Imagine #12

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Imagine you are a child scavenger and Kylo Ren finds you and feels like he needs to take care of you.


One evening, you came back to your small hut near Niiama Outpost very late after a long, hot day of scavenging on the planet, Jakku. Your little hands were sore with scratches on your fingers. Your feet were aching from the long walk. Even one of your shoes ripped apart after stepping on a cactus and it made it worse for your foot.

You walked over to your bed with only one raggedy blanket and sat down, feeling exhausted, sweaty, hungry, and sad.

You were abandoned by your parents when you were three years old. You were on your own for awhile until you met an old woman, who you called "Nana", took you under her wing. She fed, cleaned, and clothed you. She even helped clean some of the things that you've scavenged. She took care of you for a few months until she died unexpectedly.

You were now five years old and you've been on your own once again. You couldn't trust anyone to take care of you, not even Unkar Plutt. There were times that other scavengers stole some of the stuff you've scavenged and they wouldn't help you, even if you were hurt. After that, you couldn't trust anyone and it hurt you even more. You wanted a family so bad and you also wanted to leave Jakku.

You were eating the pieces of bread that you received, poorly, from Unkar Plutt after you were done for the evening when you, suddenly, heard shouting and the sound of firing. You peaked through the curtains of your small hut and you saw what was going on.

All you could see were these figures in white armor firing their weapons and some people scrambling around, running and screaming. Then, you saw a black figure with a black and silver mask. You were immediately frightened at the sight of the figure.

While that was going on outside, you remained inside your hut, holding your legs close to your chest, feeling scared. All you did was hear the commotion from outside of your hut and you hoped that it would go away so you wouldn't be scared anymore. But most importantly, you hoped that nobody wouldn't enter your hut.

But, then, you saw the curtains open and you could see who it was. It was the figure in black with the black and silver mask. You, quickly, hid your face between your knees, with your body shaking and feeling even more scared.

For a few seconds, the black figure did nothing. You glanced up and you could see the black figure kneeled down at your height, staring at you. With the mask up close, it scared you even more. You began to cry, softly.

Then, you heard a hissing sound. You looked up and you saw the black figure removing his mask, revealing his true human face. He looked at you like he was worried about you or something. "Don't be scared, little one. I'm not going to hurt you." He said. You looked up more, with tears running down your cheeks.

"W-Who are you?" You asked. The man looked confused for a brief second until he answered, "I am Kylo Ren, Commander of the First Order. What is your name, little one?" "(y/n)." You answered, quietly. "Where is your family, (y/n)?" Kylo asked. But you didn't answer. Instead, you looked down, sadly. "Do you have any parents?" Kylo asked. You, slowly, shook your head. Then, Kylo looked at the pieces of bread and your skinny body. "Are you hungry?" You nodded, desperately.

You looked up and you could see Kylo looking to the side. You were confused on what he was looking at. Then, Kylo looked at you and said, "(y/n), how would you like to leave this horrible planet and come with me to the Finalizer?" You were surprised, briefly, but, then, you shook your head, feeling nervous about his offer since you didn't trust anyone. "I can give you food and I can take care of you. It'll be your new home." Kylo added, as he held his gloved hand out towards you.

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