•Chapter 44•

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Although I knew that James was my grandfather, it was strange calling him that. He was clearly only a few years older then I was, so I just stuck with calling him James.

As James picked me up, and helped me walk to McGonagall, it finally set in that I was with him. He asked me a few questions on the way, but I didn't answer any of them, not really wanting to talk to him just yet — as I needed to focus on the mission at hand.

When we reached McGonagalls office - which wasn't the headmasters office, I quickly realized- it seemed like she was somehow expecting James to show up, but wasn't expecting him to be carrying a bloodied kid with him.

"Mr Potter? What's happened?" She said in her all to familiar voice. She had gotten up from her desk and made her way to the door, where James and I were standing.

"I honestly don't know Professor, I found her in the courtyard."

"She isn't the victim of one of your pranks I assume."

"No, we wouldn't do something like this." A deeper voice says from behind James and I turn around and see a guy, with longer black hair, wearing a gryffindor uniform. He must've been one of grandpas friends, but if he was Remus or Sirius, I had no idea.

"My dear, do you go to Hogwarts?" McGonagall asks me, after she examines me, knowing that I wasn't one of her students.

"Yes, but not now." I could tell everyone was confused by my choice of words - which was the point.

"What do you mean?" McGonagall took off her glasses, staring at me intently.

"I'm not from now, I'm from the future." I could hear, James friend snort at my words, which caused James to glare at him.

"I'm sorry my dear, but that doesn't make sense." McGonagall tried to be as nice as she could, but unfortunately in this situation she was just as confused as everyone else.

"I'm from 1998. Dumbledore sent me back here to find out information, but just as I was about to leave, there was another explosion."

"Another explosion?" James asked.

"Mr Potter, I think this is a matter that the headmaster and I should handle, you and mr black can go now." Ah so it was Sirius behind me.

"With all due respect Professor, I am head boy, I think this should involve me too, seeing as how I am also a member of gryffindor."

"Alright then. I think we should all go see Professor Dumbledore, he will know what to do." She walked out the door, which James and I followed after her, but James quickly said goodbye before walking with us to Dumbledores office.

All of a sudden, Professor McGonagall turns around to face us again. She seems to inspect me once again.

"I can only imagine how displeased Professor Dumbledore will be if we show up with our guest covered in blood, Potter take her to the prefects bathroom - let her clean up and then we'll go see Professor Dumbledore after the feast tonight."

"Where should I get her some clothes?"

"Ask Miss evens if she has some extra clothes for miss- I'm sorry dear I didn't catch your name." McGonagall turns to me again.

"Danielle Potter."  I could feel the tension rise - specificity from James, as I said these words.

"Oh, alright." McGonagall seemed at a loss for words. "Ask lily for some clothes for miss Potter."

Without another word, McGonagall walks away, leaving a socked James, and I standing alone.

"I don't think you would like it in the prefects bathroom, it's a little too overdone, hopefully you'll be okay with cleaning up in my dorm room?" James was nervous, but I pretended not to notice, as I nodded at his suggestion.

We walked up to the gryffindor tower and entered, obviously the common room was filled with people, who all turned to look at me, when James let me through. Suddenly a girl with orange hair runs up to James and pulls him away, a little, giving me a look every few seconds. I leave them to talk for a little while.

"Let's go." James ushers me upstairs, and into, what I can only assume, is his room. "The showers in there, lily will bring you some clothes, and then we can go down for dinner."

"Okay." I said in a small voice, while I walk toward the bathroom.

"Hey!" James calls out for me, "I promise I'll be there for you if you need me." I nod at him, and give a small smile, before a close the bathroom door, and install drip my act.

I strip down, and get in the shower, making sure to put the envelope on the sink, so it won't get lost in the dirty clothes.

Once I've washes the dirt and blood off my body, I get out the shower, and wrap a towel around myself. I decide while I wait for lily to bring me clothes, I'll see what the envelope says.

I grab the small letter, after drying my hands. I tear open the tiny wax seal - and open the actual contents. My heart drops at the name written on the paper.

James Potter

A knock on the door interrupts my shock.

"Danielle? I have some clothes here for you." James voice is heard through the door.

I take a second to re-emerge myself into the 'role' I had been playing previously, and open the door slightly.

I see James standing there with a warm smile on his face, but when I look behind him, I see two guys standing there, looking at me with shock. One I've already found out was Sirius, and the other one had to be Remus - who also happened to be my step-brothers (Teddy) father.

"Here you go, hopefully they're okay, I just asked lily to get you something comfortable." He hands over a pile of clothes with a pair of converse (that were extremely old, but also really new). I smile at him, give a small thank you, and close the door once again. I could hear muffled whispers as I closed the door, but ignored them anyway.

I quickly changed into the clothes, which were some black sweat pants, and a loose white tshirt - with the Beatles logo on it.

I opened the bathroom door one last time, and walk out, I see the three boys sitting on the bed closest to the door, and they all stand up when I walk out.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now