•Chapter 63•

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Fifth year - 2021

"I'm so delighted to see you all back, and ready to endings yourselves in knowledge, in the upcoming year. Now, as a lot of you probably would've seen, we have three boys who are desperately waiting to get sorted into their Hogwarts houses, so I suggest we get that over and done with."

McGonagall makes her way back to the sorting hat, picks it up, and smiles at the three boys.

"Alexander Malfoy." She smiles. Alex walks up to the chair, and prepares himself for his second sorting."

"Malfoy? I do believe there is some Slytherin blood in you, and although you were sorted into Hufflepuff, you're actions have definitely shaped you into someone new. GRYFFINDOR!" The hat announces.

Everyone In gryffindor stands up, shouting words of encouragement as Alex makes his way toward me. I give him a massive hug before sitting down with him at my side once again.

"Reginald Weasley." After Reggie moved in last year, he was officially adopted my grandma and grandpa, he officially accepted the inevitable name change - to officially become a weasley.

He skips up to the chair, siting down - already knowing what he would be sorted into, after the gryffindor sword lent itself to him last year, it was clear as day.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted once again.

Reggie skips over to the seat across from Alex and I, and sits down with a huge smile.

"And finally, Lukas Longbottom."

As soon as Luke's name is read, Professor Longbottom gets up, and exclaims loudly, showing his support for his brother - which makes Luke red as a tomato. He hesitates sitting down - scared to be placed in Slytherin once again.

"You have changed over the last year, it's hard to say why exactly you have, but you do believe that the change has been for the better. While I do believe you'll do outstanding things in Slytherin, gryffindor is right for you. GRYFFINDOR!" I stand up, clapping and shouting, at Luke's success to change his house. It was something that all three boys were scared of.

They thought that they would have the same houses as they did before, but after what they had gone through, they all deserved the spot in gryffindor.

"Hey Dani, did you know you have really pretty eyes." Luke says to me, making Reggie and Alex laugh at his flirting attempt. I stare at him, giving him a glare.

"Hello gryffindor people." Nick shouts, bringing his plate, setting it down between Alex and I, and squishing between us.

"Yes, hello gryffindors." Flynn squishes between Reggie and Luke, who are sitting opposite us.

"So what are we talking about." Nick asks while shoving a heaping spoon of mash into his mouth.

"Luke is flirting with Dani again." Alex looks at nick - his cheeks slightly red at the sight of the other blond boy.

"Oh dear, you really haven't learnt that she kinda hates you yet?" Flynn pulls a sad face at Luke, making him huff.

"I'll make her fall for me one day, don't worry." He smirks at me, which causes me to roll my eyes.

"Keep dreaming, Longbottom."

"I will, future Longbottom."

He winks at me, and continues to annoy me throughout the rest of dinner.

Sixth year - 2022

"I can't believe you haven't told me yet!" I exclaim.

"Well I'm telling you now aren't I?" Flynn shrugs.

"Still, it's strange that you like him, I didn't expect him to be your type."

"And what about him isn't my type?"

"The fact that he's technically 39." She slaps my arm, as we both continue our dissection of a mandrake.

"Hello dear brother!" Someone yells from the front of the class.

"Luke you can't just barge in here, especially not when I have a lesson going on." Professor Longbottom sighs.

"I'm only here to escort my lovely girlfriend to her next class."

"I'm not your girlfriend Luke." I say, not looking up from my desk.

"Fine, my future girlfriend."

"Get out, Luke." Professor Longbottom laughs at his brothers lame attempt to flirt. Luke sighs before walking out of the class - making everyone in the class laugh.

A few minutes go by, and finally the lesson is finished.

"Alright, well done today, tomorrow we will be exploring some advantages and disadvantages of gillyweed - please bring your textbooks as well. Dani?"

I look up at him.

"Good luck with Luke." The whole class laughs again, knowing that Luke is definitely waiting outside the door. I shove my hands only my face, and groan as were all dismissed.

I grab my things and try and make my way out of class without Luke seeing me, but of course he does.

He grabs my bag, and pulls it over his shoulder.

"Miss me?" He smirks.

"I will hex you."

"Fine, I'll back off."

"Hey there." Alex joins us, as we all make our way to transfiguration.

"Hey." I sigh.

"Is he annoying you again?" Alex says loudly, making sure Luke hears.

"As always. How's nick." I smirk at him. He instantly blushes and looks down.

"Shut up." He mumbles.

"I hate divination, I don't know why I took it." Reggie moans as he joins our line.

"I thought you had a knack for divination?" I ask.

"I do, it's just that being in a room with a teacher who is almost as insane as they come - and being able to read their mind - is not fun." He groans.

"Supposedly she fantasizes about Professor Longbottom all the time." Alex explains.

"Ewww, what do people even see in him."

"Of course you wouldn't see it, you're his brother." I nudge his arm.

"Still, I should be the one that everyone drools over, not my 100 year old brother."

"You just don't have the charm that he does." Alex says, shrugging off his statement, not realizing he just admitted to liking Luke's brother.

"You sick bastard." He says to Alex before turning to me. "I'm afraid I can't carry your bag for a few minutes, would you mind holding it while I kill a certain blond."

"No problem on my end."

I grab my bag and watch as Luke chases Alex around the halls.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon