidditch.

I walked over to the Brooms and got one.

"Looks like you got my absolute favorite broom." Mum says from next to me, turns out everyone had come outside to watch us play.

"I need all the luck I can get, I've never been a seeker before."

"You'll do fine, seeking is in your blood. Your dad was a seeker." She looked toward dad, who was having a conversation with uncle Charlie and malfoy.

"Hopefully I won't injure myself too badly." I mount the broom and push off, flying into the sky.

"You ready?" Teddy flew up next to me.

"Not at all, I'm in a team against both my brothers. They're the ones with the beat quidditch skills."

"Ouch! We practically grew up together and you still don't consider me a brother." He grabs his chest as if he's in pain.

"Don't be a drama queen. We established many years ago that you are my brother. I didn't mean it like that." I try explain.

"I know, I'm just messing with you." He chuckles and goes to the position he needs to be in.

"Right, we're having a clean game, and try be a little more lenient. A lot of the smaller kids are only beginners so just go easy on them. Got it." James shouts so that we all hear him. "Also Lucy has informed me that our team name is princess unicorns, what's yours then Teddy?"

"James sucks." Teddy smirked at James, and I saw how James instantly went into competition mode.

"You can't use that as a name!"

"But I just did?" Teddy laughed at the reaction that James was giving him.

"Let's just get started, everyone ready?" James shouts one last time.

"Yes boss." We all scream back at him.

"Dad if you will do the honors?" James looks down at the ground. Dad releases the two Bludgers, the Snitch and finally, the Quaffle.

As soon as the game began, all of us were on our toes, it was quite a challenge for everyone - as the space we were playing in, wasn't as big as the normal quidditch field.

I stayed in one place for a while, looking at the rest of the havoc happening, before I even attempted to get the snitch.

When I finally caught sight of the snitch, I noticed that scorpius also did, so I tried my best to zoom off as fast as I can.

I must've been a few centimeters away from actually catching the snitch, when I heard a high pitched scream, followed by shouting and gasps. When I turned around, I saw Lucy hanging onto her broom with one hand. Nobody else seemed to react as quickly as they could've when she finally let go of the broom, so I quickly zoomed down toward her to catch her, completely ignoring the game.

When I caught her, everyone stayed silent, I flew to the ground and set her down. Uncle Percy instantly came running toward her to see if she was okay.

I looked down at my hand, feeling something moving in it - how I didn't notice it before was beyond me- and there in my hand was the golden snitch.

"SHE CAUGHT THE SNITCH!" Dad screamed and ran over to me, lifting me over his shoulder in celebration. Everyone seemed to laugh at my dads excitement, but he didn't care, because even after having two boys - he finally got a girl that could live up to his quidditch legacy.

"I think that makes 'James sucks' the winner." Teddy flew to the ground - alongside James.

"You might've won, but it's only because of Dani, don't feel special." James was always a sore loser when it came to quidditch, and playing with the family was no exception.

"I think it's time for dinner everyone, let's all get inside." Grandma began packing up the chair that she had sat on when they all came outside, so she could bring everyone else inside.

This is why I need family in times that are awful, between the constant banter and laughter, there's very little room for sadness.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now