•Chapter 19•

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That morning after I had left Julie, was one of the most stressful times of my life.

When I had arrived at McGonagall's office, it took a while for me to calm down in order to tell her what happened. When I finally did, she assembled all the teachers together, and they all made their way to Where Julie was laying.

I was told to stay in McGonagall's office until further notice. I knew they found her body, and informed the school by lunch. Yes it was traumatic, but at that time, it's like all the pain and sadness that I was supposed to feel, completely disappeared.

I heard a knock on the door, as suddenly Professor Longbottom arrived. He spoke to me about her death and how it could've been anything that killed her - when I told McGonagall about it, I left out the part where Luke killed her. She said that I could take a few days off school, and if I would like, I could go home for a few days, but I declined. The last thing I would need, was to be alone at home.

He said I should stay in the office until dad got there - unfortunately both my parents were called in after news broke, of Julies death.


I can hear my dad's voice outside the office, talking to McGonagall about what happened, before he came in with mum to see me. When the door finally opened, I didn't look up from the ground. Dad came up to me and bent down in front of me. I took one look at him, and my tears started flowing. I grabbed onto him and stood there for as long as I could.

"You can come home for a few days if you want to, we can even take your brothers out, and go on a family trip, if that would be better for you." He whispers in my ear. I tried to talk but it's like my brain wouldn't let me, so I just sat in silence, while hugging him.

"Harry, I think we should take Dani and the boys home for a while." Mum says.

"If you would like to, they can go home earlier, Christmas break is only a week away, so it won't be much of a hassle for them to go now." McGonagall says.

"Thank you Professor." Dad says.

I get out of my dads embrace and look at McGonagall.

"Can I see flynn and Nick before I go?" I say in a very low voice.

"Of course dear, if you'll excuse me, I'll go get them." She walks out of the room, and closes the door behind her. Mum comes up to me and bends down, just like dad.

"What happened Dani?" She pleads as she hands me a jumper, clearly one of mine from home, the classic jumper that grandma made us all. Mine was maroon with a big letter "D".

"Can I talk another time, I don't feel like talking about it now." She smiles at me and nods, before kissing my head and walking away to look at some books, that were stacked on a bookshelf in front of me.

Suddenly the door opens and Flynn and Nick walk through it. I instantly get up and run to hug Flynn, which she kindly accepts.

No words are spoken, but I can already tell she's in as much pain as I am. She finally lets go of me, and steps back so I can hug Nick. But as I go to hug him he steps away and looks at me with a disgusted look.

I look at him with confusion written on my face. He leans in closer to me and whispers "This is your fault." Before he turns around and exits the room. I give Flynn the look that says 'go after him, he needs you more then I do.'

McGonagall walks up to my father and whispers something in his ear, before sad walks up to me.

"Your mum and I have to speak to the headmistress for a minute, could you wait outside?" I nod and walk out the door.

Where I was standing, I could still hear almost everything being said in the office, which wasn't exactly a good thing for me.

"I'm going to be straight forward about this with you, mister Potter. We don't know what happened to miss Molina, but what we do know, is that your daughter was the one to find her. Now I'm not saying she's guilty of anything, but just as a precaution, we need her off the school grounds for now."

"You can't be serious? This is Dani that you're talking about? She wouldn't hurt anyone, let alone kill her best friend."

"I'm not saying she did, but until we get more evidence, we can't rule out the fact that she could've been involved."

"Maybe she's right." Mum says, and my eyes start to water.

"Ginny?" Dad says shocked.

"We both know that she couldn't do that, but people have always done things that are out of the ordinary for them. We just can't rule it out."

"You're making my child sound like a murderer, both of you." Dad spits.

"I mean no disrespect mister Potter." McGonagall says.

I decide that it would be best if I stop listening and go pack up my things. I walk to the common room, and on the way I feel all the students looking at me.

"Hey!" I hear someone call from behind me.

I turn around and see Reggie running up to me. I stop walking and wait for him to catch up to me.

"I heard what happened to your friend, I'm very sorry." I decide in an instant that Julie's death, and almost everything in my life has become a mess since I started school, but it wasn't Reggie's fault.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." I smile slightly.

He stands there awkwardly, trying to figure out what to say to me.

"I really like this." He points at my jumper.

"My grandma made it." I say bluntly.

"She's talented."

"I should go, I have packing to do." I turn around and start walking, but he walks alongside me.

"You're leaving Hogwarts?"

"Just for now, I'll be back after the Christmas break."

"I'll see you again right?" He almost sounds desperate.

"Yeah, you will." I furrow my eyebrows and increase my pace as I walk ahead of him.

When I finally get to the common room, I see Albus and James sitting on the couch in front of the fire. As soon as they see me, they get up.

"Im fine." I say simply. I see both of their faces, wash over in worry. But I just continue up the stairs and into my dorm - I pack up all my belongings, before I lay down on my bed and decide to have a little nap, seeing as I didn't sleep at all last night.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now