Imagine #43

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Imagine it's your Birthday and you think everyone had forgotten it, including Kylo Ren.

(A/N: Since it's my Birthday today (Feb. 12th), I've decided to do a Birthday imagine for you all.)

Today's a very special day for you. It's your Birthday. You were so excited that you're turning (y/a) and see what was planned for your Birthday in the First Order, especially since you're the apprentice and girlfriend to the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Kylo Ren.

Kylo became your boyfriend after he met you in the First Order dining area when you got your tray of food and you accidentally bumped into him, almost knocking your food off your tray and onto him. You apologized to him and he forgave you. He was so mesmerized by your (e/c) eyes and your beautiful facial features, he convinced you to eat with him and you both got to know each other. Eventually, you both became very close and he asked you to be his official girlfriend and apprentice after he became the new Supreme Leader of the First Order. You didn't hesitate to say 'yes' after that.

You were walking down the hallways of the First Order Base, heading towards the Bridge to meet with Kylo. For some reason, while you were walking down the hallways, no one, not even the high rank officers that walked by, didn't stop to say 'Happy Birthday' to you, which was confusing. 'Maybe they're just tired.' You thought to yourself.

When you got to the Bridge, you saw Kylo standing at the center of the Bridge, with his hands behind his back, observing everyone. You walked towards him, with a smile on your face. While you were walking, the same thing happened. No one didn't say 'Happy Birthday' to you. 'This is really strange.' You thought to yourself again.

You approached him and said, "Good morning, Kylo." He turned around and saw you and said back, "Good morning, (y/n)." It took you by surprise that he didn't say 'Happy Birthday' to you. But you didn't want to remind him because he knew what day your Birthday was and he never forgets it. But since he didn't say it this time, you thought you could give him some hints to make sure he didn't forget.

"So, Kylo, today's a very special day today. Can you guess what it is?" You asked, in a flirtatious tone, as you, slowly, took both of Kylo's gloved hands and held them. Kylo looked at you, confused. "It is, (y/n)?" "Can you guess, my very handsome Supreme Leader?" You asked, continuing to sound flirtatious.

Kylo looked as if he was thinking. It took a few seconds for him to think until he finally spoke. "Oh, I know what it is today, (y/n)." He said. You were starting to get excited. "Today is our very important meeting of the First Order." Kylo said. That was the moment when you felt your heart split in two. Your smile faded away as you let go of Kylo's gloved hands.

"A-A meeting, Kylo?" You asked, stuttering a bit. "Yes, (y/n). In fact, I was just about to tell General Hux that we have to leave right now to get ready for the important meeting." Kylo said. Then, he turned towards General Hux, who was talking to one of the lieutenants nearby. "General Hux, it's time to get ready for that important meeting." Kylo said, out loud, making General Hux turn to his direction. General Hux excused the lieutenant and he walked towards you and Kylo. "Ah, yes, Supreme Leader. We should head down to our very important meeting." General Hux said. Then, he glanced at you. "Good day, (y/n)." He said, and, then, he walked towards the exit of the Bridge.

After General Hux left, Kylo looked down at you and said, "I'm sorry I have to leave in a rush, (y/n). I'll see you later." Then, he placed a kiss on top of your head and left the Bridge, leaving you standing in the middle of the Bridge, shocked and hurt. "They all forgot my Birthday." You muttered, quietly, as a couple of tears fell down your cheeks.

It was already the worst day of your life. You couldn't believe that everyone, including Kylo, your own boyfriend, had forgotten your Birthday. Your heart was aching and you felt like you couldn't move your body for a moment. But, then, you left the Bridge to go for a walk around the First Order Base since everyone else was busy and you had nothing else to do.

Twenty minutes had gone by and you were still walking down the hallways of the First Order Base. Almost everyone, except the Stormtroopers, were gone, which was confusing to you. "I wish everyone remembered it was my Birthday." You said to yourself.

All of a sudden, you exclaimed when you felt something hit your heel from behind you. It scared you for a brief second, but, then, you turned around and saw no one behind you. Then, you felt the same thing that your ankle again. This time, you looked down and saw a mouse droid next to your feet. It was beeping as it kept bumping into your heel. "Probably malfunctioning." You muttered.

As you were about to bend down and pick up the mouse droid to take to the mechanic to get it fixed, the mouse droid rolled around you and it sped off. "What's it doing?" You asked, as you ran after it.

You chased the mouse droid for a minute until you found it bumping into a pair doors, looking like it's trapped to go anywhere. You stopped behind it to make sure that it wasn't gonna leave this time. "Finally I caught up to you, little mouse droid." You said.

But, then, out of nowhere, both the doors in front of you opened and it revealed something you weren't expecting. "Surprise!" You heard many voices shouting as you looked up and saw almost everyone of the First Order inside the large conference room.

You had the biggest surprised smile on your face when you saw everyone, balloons, presents, and a cake in the room. You walked in and everyone started greeting you with 'Happy Birthday, (y/n)' and either shaking your hand or giving you a quick hug. You said 'thank you' to them for their kind gesture.

When you saw Kylo, who was smiling, at the end of the table, you ran towards him and you embraced him in a tight hug. Kylo laughed as he wrapped his arms around you, lifted you up, and spun you around. You giggled as he set you back down.

"You did all of this for my Birthday?" You asked Kylo. "Of course I did, (y/n). How could I forget your Birthday? I wanted to make it special for you, so I had to make everyone act as if they had forgotten it so I can surprise you later." Kylo explained. You, playfully, smacked his upper arm and said, "Don't you ever scare me like that again. I thought everyone, including you, had actually forgot about my Birthday."

Kylo looked down at you, with puppy eyes. "I know I shouldn't have done that. Can you forgive me, darling?" He asked, with a pouty look. You giggled at the look on his face, even though the eyes were starting to creep you out a bit. "Of course I'll forgive, Kylo." You answered. Kylo chuckled afterwards.

"This whole party is wonderful, Kylo. I'm so happy that you did this." You said, as you observed everyone in the room. "I'm glad you like it, (y/n)." Kylo said, as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. You turned around and faced him, with you hands resting on his arms. "How did I get so lucky to have a boyfriend like you?" Kylo chuckled and answered, playfully, "I don't know. Just lucky, I guess?" You giggled at his response. "I love you, Kylo Ren." You said, while smiling. "I love you too and Happy Birthday, (y/n) (y/l/n)." Kylo said back, while smiling, as he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, with his eyes closed. You sighed, happily, as you closed your eyes and kissed him back.

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