[6] Same Situation

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so uh sorry to ask, but anyone who are still rooting for Nako and Hitomi here? I was thinking if I could make this as Hyewon x Blaire x Chaeyeon. Comments?


"I mean, You look really pretty." Hyewon says and Blaire blushes a little and replies- "But you're way more pretty than me." Blaire says and Hyewon chuckles.

"I know that but don't try to change the topic about me." Hyewon says and then Chaeyeon arrives with Yujin, Chaewon and Eunbi.

"Hi." The three waves to Blaire while Hyewon crosses her arms as she moves to make a space for Chaewon and Eunbi, and so does Blaire.

"Are you korean?" Yujin asks and Blaire shakes her head no. "Oh don't worry I speak english." Yujin says in english and Blaire smiles warmly to her.

"You look cute." Yujin says while Hyewon and Chaewon facepalms. "Not today, Yujin." Chaewon whispers and Yujin just laughs it away..

"So uh, I gathered you all here since I will be needing a  few waitresses here. Our boss left it to me as she said that there's an emergency from her parents." Hyewon says and the others nods.

"I need you guys so-"

"We're in." Eunbi cuts her and Hyewon claps her hand it excitement. "oh and for Blaire.." Hyewon says as he rubs her chin..

"There are foreigners who comes here and If you don't mind, Can you handle them?" Hyewon asks and Blaire nods without hesitation. "Nice."

Yujin then scoots a little closer to Blaire. "If you have any questions, just ask me. Alright?" Yujin whispers and it bothered Chaeyeon a little and pulls Yujin away..

"Excuse me and Yujin. We'll just talk about something." Chaeyeon says, faking a smile while dragging Yujin with her..

"So how's Korea so far?" Chaewon asks the foreign girl and Blaire flashes a thumbs up as she drinks her water... Eunbi then looks at Blaire, eyes scanning and says..

"You're similar to my ex crush." Eunbi says and Blaire chokes on her water..

"H-How?" Blaire manages to ask as she proceeds to cough.. "Well you don't know her anyways, Her name's Luna. She's always flashing her thumbs like its a habit of hers." Eunbi says and drinks her water.

"Oh you mean Bae Luna?" Blaire asks and Eunbi chokes on her water..

"Why is everyone choking?" Chaewon says and Blaire laughs a little.

"Anyways, You know Luna? As in Wonyoung's girlfriend?" Chaewon asks and Blaire nods. "She's the one assigned to tour me around Korea. Since I'm just an exchanged student from Canada." Blaire explains and Chaewon hums.

Eunbi looks at Hyewon, who was fixing the plates in the counter but Eunbi caught her staring at Blaire...

Chaewon looks at Chaeyeon and Yujin, but caught the side of Chaeyeon's eyes looking at Blaire.

"This brings me back when I had a crush to Luna." Chaewon and Eunbi thought..

"When we were fighting over Luna and then here we are.."

"Same situation."

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