•Chapter 25•

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I turn around and see Reggie standing in front of me. He is wearing the jumper that I sent him, which means that Luke and Alex probably also got theirs.

"What?" I ask him, already knowing what he's going to say. It was blatantly obvious that malfoy was lying, but I guess this just confirms it.

"You forget I can hear your thoughts." He walks past me and up the steps toward uncle George's office. "You coming?" I'm surprised by his confidence, but I do prefer it over how he usually is when the other two boys are around.

When we enter the office, I close the door - so we aren't interrupted, and when I turn around I see Reggie sitting on uncle George's chair - with his legs up on the desk.

"Make yourself at home." I smile sarcastically at him. I make my way to the other chairs in front of the desk and sit down.

"So what are we doing here?"

"I know you were there, that night. I know you saw what Luke did. I do know you don't want to talk about it, but we have to."

"Why do we have to? I already know what you're gonna say. Luke's innocent and he didn't kill Julie, it was all in my imagination."

"Actually that's the complete opposite of what I'm saying. Luke did kill her, he's anything but innocent. But he had to do it, I've known him for a while, everything he does, is done because he needs to do it in order to survive."

"He killed an innocent girl, because he needed to survive?" I angrily assume.

"When you put it that way it sounds bad. But I guess that is one way to put it. I know you know more then anyone thinks you do. But you're going to get yourself killed if you don't stop looking. Fitley told me you visited her a few weeks ago. How did you even get into our room?"

"I was looking for answers, Luke walked through a wall and so I tried the same thing and that's where it lead me."

"Thats where it lead you? I mean I guess when you don't know what you we're supposed to be looking for it would've been hard to visualise."

"Why are you talking as if you already knew I was there?"

"Because I did. After we all left, I stayed behind to check on you, I saw you staring at the wall but nothing was happening. So I gave you a push." He smiles widely.

"You were the voice?" I ask in shock.

"In the flesh, well not actually in the flesh but you get it."

"But when I looked around, nobody was there?"

"Do you not remember what we said that night? We're ghosts! Alex, Luke and I, were all ghosts. It's why malfoy didn't want to tell the truth, he has a very guilty conscience when it comes to us three boys."

"Wait! You're actually ghosts? I knew it was a possibility, but I never thought it would be true."

"Yeah it's a lot to take in, but right now, I need to be honest with you, because if I don't. You could end up getting killed. So you can ask me whatever you want. I'll answer honestly."

"Why does Draco have a guilty conscience?"

"He was the reason for all of our deaths. Some were more indirect then others, but overall he's the main reason. I was the first to go, I was born in 1983 - Draco was only 4 years older then me, and he was my role model. He also happened to be my cousin, my mother and his mother were sisters."

"Your mother is Bellatrix?"

"Unfortunately yes. I was 14 when things started going south. Obviously that was the time that everything seemed to be falling apart in the wizarding world. At that time in the war, the ministry was capturing anyone who knew anything about death eaters, seeing as I was the son of Bellatrix Lastrange, I was on their radar. Dracos father, wanted to turn all suspicious away from his family, in any way possible, and the only way he could think of, was to sacrifice someone who knew things about the death eaters, but not enough to actually rat anyone out. That person happened to be me. Lucius asked my mother if he could do it to me, she said yes because to quote her "I would give up any son of mine to serve the dark lord". They tortured me - to get information on the whereabouts of the death eaters, but I didn't know where they were, I barely even saw my parents, let alone knew about what they were doing. I eventually died from starvation and blood loss. Wasn't a fun experience, but it was much less fun coming back and witnessing what they did after I was dead. I was there when the battle of Hogwarts happened, I watched so many innocent people die. My whole life I went on thinking that the death eater life was for me, but I only realized after I was dead that the death eaters only serve one person, and they will sacrifice anyone for him, if need be."

I sit there in complete shock and disgust. How can a mother give her only child away to be killed in such a horrific way, especially Reggie - he's such a sweet guy. He really didn't deserve that.

"Thanks." He smiles at me.

"I keep forgetting you can read my mind."

We both laugh, when someone enters the room, I watch Reggie's face, as it fills with fear. I turn around to see uncle George looking very confused.

"I didn't know you had a friend here, sorry about that."

"Don't worry, he just came to check on me. This is Reggie by the way." I look back at Reggie with a smile.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you, I just wanted to let Dani know that we're all leaving in 5 minutes, so be ready to pack up, thanks bye!" He closes the door and hurry's away.

"Is there any chance, we could talk another day?" I ask Reggie, he smiles at me and nods.

"I can come down to the burrow tomorrow, we can talk then." He gets up off the chair and makes his way to the door, as I do the same. "I'll be there at 10am."

"See you then." I smile once again, and he suddenly disappears into thin air. "I really have to get used to the ghost thing."

I walk out the shop and join everyone downstairs, so we can lock up.


Hey everyone, so as the new year is coming in, I've decided to take a break from writing until the 10th of January, just because I have things that I need to do, and quite honestly - I don't have any more time to write chapters. But when Jan 10th comes, there will be updates every day, Just like usual. If you also are reading the imagines book, there will probably still be updates on that one, because I've already pre-written quite a few of them.

But for now, happy new year, and I'll see you soon.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now