•Chapter 45•

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"I should probably introduce you guys, this is Sir-" James tries to introduce us, but I interrupt him.

"I know." I say softly.

"How?" Sirius asks.

"I know all of you. I told you I'm from 1997."

"Who am I then." Remus speaks up.

"Remus Lupin."

Their faces all install drop.

"So you know who I am?" James asks.

"Yeah, I do."

"So is he your dad?" Sirius asks without any hesitation. This earns him a slap from James.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't have a filter."

"It's okay, he's a lot like my brother." Thinking instantly of how unapologetically unfiltered James had been since he was born.

"You have a brother?" Sirius interrogates once again. Suddenly, new footsteps are heard - coming toward the four boys surrounding me.

"Okay boys, don't go scaring the poor girl now. Hi, I'm -"

"Lily evans. I know" Hi there grandma. There was no mistaking her. She had fiery red hair, and the softest face I had seen at Hogwarts so far - and her eyes looked almost exactly like my fathers. The look on Lily's face, when I blurted out her name, was so funny, but I had to control my laughter.

"How does she know that." Lily whispers into Remus's ear, shocked at my knowledge but still impressed.

"She's James' daughter." He replies. Lily's face instantly drops - and turned to pure confusion, but before she could ask, James cut her off.

"We don't know that yet." James says to them. "How about we all go to dinner, and we can figure everything out after."

Everyone agrees and we all walk down to dinner together.

"I never caught your name?" Lily walks next to me.

"Danielle Potter , but everyone just calls me Dani."


"Yeah." I walk slightly faster, not wanting to have the conversation with her.

I walk next to James- who is at the front of everyone.

"It's weird meeting you when you're so young." I say quietly.

"So we are related?" He asks.

"Yeah we are."

He smiles at me, and wraps his arm around my shoulder, making me walk close to him.

We all make our way into the great hall, and sit down at the gryffindor table. I look around, trying to find Alex to see if he maybe came back already from his mission, but instead I find someone that I wasn't expecting to see.


I get up off the seat, and start to make my way over to him, as soon as he sees me, his eyes light up, and he follows me in getting up to him.

"What are you doing here, I told you to stay back?"

"I did, but when I spun the time turner it took me back too. Only, I've been here a year earlier then you have. Had to pretend that I was a transfer from Durmstrang."

"A whole year? I never thought that you could actually be trapped with us. I'm so sorry Reggie. I can't understand why you were here a year before us?"

"It's okay, I've been busy watching the death eaters in the school - making a plan for us to complete our missions. I have to say though, who knew that miss Potter could be such an actress. Really loved the performance earlier."

"Now you know how hard I'm working to get this job done, so don't screw it up for me."

"Aye aye captain." He smiles and goes to sit down again.

I go back to the gryffindor table, and again everyone is staring at me.

"Who is that?" James asks me as I sit down next to him.

"I thought he died when I left, but he somehow got here too. I asked him if he was okay, and he said I should continue with the task I was given." I explain, not batting an eyelid at how crazy it all sounded.

"Oh, okay."

We continued the feast for a little while, until someone I didn't know, showed up, and sat down next to lily, who was directly in front of me.

"Sorry I'm late, had to finish some homework."

"It's okay Pete, we want you to meet someone, this is dani, I think she'll be staying for a little while."

He looked confused as to why I was here, but waved at me nonetheless. I didn't know who it was, so I leaned over and asked James.

"Peter Pettigrew, he's one of my best friends. I'm surprised you didn't know him, but knew Remus and Sirius."

"Traitor." I whispered, looking Peter directly in his eyes. His eyes instantly widened, while he seemed to deflate in his chair.

"What was that?" James asked me with a sweet voice.

"Nothing." I kept starting at Peter, but decided to not bring up what Peter was going to do in the next few years.

"So Danielle, you single?" Sirius winks.

"Really dude, she's James' daughter." Remus groans, while slapping Sirius over the head.

"We don't know that for sure." I knew that James was almost dying to know, but he was afraid of actually asking me.

We finished the feast pretty quickly, and soon I was being escorted to Dumbledores office, by James, while McGonagall walked behind us.

"Don't be nervous, he probably just wants to know why you're here." I nodded at James, and as much as I wanted to pretend that I wasn't scared, I was honestly dreading this meeting.

Dumbledore had obviously been a wizard that was highly respected and for good reason, so I couldn't help but feel as though I was completely betraying him.

James pushed open the large door to his office, after we climbed the stairs.

"Miss Potter, I am rather delighted that you could make it. Please do have a seat."

Dumbledores voice wasn't at all what I was expecting. It was so much friendlier then I had imagined, which definitely helped calm me down.

I sat on the chair opposite his desk, and luckily James sat next to me, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I have to ask before we start, is mr Potter of any relation to you?"

I knew that typically you're not supposed to expose yourself as a member of someone's family - if it's a time that they don't know who you are, but screwing up everything a little more, might not be such a bad thing.

"Yes sir, I'm his daughter." I lie straight through my teeth.

I look at James to see his reaction, and obviously he's stunned.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now